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Personal Pilfering

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NeutralPersonal Pilfering
Start Spindle
End Widow Arak'nai
Level 80 (Requires 80)
Category City of Threads
Experience 12,200
Rewards 750x [Kej]
35x [Kej]
23g 40s
Previous N [80] Saving Private Spindle


Find 3 pieces of Incriminating Evidence in Meesk's Retreat.


<The little spider looks around the room, each of her eyes narrowing.

You recall The Weaver telling you to retrieve evidence to blackmail Meesk.

But it appears as though ransacking Meesk's storage is now personal for Spindle.>


You will receive:


Well, my morsel? Did you find anything of note?


I see you've returned my Spindle to me. And some rather interesting bits of evidence, to boot.

It seems that varlet Meesk has leveraged a willingness to slander his betters in order to gain the favor of Ansurek and her ilk. Not only is his power growing by the day, but it does so at the expense of Queen Neferess' legacy.

Well, that simply will not stand. Return to me soon, my little morsel. I need some time to concoct our next course of action.


Collect  [Incriminating Dagger],  [Incriminating Script] and  [Incriminating Journal Entry], the journal entry says:

Meesk the Venomtongue says: Please do give the Queen my regards for the very generous donation. My libelous lips feel more limber already.
Meesk the Venomtongue says: So long as such charitable offerings continue to find their way to my coffers, I shall continue to shout the Queen's praises far and wide-- and likewise ensure that the name Neferess is forever stained.



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