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The Vizier's Resolve

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NeutralThe Vizier's Resolve
Start Executor Nizrek
End Executor Nizrek
Level 80 (Requires 80)
Category Azj-Kahet
Rewards  [The Vizier's Trove]
11g 70s
Previous N [80] Knives in the Dark


Witness the Vizier's speech in the Umbral Bazaar.

  • Tell Tulumun you are ready
  • Vizier's Resolve Witnessed


The stage is set, and the players are gathered. It is time for me to step out of the shadows.

Thank you for standing with me thus far, <name>. Whatever comes next, I am grateful to have met you.


You will receive:


It is done. A chapter of my life, thusly closed.

I hope that our city can face the future with a newfound resolve.


This quest is a criteria of  [Vizier than Ever].

On accept:

Executor Nizrek says: The time has come. Join Tulumun in the Bazaar square. I shall meet you all there in time.

Upon interacting with Tulumun:

The Vizier awaits my signal. We did not wish to start without you. After all you've done, he felt it only right that you bear witness to this moment.
Gossip (Quest) I am ready.

A shadecaster from the balcony will begin to play.

The Vizier says: People of Azj-Kahet. Heed the words of your Vizier.
The Vizier says: Long have I served you from behind a mask, thinking it would secure me our future. But times have changed.
The Vizier says: No longer will I feign service to our oppressors. I will serve you not as a shadow, but as a fellow citizen.

Nizrek walks out from beneath the balcony.

Executor Nizrek says: I am Executor Nizrek. Today, I walk into the future unburdened. And I invite you all to walk with me.



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