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Into a Skittering City

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NeutralInto a Skittering City
Start Anduin Wrynn [67.7, 31.5]
End Executor Nizrek [67.5, 32.4]
Level 78-80
Category Azj-Kahet
Experience 5,800
Rewards 11g 70s
Previous N [78-80] A Most Intriguing Invitation
Next N [78-80] Rewriting the Rewritten, N [78-80] Like a Spider on the Wall


Tell the Vizier of The Weaver's plan, and apply Pheromones for access to the Umbral Bazaar.

  • Speak with the Vizier
  • Have Tulumun apply the Pheromones


I sent these 'invitations' to you and Alleria, both. I'd have bet my father's sword you wouldn't let such a unique opportunity pass you by--it's what sets you apart from us all. Alleria, however...

Nevermind. She's as cautious as she is assertive. I suppose I was hoping for the latter, but it's the former that's kept her alive.

Perhaps she'll find us later on. For now, it's time you and my new acquaintance properly meet.


You will receive:

  • 11g 70s
  • 5,800 XP


For being so young, I find Master Anduin is practically bursting with the grand experiences of a much more traveled sort.

Impressive. At least from the perspective of a humble Kaheti.


Quite the entrance. I should replicate it in the next cabinet meeting.

<Nizrek emits a cough you imagine might be a chuckle.>

Perhaps we should give them a private moment. Whilst we let them have it, would you hear out a small request of mine?


On accept:

Anduin Wrynn says: Executor Nizrek is one of Queen Ansurek's closest confidants.
Executor Nizrek says: Or so she surmises.

Anduin has gossip:

I wish we could sit down and catch each other up properly...

But, as always, time is never on our side.

Speak with Nizrek:

I understand that you have not only entered into an alliance with the Weaver, but that you've also parlayed with our famed General Anub'azal as well.

If I were to commit my own resources, we three elderly nerubians would make quite the formidable triumvirate.

The players and the board are set. Now tell me, <name>, what game do they wish to play?

Gossip (Quest) The Weaver wants to take out Xal'atath and free Queen Ansurek from her influence.

Executor Nizrek says: Time is short. Here are pheromones that will allow you into the Bazaar. Apply them.
Executor Nizrek says: Xal'atath is a problem to be certain, but the Queen is not being influenced. She has made a choice she believes in.
Executor Nizrek says: The Weaver will not be pleased, but Ansurek must also be eliminated.

Head over to Tulumun and use the extra action button:

Apply Pheromones — The Vizier's Assistant, Tulumun, will adjust your Pheromone sequence to allow you access to the Umbral Bazaar. 7 sec channel

Once the channel finishes, Alleria runs in and starts pulls back her bow:

Alleria Windrunner says: Back away from him, creature! Now!
Anduin Wrynn says: Listen to me and lower your bow. He's an ally.
Alleria Windrunner says: An ally? Dalaran fell because of them!
Anduin Wrynn says: Alleria. We can end this war! But not if you loose that arrow.
She puts her bow away.
Alleria Windrunner says: Fine. But you best have a good explanation for this.


  1. N [78-80] A Most Intriguing Invitation
  2. N [78-80] Into a Skittering City
  3. N [78-80] Rewriting the Rewritten & N [78-80] Like a Spider on the Wall
  4. N [78-80] Kaheti Hospitality
  5. N [78-80] Beginning Anew From Rock Bottom

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