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The Tangled Web

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NeutralThe Tangled Web
Start Widow Arak'nai
End Widow Arak'nai
Level 78-80
Category Azj-Kahet
Experience 8,700
Rewards 17g 55s
Previous N [78-80] A Guiding Thread
Next N [78-80] The Weaver's Gift

The Tangled Web ends the first chapter of the Azj-Kahet storyline alongside N [78-80] A Seeming Respite. The next chapter begins immediately after with N [78-80] The Weaver's Gift.


Peruse the Weaver's archives.

  • Learn about the Weaver
  • Learn about the Sureki forces
  • Learn about the ascended
  • Learn about the Queen's allies


Make no mistake--I have no intention of sending you off to skitter about in the dark like a freshly-hatched beetle. It wouldn't do to have my little morsel snatched up by a starving cave borer.

You must educate yourself, my dear. Your allies have found themselves ensconced in a torrid tapestry. Only by familiarizing themselves with its erstwhile architects can you hope to reclaim them.

Luckily for you, I have made some of my personal resources available to you.


You will receive:

  • 17g 55s
  • 8,700 XP


Haven't you finished yet? Really, the archives' design is quite elegant. Just tap and listen. Even a spindly thing like you can figure it out, I am sure.


Now you see how the stage has been set. You have arrived in the middle of the play, I fear--but you needn't worry! You've time yet to play a most vital role.


Speak with Widow Arak'nai again:

Iki'tash izal, little morsel. I hope you find the accommodations here to your taste.

Gossip (Quest) Tell me about yourself.

Widow Arak'nai says: I am the Widow Arak'nai. For many years, I officially served as the Royal Weaver to Queen Neferess. Unofficially, I pursued a variety of... additional interests.
Widow Arak'nai says: But now my beloved queen is dead, and her daughter has been led astray by a so-called "Harbringer." I will not allow this creature to usurp our great kingdom for her own ends... But I cannot stop her alone.

Gossip (Quest) Tell me about the enemy forces.

Widow Arak'nai says: This Harbinger has the entirety of Azj-Kahet's military at her disposal.
Widow Arak'nai says: Before her arrival, General Anub'azal led the kingdom's forces. Ansurek deposed him in favor of one of the Harbringer's pet ascended, and now the army's ranks teem with those corrupted wretches.

Gossip (Quest) Tell me about the ascended.

Widow Arak'nai says: The ascended are the Harbringer's gift to Ansurek. A fierce contingent of violent hunter-killers, made by the harbringer in the darkest depths of the citys Transformatory.
Widow Arak'nai says: They are impossibly strong, and I have no army of my own. If I am to reach Ansurek and dispose of the Harbringer, then I will need to find a way to subvert her military might from within.

Gossip (Quest) Tell me about the Queen's inner circle.

Widow Arak'nai says: Even if we do not engage the Harbringer directly, a more subtle approach will prove equally as difficult. What I need is an ally in Ansurek's inner circle. Someone who can come and go without suspicion.
Widow Arak'nai says: The denizens of the Burrows speak of a 'Vizier'. Some manner of patriot who works from within the queen's walls. He would do nicely... If only I knew his identity.

Gossip Do you know where my allies are?

Widow Arak'nai says: Worry not, little morsel. I am well aware that you did not come down here alone. I've already sent my weave-rats to track down your compatriots.
Widow Arak'nai says: Consider it a gesture of good faith... And, with luck, the start of a long and mutually beneficial relationship.

Gossip How did you know where to find me?

Widow Arak'nai says: I specialize in little pushes, dear. Every plan is a tapestry, and I am adept at nudging and tugging just one thread at a time. You, though, are less of a tugged thread and more of a lit match.
Widow Arak'nai says: The Harbringer's shadowy venom has stained Ansurek's tapestry. That is why I sought you out. I require a stray ember, and you need a friend in the dark.


  1. N [78-80] Chasing the Light & N [78-80] Heroes Never Die
  2. N [78-80] Friends in Low Places
  3. N [78-80] For Naught, So Vial & N [78-80] Fear the Old Blood
  4. N [78-80] Alone in the Dark
  5. N [78-80] A Guiding Thread
  6. N [78-80] The Tangled Web & N [78-80] A Seeming Respite

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