Gathering Intel

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NeutralGathering Intel
Start Alleria Windrunner [31.6, 59.7]
End Widow Arak'nai [55.7, 43.9]
Level 80 (Requires 80)
Category Azj-Kahet
Experience 1,200
Rewards 2g 34s
Previous N [80] Titanic Failsafe
Next N [80] A Spider's-Eye View

Gathering Intel begins the third chapter of the max-level  [The War Within] campaign.


Speak with Widow Arak'nai at the Weaver's Lair in Azj-Kahet.


The Widow Arak'nai sent word via one of those "weave-rats" of hers. She has a lead that may be relevant to our cause, and has invited us to investigate. All the training in the world is useless without knowledge of our enemy.

My own reconnaissance efforts in Azj-Kahet were met with... mixed results, as you may recall. I admit I am not keen on venturing down there again so soon. Fortunately, reinforcements have arrived with a capable spymaster.

Unfortunately, she is... well. You'll see.


You will receive:

  • 2g 34s
  • 1,200 XP


As I was telling your surly little spymaster, I expect this to be a mutually beneficial undertaking.

We shall both walk out of it with the information we need.


On accept:

Lilian Voss walks out of the Archive.
Lilian Voss says: I hear you need some eyes in the dark, Windrunner?
Alleria Windrunner says: The Weaver has a lead that may be relevant to our cause. I would follow it myself, but--
Lilian Voss says: You're busy. I get it. Just stay out of my way. <Name>, meet me at the Weaver's Lair.
Voss mounts up on her bat and flies down the Coreway.

Remember the portal to the Weaver's Lair in the Fissure? Far faster than flying down there manually...

At Widow Arak'nai's platform, Voss is speaking with Y'tekhi, the Severed Threads quartermaster:

Lilian Voss says: Were you followed?
Y'tekhi says: This is your backup? Interesting...

They have gossip:

Lilian Voss

This place reminds me of home. That's not necessarily a good thing.



Gossip Who are you?

Oh come now, I've been around. Don't you recognize me?

<Y'tekhi winks at you.>

I've had some work done. It took a while to infiltrate the right circles, but eventually they were assured of my loyalty and let me ascend.

A mistake on their part, of course.

Gossip You're Ascended? What does it feel like?

<Y'tekhi looks thoughtful.>

It's... different. But not how you might expect. New doors are open to me, but other, familiar ones are closed.

It would be difficult to explain to a non-nerubian.

Gossip Let's talk about something else.


  1. N [80] Gathering Intel
  2. N [80] A Spider's-Eye View
  3. N [80] Creeping Through Corridors & N [80] Lab Access
  4. N [80] Making of a Monster
  5. N [80] The Queen's Chains
  6. N [80] Rogue Agent
  7. N [80] Go Loud & N [80] Manufactured Mutiny
  8. N [80] News From Below

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