List of demon hunters

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Demon Hunter Crest.png

This article is a list of demon hunters that are known from around Azeroth, Outland, alternate Draenor and Argus.

Named demon hunters

Alliance Crest Alliance

Name Role Affiliation Status
 Nylaria the Haunted Demon hunter located in Arathi Basin during Brawl: Comp Stomp. Darnassus (presumed) Killable
 Raize Shadespear Demon hunter located in Arathi Basin during Brawl: Comp Stomp. Darnassus (presumed) Killable

Horde Crest Horde

Name Role Affiliation Status
 Celaryn the Frenzied Demon hunter located in Arathi Basin during Brawl: Comp Stomp. Silvermoon (presumed) Killable
 Sylareon Silverblade Demon hunter located in Arathi Basin during Brawl: Comp Stomp. Silvermoon (presumed) Killable

Neutral Neutral

Name Role Affiliation Status
 Adept Jena Moonrath Flight master at Illidari Perch, Azsuna. Illidari, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Adept Sunwing Flight master at Felblaze Ingress, Azsuna. Illidari Alive
 Adept Aes'lehc Demon hunter found at Illidari Perch, Azsuna. Illidari Alive
 Allari the Souleater Champion of the Illidari. Illidari Alive
 Altruis the Sufferer Renegade demon hunter. Second-in-command and Champion of the Illidari (dependent). Illidari Alive
 Arduen Soulblade Sent to hunt down a dreadlord in Black Rook Hold, resulting in capture. Illidari Deceased
 Ariana Fireheart Demon hunter found in various places on Mardum. Illidari Alive
 Asha Ravensong Champion of the Illidari. Sent to hunt down a dreadlord in Black Rook Hold, resulting in capture. Illidari Alive
 Balambor Demon hunter trainee who died after the ritual to become one. Illidari Deceased
 Baric Stormrunner Demon hunter found fighting demons in Azsuna. Illidari Alive
 Belath Dawnblade Champion of the Illidari. Demon hunter who was part of the Illidari forces that assaulted Mardum during the attack on the Black Temple.
Innkeeper at the Illidari Stand.
Illidari Alive
 Candrael Twinshadow Demon hunter overlooking Felsoul Hold in Suramar. Illidari Alive
 Cassiel Nightthorn Sent to hunt down a dreadlord in Black Rook Hold, results in capture and being tortured to death. Illidari Deceased
 Demissya Gladestrider Vendor located in the Fel Hammer. Illidari Alive
 Elarisiel One of the first Illidari demon hunters Illidan Stormrage trained. Illidari Alive
 Elerion Bladedancer One of the emissaries of the Illidari in Stormwind City. Illidari Alive
 Elthyn Da'rai One of the emissaries of the Illidari in Orgrimmar. Illidari Alive
 Evelune Soulreaver Demon hunter found at The Fel Hammer. Illidari Alive
 Falara Nightsong Blacksmith of the Illidari located in Vengeance Point, in Broken Shore. Illidari Alive
 Felsmith Nal'ryssa Blacksmith of the Illidari located in Nal'ryssa's Encampment, in Suramar. Illidari Alive
 Feronas Sindweller Admirer of Illidan. Tells the story of Illidan's past in Felwood. Independent Alive
 Illidan Stormrage Leader of the Illidari, and jailer of Sargeras. Illidari, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Illidari Calia Flight master at Deliverance Point, Broken Shore. Illidari, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Illidari Kilbride Demon hunter found in Illidari Foothold on Mardum. Illidari Alive
 Illidari Starr Demon hunter found in Illidari Foothold on Mardum. Illidari Alive
 Illnea Bloodthorn  [Blood of Sargeras] trader. Illidari Alive
 Ilthara Darkthorn Vendor found in Veiled Den, Antoran Wastes. Illidari Alive
 Isteth After undergoing the rites to become a demon hunter, she threw herself from the battlements of Karabor out of horror at what she had become. Illidari Deceased
 Izal Whitemoon Demon hunter class trainer in the Fel Hammer, and flight master at Illidari Stand (Azsuna) and Vengeance Point (Broken Shore). Illidari, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Jace Darkweaver Champion of the Illidari. Illidari Alive
 Kayn Sunfury Second-in-command and Champion of the Illidari (dependent). Appears to all non-demon hunters on the Broken Shore. Illidari Alive
 Kor'vas Bloodthorn Champion of the Illidari. Illidari, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Kyra Lightblade Flight master at Fel Hammer, Mardum. Illidari Alive
 Loramus Thalipedes Also know was Loramus the Defiled, he share a body with Razelikh the Defiler. Illidari Alive
 Lyana Darksorrow Demon hunter with the mission to slay the demon eredar Azoran. Illidari Alive
 Mannethrel Darkstar Rescued from imprisonment, but he finally died when failed to contain the power and exploded in a burst of fel energy. Illidari Deceased
 Marius Felbane Along his partner Tehd Shoemaker, he travels to various locations to halt the efforts of the Burning Legion and their allies. Illidari Alive
 Mavelith After undergoing the rites to become a demon hunter, he threw hisself from the battlements of Karabor out of horror at what he had become. Illidari Deceased
 Murgulis A murloc demon hunter that aids the fight against the Legion invasion in Stormheim. Independent Alive
 Needle One of the first Illidari demon hunters Illidan Stormrage trained. Illidari Alive
 Oxana Demonslay Vendor found at the Black Market in Dalaran's Underbelly. Kirin Tor, Illidari Alive
 Ravael Demon hunter in training. Succumbed to the demon within and was slain and consumed by Vandel. Illidari Deceased
 Sana Bloodletter Demon hunter found at The Fel Hammer. Illidari Alive
 Seladan After undergoing the rites to become a demon hunter, he threw himself from the battlements of Karabor out of horror at what he had become. Illidari Deceased
 Sevis Brightflame Demon hunter who was part of the Illidari forces that assaulted Mardum during the attack on the Black Temple. Illidari Alive/Deceased
 Sirius Ebonwing Sent to hunt down a dreadlord in Black Rook Hold, resulting in capture. Eventually succumbs to fel energy and goes mad. Illidari Deceased-Killable
 Slitesh Armaments Requisitioner at Fel Hammer, Mardum. Illidari Alive
 Vandel Demon hunter who was part of the Illidari forces that assaulted Mardum during the attack on the Black Temple. Serves as a scout. Illidari Alive
 Tian Netherwalker Demon hunter found in Fel Hammer. Illidari Alive
 Tylos Darksight Helmsman for the Fel Hammer. Illidari Alive
 Yrdris Lightblade Flight master at Felwing Ledge, Mardum. Illidari Alive
 Zaria Shadowheart Demon hunter found fighting demons in Azsuna. Illidari Alive

Mob Hostile

Name Role Affiliation Status
 Alandien One of the three demon hunters in charge of training new recruits at the Black Temple, and was also a mentor of Varedis. Illidari Deceased-Killable
 Cailyn Paledoom Traitor to the Illidari. Tempted to the Legion by Cordana Felsong. Spies on the Azurewing Repose. Burning Legion Killable
 Caria Felsoul Traitor to the Illidari. Former wielder of the Aldrachi Warblades. Burning Legion Deceased-Killable
 Glayvianna Soulrender Traitor to the Illidari. Tempted to the Legion by Cordana Felsong. Guards the Vault of the Wardens. Burning Legion Killable
 Illysanna Ravencrest Former Illidari Demon Hunter. Manipulated into serving the Legion by Cordana Felsong. Watches over Black Rook Hold. Burning Legion Defeatable
 Jade Darkhaven Traitor to the Illidari. Serves as a Felsworn commander in Azsuna. Burning Legion Killable
 Kharnis the Malevolent Demon hunter found in the Vault of the Wardens. Burning Legion Killable
 Leotheras the Blind Former member of the Illidari that went insane from the demon hunter training process. Exiled to Zangarmarsh. Independent Deceased-Killable
 Lil'idan A murloc demon hunter found in Shipwreck Cove, in Highmountain. Independent Killable
 Lysanis Shadesoul Traitor to the Illidari. Serves as a Felsworn commander in Azsuna on the Isle of the Watchers. Burning Legion Killable
 Netharel One of the three demon hunters in charge of training new recruits at the Black Temple, and was also a mentor of Varedis. Illidari Deceased-Killable
 Nightglaive the Traitor Traitor to the Illidari. Formerly known as Cyana Nightglaive. Was tortured and tempted to the Legion by Cordana Felsong. Burning Legion Deceased-Killable
 Selenis He was driven mad, attacked his fellow trainees and died while fighting them. Illidari Deceased
 Tabelius He was driven mad, attacked his fellow trainees and died while fighting them. Illidari Deceased
 Telarius Voidstrider Former demon hunter whom was slain by Maiev Shadowsong prior to the Shattering. Independent Deceased-Killable
 Theras One of the three demon hunters in charge of training new recruits at the Black Temple. Illidari Deceased-Killable
 Tirathon Saltheril Traitor to the Illidari. Tempted to the Legion by Cordana Felsong. Serves as a boss in Vault of the Wardens. Burning Legion Deceased-Killable
 Turanis He was driven mad, attacked his fellow trainees and died while fighting them. Illidari Deceased
 Varedis Felsoul Former master tutor of the Illidari demon hunters at the Black Temple. Revived by Kil'jaeden as a full demon and an agent of the Legion. Burning Legion Deceased-Killable

Unnamed demon hunters

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Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.


Warcraft III

WC3RoC-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

  • Bloodwrath
  • Darksorrow
  • Darkterror
  • Darkweaver
  • Firebrand
  • Flameseeker
  • Hellbourne
  • Painkiller
  • Ragerunner
  • Shadowfury
  • Shadowsong
  • Shadowstalker
  • Sindweller
  • Terrorblade
  • Wrathbringer