Candrael Twinshadow

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NeutralCandrael Twinshadow
Image of Candrael Twinshadow
Gender Female
Race Blood elf (Demon)
Level 45
Class Demon hunter
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Felsoul Hold, Suramar[28.4, 70.3]
Status Alive

Candrael Twinshadow is a blood elf demon hunter overlooking Felsoul Hold in Suramar. If a demon hunter brings her  [Candrael's Charm], she will send them into the sky above Felsoul Hold to battle Downfall.


Before turning the charm

What business do you have with me, <race>?

Gossip Are these your initials?

THIEF! How DARE you steal what is mine?!

After turning the charm

Gossip I would like to challenge Downfall again, mistress.

Your funeral.

Patch changes

External links