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Image of Anub'azal
Title <Lord of Heritage Forces>,
<The General>
Gender Male
Race Nerubian spiderlord (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) The General, Severed Threads
Location Weaver's Lair, Azj-Kahet
Status Deceased
Companion(s) Anub'okki, Isanyx

Anub'azal, codenamed the General, is one of the three leaders of the Severed Threads conspiracy, the other two being Widow Arak'nai (the Weaver) and Executor Nizrek (the Vizier). He leads a titular subfaction, the General, and is found in the Siegehold.


General Anub'azal once led the armies of Azj-Kahet during Queen Neferess' reign but was deposed after Ansurek seized the throne. She replaced him with Zev'kall, an ascended loyal to Xal'atath, and began to fill the army's ranks with ascended.[1] Spurned that he was replaced, Anub'Azal used his remaining influence to undermine Zev'kall. He issued conflicting orders at Rak-Zakaz that allowed a group of prisoners to escape, shaming Zev'kall.[2][3] His actions were discovered by an adventurer, who came to Siegehold to try and recruit him for Widow Arak'nai's conspiracy.[4] He decided to use them in his plot against Zev'kall and offered Monte Gazlowe as a gesture of goodwill.[5] Anub'azal gave them his pheromones to grant them safe passage into Siegehold[6] and tasked them with acquiring blackmail on Zev'kall and assassinating his lackeys.[7][8] While looking for blackmail, they discovered through Zev'kall's logs that he was wasting nerubian lives and they had to put a stop to it. As an ascended, Zev'kall could not produce his own pheromones and was forced to use Anub'azal's. The General tasked them with acquiring the false pheromones, in exchange he would aid them in freeing the remaining prisoners in Siegehold.[9][10]

After they allied themselves with Executor Nizrek, Widow Arak'nai held a conference with him and Anub'azal, formally establishing the triumvirate as the Severed Threads.[11] Anub'azal then sent Anub'okki to represent him in the Weaver's Lair. He also assigned Vix'aron and Kish'nal to restore Rak-Ush, the swarmery, in order to support the war campaign.[12]

When Lilian Voss, Y'tekhi, and an adventurer planted shadecasters across the City of Threads, Anub'azal noted that the army was mobilizing for war and that he was not informed.[13]

Anub'azal tasked Anub'okki with bringing Zev'kall's logbook to the historians in the Skeins, but his assistant went missing, so he asked an accomplice to find him.[14] They learned that Anub'okki was killed by one of Zev'kall's assassins, but they left the logbook to taunt the General. Anub'azal was furious over Anub'okki's death and noted that he was a brave warrior and promising student and his loss would be felt by both him and the Heritage Force. He promised to avenge his disciple but needed time to consider how to best do it and returned to Siegehold.[15] He assigned Aspirant Kiipka to resume Anub'okki's duties within the Widow's Lair.

When the Severed Threads and their allies mounted an assault on Nerub-ar Palace, Anub'azal directed the forces still loyal to him away from the palace. After Ansurek was killed, Anub'azal and the other leaders of the Severed Threads arrived to thank the overcrawlers for their aid in ending the queen's madness.

After the assault, Anub'azal was ready to take his revenge on Zev'kall himself and tasked an abettor with challenging his rival. They planted a flag outside of his stronghold, formally challenging him.[16] Wishing to duel Zev'kall himself, Anub'azal ordered the abettor to prevent any of his lackeys from interfering and to leave the fight solely to him. Though fatally wounded by Zev'kall, Anub'azal emerged victorious in his match and avenged Anub'okki.[17] He then told the abettor to debrief Arak'nai on what happened, while he left for the Twitching Gorge before he died there. Though she thought his decision to challenge Zev'kall foolish, Arak'nai could not deny the General's strength and acknowledged that Zev'kall's death dealt a major blow to the loyalist forces.[18]




Patch changes


  1. ^ N [78-80] The Tangled Web
  2. ^ N [78-80] Scrappy Straggler
  3. ^ N [78-80] Strategic Edge
  4. ^ N [78-80] Let Fly!
  5. ^ N [78-80] Not Quite Dead
  6. ^ N [78-80] I Think I'm a Drone Now
  7. ^ N [78-80] Specific Personages
  8. ^ N [78-80] General Admission
  9. ^ N [78-80] Stolen Influence
  10. ^ N [78-80] Dalaran's Most Distressed
  11. ^ N [78-80] Uniting Severed Threads
  12. ^ N [78-80] Bountiful Beetles
  13. ^ N [80] A Spider's-Eye View
  14. ^ Absent Errand
  15. ^ An Honorless Kill
  16. ^ N [80] Demand Satisfaction
  17. ^ N [80] Duel of the Fates
  18. ^ N [80] The General's Conviction

External links