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Not Quite Dead

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NeutralNot Quite Dead
Start Anub'azal
End Anub'azal
Level 78-80
Category Azj-Kahet
Experience 2,900
Rewards 5g 85s
Previous N [78-80] Let Fly!
Next N [78-80] I Think I'm a Drone Now


Examine the spoils pile in Siegehold.

  • Find something useful


I am General Anub'azal.

I loathe having little bipeds like you in the Siegehold. However, that is no longer up to me. Zev'kall is pushing me out of my own military stronghold, and collecting overcrawlers to boot! The Queen has deemed him High General, but he is unnatural, warped, and unfit. This will not stand!

I have decided to use you and your kind against Zev'kall. And yes, you will get something out of it.

Search that rubbish pile there. You will see.


You will receive:

  • 5g 85s
  • 2,900 XP


Go on, check the pile of rubbish.


I have plans for the both of you.


Monte Gazlowe's corpse lights up:

<You could swear Gazlowe just twitched.>

Gossip (Quest) <Nudge Gazlowe.>

Gazlowe wakes up.
Monte Gazlowe says: Shhh! I'm hidin' here!
Anub'azal says: I know you're alive. The question is, are you useful?
Gazlowe walks over to in front of Anub'azal

Gazlowe also has new gossip:

What was I doing? It's a long story.

Gossip Tell me about it!

It all started when...

You know what, it's too long. I'll summarize.

I was defending against one of the nerubian attacks. Quite effectively, I might add. But I was webbed inside my Shredder X-3922, and dragged into this place! They took my friends hostage, but I've managed to stay hidden here.

Anub'azal has been standing here for hours, as if waiting for me to mess up. I guess he knew the whole time.

Then you came along.

Now you're caught up.

Gossip Okay.


  1. N [78-80] The Weaver's Gift
  2. N [78-80] Rations and Revelations
  3. N [78-80] Scrappy Straggler
  4. N [78-80] Force Your Way & N [78-80] Strategic Edge
  5. N [78-80] Let Fly!
  6. N [78-80] Not Quite Dead
  7. N [78-80] I Think I'm a Drone Now
  8. N [78-80] Specific Personages & N [78-80] General Admission
  9. N [78-80] Stolen Influence & N [78-80] Dalaran's Most Distressed
  10. N [78-80] Just Act Casual
  11. N [78-80] The General's Consensus

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