Return to Dornogal

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NeutralReturn to Dornogal
Start Alleria Windrunner [35.9, 35.5]
End Anduin Wrynn [25.4, 66.2]
Level 80 (Requires 80)
Category Hallowfall
Rewards  [The War Within]
2g 34s
Previous N [80] A Light in the Dark

Return to Dornogal concludes the final chapter of the max-level  [The War Within], and thus, the patch 11.0.2 campaign itself.


Return to Dornogal in the Isle of Dorn and report what happened.


The battle is finally over and I suppose it's time we lick our wounds.

Head back to Dornogal, Champion.

I'll be right there as soon as Khadgar is healthy enough to withstand travel.


You will receive:


Our battle has been hard fought. But there is still much to come.


On accept:

Alleria Windrunner says: Fortune smiles on us today. The battle is won, and in victory we've had a dear friend returned to us.
Alleria Windrunner says: Traces of Xal'atath's presence linger in the air. In time, she will strike again. But for now, I believe we've all earned some respite.

Before leaving, check in on everybody in the Priory exterior. Alleria and Anduin are looking at Khadgar, but have nothing to say.

At the base of the steps is Faerin Lothar:

With the forces of Azj-Kahet and the Harbinger gone, Hallowfall has a moment to breath.[sic] Beledar is safe - at least from outside threats. Now the only shadows left to contend with are ones of our own making.

Directly ahead, before the fountain, are two Lightforged Vindicators and High Exarch Turalyon:

I've known Alleria for many, many years. She still never ceases to amaze me.

The battle against the nerubians turned the moment Beledar shifted back to the Light. Somehow, I knew it was because of Alleria's efforts. That she had walked boldly into darkness and emerged victorious.

I... cannot bring myself to trust the Void, or the power it promises. But I trust Alleria with every fiber of my being.

For now, that is enough.

Just southeast are Executor Nizrek, a projection of Widow Arak'nai, and The Broken Queen:

Executor Nizrek

To see our old queen in such a state...

Your discretion and civility in this situation is a boon. We will take her back to Azj-Kahet and see if any of her former life is retained in her. If not...

Then we'll deal with it ourselves.

Gossip (Quest) <Ask about Neferess's condition.>

Executor Nizrek says: It would have been easy for you to end Queen Neferess's life to secure victory. And yet you spared her.
Executor Nizrek says: Words cannot capture my gratitude. I will escort my queen home, and bring word of your deeds to my conspirators.
Executor Nizrek says: Return to the surface for now. And know that you will forevermore have allies in Azj-Kahet.

No shortcut back to Dornogal again... Check in with Merrix, Faerin, Lufsela, Brinthe, and Adelgonn in Foundation Hall:

Do you have an appointment?

Gossip (Quest) <Report what happened in Hallowfall.>

Merrix says: And so the battle is won. <Name>, all of Khaz Algar owes you a tremendous debt.
Merrix says: When you first arrived on our shores, we were fractured and divided. But you showed us the path to becoming whole again.
High Speaker Brinthe says: You reignited our drive for purpose, and to define the parameters of our own existence.
Lufsela says: We see now that traditions can change and evolve... and even be broken, if necessary.
Faerin Lothar says: The Arathi no longer cower in darkness. We bring the Light in our hearts wherever we go.
Merrix says: This Council stands stronger than ever before, with new friends and allies by our side. And we have you to thank for it.
They all bow. The earthen then return to their thrones and Faerin walks out of the hall.

Catch up with Anduin and Thrall southeast of the Coreway, looking at the ruins of Dalaran from the ridge.

On complete:

Anduin Wrynn says: It feels good to know we made a difference here. And yet... I can still hear the Radiant Song echoing in my heart.
Anduin Wrynn says: Why did it lead us here? Was it to solely to confront Xal'atath? Or is there something larger at play?
Anduin Wrynn says: I'm no stranger to feeling like a greater calling awaits. But this is different, somehow. I just hope that we prove ready to answer it.

Stay awhile and listen

Many characters have new <Stay awhile and listen.> gossip options, starting with Anduin:

Anduin and Thrall

Anduin and Thrall, looking at the ruins of Dalaran

Anduin and Thrall are at the turn-in location, at [25.4, 66.2] in southeastern Dornogal:

Anduin Wrynn

Although this journey has been difficult, I have learned much.

Gossip <Stay awhile and listen.>

Thrall says: You found your Light again.
Anduin Wrynn says: Sort of. More like I stopped running from it.
Anduin Wrynn says: Before he died, my father wrote me a letter.
Anduin Wrynn says: He said that I had to fight for peace.
Anduin Wrynn says: I thought that I had to become him. Because the world still needed him.
Anduin Wrynn says: Because I still needed him.
Anduin Wrynn says: But taking up his sword only led to war and death.
Anduin Wrynn says: I made mistake after mistake. I felt...
Thrall says: ...Unworthy.
Thrall says: Varian Wrynn was a fierce, proud warrior. I respected his strength.
Thrall says: But you, Anduin... you have your own strength, greater than any sword.
Anduin Wrynn says: I'm not my father...
Anduin Wrynn says: ...but he never expected me to be.
Anduin Wrynn says: That's why he wrote that letter.
Anduin Wrynn says: To remind me who I am.
Anduin Wrynn says: It was his final lesson. And his greatest gift.

Alleria and Khadgar

Alleria and Khadgar, sporting his new ride

Alleria Windrunner and Archmage Khadgar are at [42.4, 27.1] in the Foundation Hall of Dornogal. Khadgar is in a summoned wheelchair, that is floating a few inches off of the ground:

Alleria Windrunner

What news do you bring, <name>?

Gossip <Stay awhile and listen.>
Gossip Show me what happened. (replays the Alleria-vs-Xal'atath cinematic)

Archmage Khadgar says: It occurs to me that I never got the chance to properly thank you, <name>.
Archmage Khadgar says: Were it not for your efforts, Dalaran could have proven to be an even greater tragedy than it was.
Alleria Windrunner says: We thought we had lost you, Khadgar. How did you survive?
Archmage Khadgar says: The Dark Heart was created not to destroy, but to capture and harness all manner of power.
Archmage Khadgar says: When I felt what it was doing to me, I transmuted myself into pure arcane energy...
Alleria Windrunner says: ...and allowed yourself to be trapped within the Dark Heart.
Archmage Khadgar says: Yes. Until you freed me.
Alleria Windrunner says: That was a risky move. Trusting me to finish the fight against Xal'atath.
Archmage Khadgar says: I knew you would do whatever it took to defeat her. Just like all those years ago...
Archmage Khadgar says: ...when we charged through the Dark Portal and closed it behind us to save our world.
Archmage Khadgar says: Both then and now, placing my faith in you was never any risk at all.
Archmage Khadgar says: That transmutation spell, however... that was not without consequences.
Archmage Khadgar says: You know, Kurdran keeps saying I should just ride a gryphon around.
Archmage Khadgar says: That seems terribly inconvenient, if you ask me. I much prefer this chair.
Alleria Windrunner says: Could that be because Archmage Modera designed it for you herself?
Archmage Khadgar says: Why Alleria, whatever are you implying?
Alleria Windrunner says: Only that you and Turalyon are so very alike: bold in battle, shy in matters of the heart.
Archmage Khadgar says: Hah! And you are still the same old Alleria, I see.
Alleria Windrunner says: That I am, Khadgar. Void, or no Void.

Neferess and the Weaver

Neferess and Widow Arak'nai in the Trap Door of the Weaver's Lair

In the Trap Door inn of Weaver's Lair in Azj-Kahet, find Neferess at [57.1, 39.3] weaving unsteadily into a banner:


Sew. Stitch. Heal.

I... was Neferess. I am.

Gossip I'm glad you are doing well.

Arak'nai walks in.
Widow Arak'nai says: My queen. Forgive me. I should have known your demise was manufactured by Xal'atath.
Neferess says: Widow... NO! No... do not... look... stay away!
Widow Arak'nai says: Neferess... I have been apart from you for too long. Do not ask me to suffer your absence for another moment!
Neferess says: I... abomination... hurts... leave me, Naia!
Widow Arak'nai says: Never. After all that has happened, all that we've done... It was worth it, to hear you say my name again.
Widow Arak'nai says: You needn't speak, my dear. I am here at your side. I will not leave you. All is as it should be.

Other visitors

Dezco, Rata, and Kyron

At [40.5, 52.4] in Mereldar of Hallowfall, Sunwalker Dezco, High Prelate Rata and Great Kyron talk about Beledar and Renilash:

Sunwalker Dezco says: This crystal... Beledar. It's larger than I expected.
High Prelate Rata says: Warmer than I expected. Like a real sun.
Great Kyron says: Beledar's warmth keeps us all safe, and allows this canyon to flourish.
Sunwalker Dezco says: Great Kyron. It is an honor.
Great Kyron says: The honor is mine. Without the help of your people, we would not have survived the Harbingers attack.
High Prelate Rata says: Ya had a prophecy about this yes? Renilash, I believe?
Great Kyron says: The great battle of the Arathi versus the dark, yes.
Great Kyron says: I can't help but wonder if this was Renilash, where do we go from here?
Great Kyron says: If it wasn't Renilash... what else could come our way?
Sunwalker Dezco says: Given Xal'atath is on the loose, I doubt we'll have to wait long to find out.
High Prelate Rata says: Dezco, we should continue onwards. Great Kyron, I look forward to talking to ya again.
Great Kyron says: And you. Flame's Blessing upon you.

Liadrin, Salandria and Regald Hornfyre

Also in Mereldar Lady Liadrin, Salandria and Regald Hornfyre talk about the Sacred Flame:

Lady Liadrin says: Thank you for agreeing to meet with us. I'm eager to learn more about the Sacred Flame.
Regald Hornfyre says: It's no problem, my lady. I'm always happy to discuss the Sacred Flame.
Lady Liadrin says: Do you gain the Sacred Flame through Beledar?
Regald Hornfyre says: Beledar is more... a symbol. A holy relic if you will. A powerful source of the Light yes. But not the source of the Sacred Flame.
Salandria says: Does the Flame come from another source, or is it intrinsic?
Regald Hornfyre says: Sorry, I'm trying to condense years' worth of training into a single conversation.
Regald Hornfyre says: The Sacred Flame comes from within, much like the Light. But it's also an external source, much like the Light. It just has more... physical applications, given its flammability.
Lady Liadrin says: Interesting. So you tap into the Elemental Plane?
Regald Hornfyre says: In many ways it's an element of faith. The Sacred Flame isn't a being or energy from the Firelands, nor any specific plane, but the representation of belief.
Regald Hornfyre says: It's not just holy nor just arcane, but both, and neither. Coming from within us, and existing as a radiant force throughout the cosmos.
Salandria says: It sounds akin to some of our applications of the Light, compared to Stormwind.
Lady Liadrin says: True, and I suppose it makes sense, given its origins.
Lady Liadrin says: Thank you, Reginald. It has been a pleasure. I hope we can return soon.


  1. N [80] A Tide Needing Turned
  2. Complete all of:
    1. N [80] Steel and Flames
    2. N [80] Cutting Off the Legs
  3. N [80] A Light in the Dark
  4. N [80] Return to Dornogal

Patch changes

  • The War Within Hotfix (2024-09-03): After finishing the War Within campaign, you can now find Alleria Windrunner in the Foundation Hall in Dornogal and ask her to show what happened during the finale. This will play the cutscene from the final chapter.
  • The War Within Patch 11.0.2 (2024-08-13): Added.

External links