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Knives in the Dark

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NeutralKnives in the Dark
Start Executor Nizrek
End Executor Nizrek
Level 80 (Requires 80)
Category Azj-Kahet
Rewards 11g 70s
Previous N [80] A Cordial Invitation
Next N [80] The Vizier's Resolve


Slay 4 Sureki Assassins in the City of Threads.

  • Unseen Blade Zek slain
  • Unseen Blade Kixaal slain
  • Unseen Blade Oritex slain
  • Unseen Blade Pali'zir slain


No doubt you recall the assassin that sought to end me when last we met on this spot. If it weren't for your intervention, I would not be here now. Make no mistake, if my role in all of this has been compromised, that assassin will not be the last.

If I am to make my last great stand, then I will need your help in ensuring my safety until the final hour. Scour the city for more of those skulking threats, and do what you must to ensure they will not interrupt my speech.


You will receive:

  • 11g 70s


Take care that you are thorough, friend. I would really rather not get stabbed today.


Preemptive violence is a tad gauche, I think. But given the circumstances, I believe the response was a proportional one.

Notes and trivia




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