Caria Felsoul

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MobCaria Felsoul
Image of Caria Felsoul
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Demon)
Class Demon hunter (formerly)
Resource Energy
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Former affiliation(s) Illidari
Occupation Felsworn
Location Various
Status Deceased (lore),[1] Killable (WoW)
Mentor(s) Illidan Stormrage

Caria Felsoul was a night elf demon hunter and one of Illidan's most bright students.[2] Though held in regard as one of the most cunning and adept demon hunters of the Illidari Caria would ultimately turn against them by joining the Burning Legion, enticed by their promises of power. Impressed by her skill, Kil'jaeden granted her the famous Aldrachi Warblades.[3] During the Battle for the Broken Shore, Caria was summoned by Gul'dan to the Tomb of Sargeras.[4]

After the battle, the Illidari sought to obtain Caria's Warblades and tracked her via a Legion Communicator[5] and found her in the Lost Temple where she was working on sacrificing the souls of fallen Azerothian soldiers. There, she fought against Allari the Souleater and bested her, leaving her for dead. Soon after, the adventurer arrived to aid Allari. As the hero pushed forward toward the Temple, Caria sent her demonic minions against them. After defeating her soldiers, outside the temple, the adventurer used their spectral sight to find Caria's trail. Inside the temple, the hero witnessed as Caria demonstrated her power of transforming her troops into Aldrachi Revenants. Despite all her power, the adventurer defeated her, even though she knew she would be reborn. As she fell, her weapons, the Aldrachi Warblades were left behind and claimed by the adventurer.[6]

When the adventurer was working with the Kirin Tor in Dalaran on obtaining a way to infiltrate the Black Temple, the two Felsouls were watching the adventurer in the streets of Dalaran.[7]

After Akama rejoined the Illidari, images of Caria and Varedis Felsoul appeared on the Fel Hammer and invited the demon hunters to join the Legion, though Varedis hoped they would refuse so he could kill them and get his warglaives back.[8] When the Illidari refused Kil'jaeden's final order to join him and become Felsworn, the demon lord promised Caria and Varedis would deal with the demon hunters.[9] Instead, the Illidari discovered that Caria and Varedis were on the Legion world of Niskara and invaded it with the Fel Hammer. With Kil'jaeden himself watching in amusement, Caria and Varedis were slain by their former comrades. Caria begged Kil'jaeden to save her as she died.[10]


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Tomb of Sargeras, Broken Shore ?? Boss Alliance Horde During B [10-45] The Battle for Broken Shore.
Lost Temple, Broken Shore 10-45 Alliance Horde During the artifact acquisition scenario The Aldrachi Warblades.
Fel Hammer 10-45 Elite Alliance Horde As a projection during N Demon hunter [10-45] Unexpected Visitors of the Demon Hunter Campaign.
Niskara 45 Elite Alliance Horde During N Demon hunter [45] The Invasion of Niskara.


  • Inv glaive 1h artifactaldrochi d 01.png Call of the Warblades — Draining Health from the target.
  • Spell shadow focusedpower.png Felsoul Slam — Inflicts Shadow damage to enemies within 6 yards.
  • Ability demonhunter sigilpurple.png Sigil of Power — Caria Felsoul places a Sigil of Power at a location that activates after 4 sec, increasing damage dealt by 50% for 10 sec of anything within the Sigil.
  • Ability demonhunter sigilpurple.png Sigil of Power — Increases damage dealt by 50% for 10 sec.
  • Inv glaive 1h artifactaldrochi d 01.png Soul Carver — Inflicts Shadow damage every 1 sec for 3 sec.

Objective of

Caria Felsoul in Hearthstone.


Main article: Vengeance Will Be Ours#Notes
Main article: Move Like No Other#Notes
Main article: Unexpected Visitors#Notes
Main article: The Invasion of Niskara#Notes


Patch changes

See also


External links