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Uniting Severed Threads

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NeutralUniting Severed Threads
Start Widow Arak'nai
End Widow Arak'nai
Level 78-80
Category Azj-Kahet
Previous N [78-80] What We Still Have
Next N [78-80] Surface Bound

Uniting Severed Threads concludes the Azj-Kahet storyline, and thus, the level-up portion of The War Within campaign. The max-level  [The War Within] storyline starts at level 80.


Join forces with the Weaver, the General, and the Vizier to forge the Severed Threads.

  • General's Shadecaster activated
  • Vizier's Shadecaster activated
  • Speak to the Weaver to begin the conference
  • Witness the formation of the Severed Threads


You have done well to ally Anub'azal and Nizrek to our cause. It is time that we solidify this triumverate relationship between us all. We will conference via shadecasters. Activate them when you're ready to begin.


You will receive: ...


I wonder how our three potent personalities will work together. Only time will tell, I suppose.


I expected far more verbal dueling than what occurred. To be so willing to work with one another must mean these times are dark indeed.

We have a long road ahead of us. I will say plainly that your help has been invaluable. It may end up being the thread that allows my people to survive.

Thank you.


On accept: Widow Arak'nai says: Activate these shadecasters. We'll use them to speak Anub'azal and Nizrek.

Activate the two shadecasters and talk to the Weaver again:

Shall we begin our talks?

Gossip <Begin Severed Threads conference.>

Widow Arak'nai says: Our mutual agent has informed me that their allies from above will storm our realm for Xal'atath's head.
Executor Nizrek says: However, disposing of Xal'atath will not be enough to save our people. It is Ansurek that is leading us to our downfall.
Anub'azal says: Ah! You speak of insurrection.
Executor Nizrek says: You don't know our queen as I know her. Our people go missing, dark forces walk the palace. Ansurek only thinks of power.
Widow Arak'nai says: But she is still Neferess' blood! Is there no redeeming her?
Anub'azal says: We've blinded our tired hearts from the truth, Widow. Ansurek is nothing like her mother.
Executor Nizrek says: Indeed. But we three can work together to restore Neferess' ideals instead.
Widow Arak'nai says: I understand. We must slay Ansurek and sever the threads that shackle our people.

After the conference is done:

Widow Arak'nai says: This gives me hope. We have a large web to spin, but I believe this first strand will hold.

On completion:

Alleria Windrunner says: Let's make haste, <name>. We must notify our allies of what we've uncovered.
Widow Arak'nai says: Spread word to your companions of we Severed Threads. They may seek shelter and respite with us when they find it necessary.


  1. N [78-80] A Most Intriguing Invitation
  2. N [78-80] Into a Skittering City
  3. N [78-80] Rewriting the Rewritten & N [78-80] Like a Spider on the Wall
  4. N [78-80] Kaheti Hospitality
  5. N [78-80] What We Still Have
  6. N [78-80] Uniting Severed Threads

Patch changes

  • The War Within Hotfix (2024-08-23): Witnessing the formation of the Severed Threads now provides the intended credit.
  • The War Within Patch 11.0.2 (2024-08-13): Added.

External links