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Executor Nizrek

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NeutralExecutor Nizrek
Image of Executor Nizrek
Title <Word of the Queen>,
<The Vizier>
Gender Male
Race Nerubian sage (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) The Vizier, Severed Threads
Location City of Threads, Azj-Kahet
Status Alive

Executor Nizrek, codenamed the Vizier, is one of the three leaders of the Severed Threads conspiracy, the other two being Widow Arak'nai (the Weaver) and Anub'azal (the General). He leads a titular subfaction, the Vizier, and is found in the City of Threads.


After hearing word that an overcrawler had made treaties with the Weaver and the General, Nizrek sent an invitation to Arak'nai to meet them and noted that Anduin Wrynn was in his custody. After arriving in the City of Threads, Anduin revealed that he was brought before Nizrek after he was captured in Hallowfall, who explained what was happening in Azj-Kahet.[1] Nizrek pretended to be one of Queen Ansurek's loyal confidants, but was secretly horrified by what she had done. Upon hearing the Widow's desire to stop Xal'atath and free Ansurek from her influence, Nizrek revealed that Ansurek made her decisions without Xal'atath's interference and believed she must be eliminated as well. Their meeting was interrupted by Alleria Windrunner, who took aim at Nizrek, but Anduin talked her down.[2] Nizrek informed them that they had gathered today because it was Ascendance Day, a new holiday Queen Ansurek ordained to revel in their newfound, void-infused evolution. The streets had been lined with shadecasters spewing propaganda about ascending, so he gave them a device that would overwrite their messages.[3] After sabotaging the shadecasters, Alleria, Anduin, and the adventurer decided to observe Ansurek's speech, while Nizrek provided a set of getaway fliers to escape.[4] With Nizrek in the fold, Arak'nai held a conference with him and Anub'azal, formally establishing the triumvirate as the Severed Threads.[5] Nizrek then sent Tulumun to represent him in the Weaver's Lair.

Tulumun tasked adventurers with assassinating Izo, the Grand Splicer in order to end the ascension process.[6] After killing the queen's spies within the City of Threads, Nizrek was able to help them access the Transformatory, but was caught by the Fangs of the Queen. The Fangs were quickly dispatched before anyone could discover his treachery and he opened the way into Transformatory, allowing them to complete their mission. Tulumun also tasked them with stopping Ki'katal the Harvester, the nerubian in charge of excavating Black Blood from Ara-Kara, City of Echoes.[7]

When Lilian Voss, Y'tekhi, and an adventurer planted shadecasters across the City of Threads, Nizrek remarked that the Umbral Bazaar was oddly devoid of any ascended.[8]

When Nizrek caught word that the citizens of the Burrows were afflicted by a malady, he had an accomplice dose them with a potion to strengthen them and curtail the outbreak.[9] His actions did not go unnoticed and he was tracked down by one of Ansurek's assassins. The accomplice quickly disposed of them, while Nizrek refused to be intimidated and continued his work.[10]

After adventurers subdued Neferess at the Priory of the Sacred Flame, Nizrek arrived to bring her back to the Weaver's Lair to see if they could salvage anything of the former queen and thanked them for sparing her life.[11]

When the Severed Threads and their allies mounted an assault on Nerub-ar Palace, Nizrek informed adventurers that their way into Ansurek's inner sanctum was through the queen herself. If they were able to cause enough havoc, her ego would force her to confront them herself. After Ansurek was killed, Nizrek and the other leaders of the Severed Threads arrived to thank the overcrawlers for their aid in ending the queen's madness and noted that their alliance must remain a secret for now.




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