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A Cordial Invitation

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NeutralA Cordial Invitation
Start Executor Nizrek
End Executor Nizrek
Level 80 (Requires 80)
Category Azj-Kahet
Rewards 11g 70s
Next N [80] Knives in the Dark


Spread word of the Vizier's announcement within the City of Threads.


It is clear to me now that my time as the Vizier is drawing to a close. The nature of my service to Azj-Kahet must change. To that end, I have one final task to ask of you, <name>.

You have done a great deal of work in the City of Threads since your arrival. No doubt your reputation now precedes you. Seek out our allies within the city and ask them to congregate in the Umbral Bazaar. I have a message prepared for them all.


You will receive:

  • 11g 70s


Move expeditiously, friend. We do not have much time.


You've gathered quite a crowd. Excellent.

Notes and trivia

On inviting Ar'syn:

Ar'syn says: Well, far be it from me to refuse the invitation of one of the city's preeminent rabble-rousers. Consider my attendance guaranteed.

On inviting Orator Tx'itk:

Orator Tx'itk says: The Vizier? You keep splendid company. Very well, then. I'll make my way there.

On inviting Rakva:

Rakva says: Oho? The Vizier isn't usually one for grand statements. This should make for some some excellent gossip.



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External links