Stormwind City NPCs
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The following NPCs can be found in Stormwind City.
- Alicia
- [15-30] Alicia's Poem
- Ander Germaine <Warrior Trainer>
- [8-30D] A Fitting Weapon
- [20-30D] A Dangerous Alliance
- Anduin Wrynn <King of Stormwind>
- [84] He's Holding Out on Us
- [84] Peasant Problems
- [84] Expert Opinion
- Angus Stern <Head Chef>
- [15-30] Feast at the Blue Recluse
- Catherine Leland <Fishing Supplies>
- [10-80 Daily] Big Gulp
- [10-80 Daily] Diggin' For Worms
- [10-80 Daily] Hitting a Walleye
- [10-80 Daily] Rock Lobster
- [10-80 Daily] Thunder Falls
- Celestine of the Harvest <Druid Trainer>
- [8-30] An Invitation from Moonglade
- [20-30] Moonglade Calls
- Chief Surgeon Gashweld <Priest Trainer>
- [8-30D] A Budding Young Surgeon
- Count Remington Ridgewell <House of Nobles>
- [7-30G] The Perenolde Tiara
- Demisette Cloyce <Warlock Trainer>
- [8-30D] A Boon for the Powerful
- [20-30D] Stones of Binding
- Dungar Longdrink <Gryphon Master>
- [1-30] Return to Argus
- Fargo Flintlocke
- [30-35] Twilight Shores
- Farmer Wollerton
- [84] Unholy Cow
- Farseer Umbrua <Shaman Trainer>
- [8-30D] Blessings of the Elements
- [20-30D] Slaves of the Firelord
- Grimand Elmore
- [1-30] Stormpike's Delivery
- [29] Armed and Ready
- Harlan Bagley
- [1-30] Harlan Needs a Resupply
- Harrison Jones <Archaeology Trainer>
- [30-35] Meetup with the Caravan
- Hero's Call Board
- [5-30] Hero's Call: Westfall!
- [7-30] Hero's Call: Redridge Mountains!
- [10-30] Hero's Call: Duskwood!
- [10-30] Hero's Call: Northern Stranglethorn Vale!
- [10-30] Hero's Call: Southern Barrens!
- [10-30] Hero's Call: The Cape of Stranglethorn!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Dustwallow Marsh!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Western Plaguelands!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Eastern Plaguelands!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Badlands!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Searing Gorge!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Burning Steppes!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Swamp of Sorrows!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Blasted Lands!
- [10-30] Hero's Call: Outland!
- [10-30] Hero's Call: Borean Tundra!
- [30-35] Hero's Call: Mount Hyjal!
- [30-35] Hero's Call: Vashj'ir!
- [30-35] Hero's Call: Deepholm!
- [30-35] Hero's Call: Twilight Highlands!
- [30-35] Hero's Call: Uldum!
- [35] The Troll Incursion
- [32-35] Guardians of Hyjal: Call of the Ancients
- [32-35] Guardians of Hyjal: Firelands Invasion!
- High Priestess Laurena <Priest Trainer>
- [8-30D] Favored of the Light
- [20-30D] Twilight Scheming
- Human Orphan (Children's Week)
- [80] The Bough of the Eternals (Children's Week)
- [80] The Stonewrought Dam (Children's Week)
- [80] Spooky Lighthouse (Children's Week)
- [10-80] You Scream, I Scream... (Children's Week)
- [60] Jaina's Autograph (Children's Week)
- [10-80] A Warden of the Alliance (Children's Week)
- Innkeeper Allison <Innkeeper>
- [1-80] Flexing for Nougat (Hallow's End)
- Inspector Snip Snagglebolt (Love is in the Air)
- [1-70] Something Stinks (Love is in the Air)
- [1-70] Pilfering Perfume (Love is in the Air)
- [1-70] Something Stinks (Love is in the Air)
- Jack Bauden <SI:7 Agent>
- Jesper (Hallow's End)
- Khole Jinglepocket <Smokywood Pastures> (Feast of Winter Veil)
- King Varian Wrynn <King of Stormwind>
- [7-30] Hero's Call: Redridge Mountains!
- [5-30] Return to Sentinel Hill
- [15-30] Return to Jaina
- [30R] The Lord of Blackrock
- [84] My Son, the Prince
- [84] Rallying the Fleet
- [84] Twilight Investigation
- [30-35] Twilight Shores
- Kwee Q. Peddlefeet <Crown Chemical Co.> (Love is in the Air)
- [1-70 Daily] A Gift for the King of Stormwind (Love is in the Air Daily)
- Lilliam Sparkspindle <Engineering Trainer>
- [47] Gnome Engineering (Engineering)
- [47] Goblin Engineering (Engineering)
- Lieutenant Jocryn Heldric (Love is in the Air)
- Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker <Paladin Trainer>
- [8-30D] The Hand of the Light
- [20-30D] Weapons of Darkness
- Lord Tony Romano <Rogue Trainer>
- [8-30D] A Royal Reward
- [20-30D] The Dark Iron Army
- Lunar Festival Emissary (Lunar Festival)
- [1-80] The Lunar Festival (Lunar Festival)
- Lunar Festival Harbinger (Lunar Festival)
- [1-80] Lunar Fireworks (Lunar Festival)
- [1-80] Valadar Starsong (Lunar Festival)
- Maginor Dumas <Master Mage>
- [8-30D] Mastering the Arcane
- [20-30D] The Pyromancer's Grimoire
- Major Samuelson <Stormwind City Guard>
- [84] The Usual Suspects
- Marion Sutton (Love is in the Air)
- [1-70] Hot On The Trail (Love is in the Air)
- [1-70] A Friendly Chat... (Love is in the Air)
- [1-70] Hot On The Trail (Love is in the Air)
- Master Mathias Shaw <Leader of SI:7>
- [84] The Old Barracks
- Morgan Pestle
- Naraat the Earthspeaker
- [30-35] The Eye of the Storm
- [30-35] To the Depths
- [30-35] The Maelstrom
- [35] The Call of the World-Shaman
- [30-35] The Eye of the Storm
- Orphan Matron Nightingale
- [10-80] Children's Week (Children's Week)
- Osric Strang <Heavy Armor Merchant>
- [1-30] Dungar Longdrink
- Pile of Explosives
- [84] A Villain Unmasked
- Public Relations Agent <Crown Chemical Co.> (Love is in the Air)
- [1-70 Daily] A Cloudlet of Classy Cologne (Love is in the Air Daily)
- [1-70 Daily] Bonbon Blitz (Love is in the Air Daily)
- Recruiter Burns
- [30-35] Call of Duty
- Rema Schneider
- [1-30] Package for Thurman
- Renato Gallina
- [1-30] Wine Shop Advert
- Robby Flay <Head Chef>
- [10-80 Daily] A Fisherman's Feast
- [10-80 Daily] Feeling Crabby?
- [10-80 Daily] Orphans Like Cookies Too!
- [10-80 Daily] Penny's Pumpkin Pancakes
- [10-80 Daily] The King's Cider
- Sheldras Moontree <Druid Trainer>
- [8-30] An Invitation from Moonglade
- [20-30] Moonglade Calls
- Supply Sergeant Graves
- [84] Missing Parts
- Wonderform Operator <Smokywood Pastures> (Feast of Winter Veil)
- [1-80] Winter's Presents (Feast of Winter Veil)
- [1-80] New Year Celebrations! (New Year's Eve)
- Wulf Hansreim <Hunter Trainer>
- [8-30D] A Well-Earned Reward
- [20-30D] The Golem Lord's Creations
- Bwemba
- [35] Bwemba's Spirit
- [35] To Fort Livingston
- Elder Hammershout (Lunar Festival)
- [1-80] Hammershout the Elder (Lunar Festival)
Class Trainers
- Ander Germaine <Warrior Trainer>
- Wu Shen <Warrior Trainer>
- Ilsa Corbin <Warrior Trainer>
- Signilda Hardforge <Warrior Trainer>
- Daphne Funkybeats <Warrior Trainer, Talent & Leadership Director>
- Kualiang Thunderfist <Warrior trainer>
- Wu Shen <Warrior Trainer>
- Demisette Cloyce <Warlock Trainer>
- Sandahl <Warlock Trainer>
- Ursula Deline <Warlock Trainer>
- Laphandrus Voidheart <Warlock Trainer>
- Evelyn Thorn <Warlock Trainer>
- Sandahl <Warlock Trainer>
- Einris Brightspear <Hunter Trainer>
- Wulf Hansreim <Hunter Trainer>
- Sarisse Jume <Hunter Trainer>
- Ulfir Ironbeard <Hunter Trainer>
- Don Omar <Hunter Trainer>
- Thorfin Stoneshield <Hunter Trainer>
- Dalgrun Steelpine <Hunter Trainer>
- Alma Deering <Pet Trainer>
- Karrina Mekenda <Pet Trainer>
- Farseer Umbrua <Shaman Trainer>
- Bolner Hammerbeak <Shaman Trainer>
- Dalga Hammerbeak <Shaman Trainer>
- Mulric Boldrock <Shaman Trainer>
- Remaari <Shaman trainer>
- Bolner Hammerbeak <Shaman Trainer>
- Chief Surgeon Gashweld <Priest Trainer>
- High Priestess Laurena <Priest Trainer>
- Brother Joshua <Priest Trainer>
- Brother Benjamin <Priest Trainer>
- Nara Meideros <Priest Trainer>
- Patrice Lancaster <Priest Trainer>
- Elton Campbell <Priest Trainer>
- Brother Benjamin <Priest Trainer>
- Brother Joshua <Priest Trainer>
- Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker <Paladin Trainer>
- Katherine the Pure <Paladin Trainer>
- Arthur the Faithful <Paladin Trainer>
- Gilda Silvershield <Paladin Trainer>
- Ezul'aan <Paladin Trainer>
- Katherine the Pure <Paladin Trainer>
- Lord Tony Romano <Rogue Trainer>
- Arthur Huwe <Rogue Trainer>
- Osborne the Night Man <Rogue Trainer>
- Veruca Darkstream <Rogue Trainer>
- Maginor Dumas <Master Mage>
- Elsharin <Mage Trainer>
- Jennea Cannon <Mage Trainer>
- Sparkbright <Mage Trainer>
- Frazzle Frostfingers <Mage Trainer>
- Laluu <Mage Trainer>
- Larimaine Purdue <Portal Trainer>
- Azunla <Portal Trainer>
- Elsharin <Mage Trainer>
- Sheldras Moontree <Druid Trainer>
- Celestine of the Harvest <Druid Trainer>
- Mithlos Falconbriar <Druid Trainer>
- Amaria Wildthorn <Druid Trainer>
- Maldryn <Druid Trainer>
- Aysa Cloudsinger <Monk Trainer>
- Katrina Long <Monk Trainer>
- Juisheng Halfclaw <Monk Trainer>
Profession (Tradeskill) Trainers
- Angela Leifeld <First Aid Trainer>
- Arnold Leland <Fishing Trainer>
- Artificer Farud <Engineering Trainer>
- Catarina Stanford <Inscription Trainer>
- Druben Stoutarm <Mining Trainer>
- Gelman Stonehand <Mining Trainer>
- Georgio Bolero <Tailoring Trainer>
- Jalane Ayrole <Tailoring Trainer>
- Harrison Jones <Archaeology Trainer>
- Jordan Smith <Blacksmithing Trainer & Supplies>
- Lilliam Sparkspindle <Engineering Trainer>
- Lilyssia Nightbreeze <Alchemy Trainer>
- Lucan Cordell <Enchanting Trainer>
- Maris Granger <Skinning Trainer>
- Shylamiir <Herbalism Trainer>
- Tannysa <Herbalism Trainer>
- Simon Tanner <Leatherworking Trainer>
- Stephen Ryback <Cooking Trainer>
- Theresa Denman <Jewelcrafting Trainer>
- Therum Deepforge <Blacksmithing Trainer>
- Adair Gilroy <Librarian>
- Adherent Hanjun <Tushui Quartermaster>
- Agustus Moulaine <Mail Armor Merchant>
- Aldric Moore <Mail Armor Merchant>
- Alexandra Bolero <Tailoring Supplies>
- Alice Fischer <Corrupted Aspirant Vendor>
- Allan Hafgan <Staves Merchant>
- Alyssa Griffith <Bag Vendor>
- Ardwyn Cailen <Wand Merchant>
- Audrey Burnhep <Battle Pet Trainer>
- Jon Casper <Sous Chef>
- Bazzil Frostweaver <The Cone of Cold>
- Ben Trias <Apprentice of Cheese>
- Bernard Gump <Florist>
- Billibub Cogspinner <Engineering Supplier>
- Brooke Stonebraid <Mining Supplier>
- Brother Cassius <Reagent Vendor>
- Bryan Cross <Shield Merchant>
- Captain Dirgehammer <Apprentice Armor Quartermaster>
- Captain Lancy Revshon <Stormwind Quartermaster>
- Captain O'Neal <Jewelcrafting Quartermaster>
- Carla Granger <Cloth Armor Merchant>
- Charys Yserian <Arcane Trinkets Vendor>
- Colin Field <Tavernkeeper>
- Craggle Wobbletop <Toys and Novelties>
- Darian Singh <Fireworks Vendor>
- Duncan Cullen <Light Armor Merchant>
- Edlan Halsing <Bloodthirsty Gladiator>
- Edna Mullby <Trade Supplier>
- Elaine Trias <Mistress of Cheese>
- Eldraeith <Herbalism Supplier>
- Elly Langston <Barmaid>
- Emmithue Smails <Sweet Treats> (Children's Week)
- Engineer Brightbuckle <The Bravery>
- Engineer Kurtis Paddock <The Assurance>
- Erika Tate <Cooking Supplier>
- Evan Larson <Hatter>
- Faldren Tillsdale <Valor Quartermaster>
- Felicia Gump <Herbalism Supplier>
- Finn
- Frederick Stover <Bow & Arrow Merchant>
- Galley Chief Gathers <The Bravery>
- Galley Chief Paul Kubit <The Assurance>
- Gerik Koen <Two Handed Weapon Merchant>
- Gregory Ardus <Staff & Mace Merchant>
- Guchie Jinglepocket <Smokywood Pastures> (Feast of Winter Veil)
- Gunther Weller <Weapons Merchant>
- Hans Coldhearth <The Cone of Cold>
- Heinrich Stone <Blade Merchant>
- Innkeeper Allison <Innkeeper>
- Isabel Jones <Jewelcrafting Supplies>
- Jalane Ayrole <Master Shadoweave Tailor>
- Jarel Moor <Bartender>
- Jasper Fel <Shady Dealer>
- Jessara Cordell <Enchanting Supplies>
- Jillian Tanner <Leatherworking Supplies>
- Joachim Brenlow <Bartender>
- Julia Gallina <Wine Vendor>
- Kaita Deepforge <Blacksmithing Supplies>
- Kathrum Axehand <Axe Merchant>
- Katie Stokx <Horse Breeder>
- Keldric Boucher <Arcane Goods Vendor>
- Kendor Kabonka <Master of Cooking Recipes>
- Khole Jinglepocket <Smokywood Pastures> (Feast of Winter Veil)
- Knight-Captain Jessica <Honor Rewards Quartermaster>
- Knight-Lieutenant T'Maire Sydes <Northrend Armor Quatermaster>
- Kyra Boucher <Reagent Vendor>
- Lara Moore <Leather Armor Merchant>
- Leesha Tannerby <Dockmaster>
- Lieutenant Jackspring <Legacy Weapon Quartermaster>
- Lieutenant Karter <War Mount Quartermaster>
- Lieutenant Tristia <Veteran Armor Quartermaster>
- Lil Timmy <Boy with Kittens>
- Lina Stover <Bow & Gun Merchant>
- Lisa McKeever <Candy Vendor>
- Lisbeth Schneider <Clothier>
- Lovely Merchant <Crown Chemical Co.> (Love is in the Air)
- Lunar Festival Vendor (Lunar Festival)
- Magatha Silverton <Justice Quartermaster>
- Marda Weller <Weapons Merchant>
- Maria Lumere <Alchemy Supplies>
- Master Sergeant Biggins <Accessories Quartermaster>
- Mayda Thane <Cobbler>
- Miles Sidney <Poison Supplies>
- Myrla Stoneround <Barmaid>
- Necrolord Sipe <Combatant Mount Quartermaster>
- Officer Areyn <Accessories Quartermaster>
- Old Whitenose <Dragon Turtle Breeder>
- Osric Strang <Heavy Armor Merchant>
- Owen Vaughn <Reagent Vendor>
- Rebecca Laughlin <Tabard Designer>
- Roberto Pupellyverbos <Merlot Connoisseur>
- Sarana Damir <Ink Trader>
- Seoman Griffith <Leather Armor Merchant>
- Sergeant Major Clate <Legacy Armor Quartermaster>
- Shay Pressler <Guild Vendor>
- Sloan McCoy <Poison Supplier>
- Stanly McCormick <Inscription Supplies>
- Statiks Quikfuse <Engineering Supplies>
- Tannec Stonebeak <Gryphon Keeper>
- Terrance Denman <Jewelcrafting Supplies>
- Thaegra Tillstone <Innkeeper>
- Theresa Moulaine <Robe Vendor>
- Thomas Miller <Baker>
- Thulman Flintcrag <Guns Vendor>
- Thurman Mullby <General Goods Vendor>
- Travis Nichols <Hot Coffee Vendor>
- Wilhelm Strang <Mail Armor Merchant>
- Wynne Larson <Robe Merchant>
Various Services
- Aldwin Laughlin <Guild Master>
- Alison Devay <Battlemaster>
- Ann Wainwright <Banker>
- Aron Kyleson <Dockmaster>
- Ashlee Umberleaf <Stablemaster>
- Auctioneer Chilton - (Auctioneer)
- Auctioneer Fitch - (Auctioneer)
- Auctioneer Fitzgerald - (Auctioneer)
- Auctioneer Hesse - (Auctioneer)
- Auctioneer Jaxon - (Auctioneer)
- Auctioneer Lauffer - (Auctioneer)
- Behsten <Experience Eliminator>
- Benik Boltshear <Locksmith>
- Bethany Aldire <Strand of the Ancients Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Strand of the Ancients)
- Bralla Cloudwing <Flying Trainer>
- Celeste Periwinkle <Guide Recruiter>
- Curtis Crester <Banker>
- Darlene Stokx <Riding Trainer>
- Devin Fardale <Battlemaster>
- Dracien Flanning <Isle of Conquest Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Isle of Conquest)
- Dungar Longdrink <Gryphon Master>
- Elfarran <Warsong Gulch Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch)
- Eye of the Storm Emissary - (Call to Arms: Eye of the Storm)
- Fineas G. Bankworthy <Banker>
- Gend Goldwing <Twin Peaks Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Twin Peaks)
- Gilnean Emissary - (Call to Arms: The Battle for Gilneas)
- Ian Drake <Elder> ( [Tyrael's Hilt] reclamation)
- Innkeeper Allison <Innkeeper>
- Isle of Conquest Emissary - (Call to Arms: Isle of Conquest)
- Ithurian Whitespire <Arcane Reforger>
- Jamie Crester <Banker>
- Jelinek Sharpshear <Barber>
- Jenova Stoneshield <Stable Master>
- John Burnside <Banker>
- Jovil <Eye of the Storm Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Eye of the Storm)
- Karin <Stable Master>
- Kirsten Westmill <Banker>
- Kristin Cazarez <Banker>
- Lady Hoteshem <Arathi Basin Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Arathi Basin)
- League of Arathor Emissary - (Call to Arms: Arathi Basin)
- Lee Crester <Banker>
- Leesha Tannerby <Dockmaster>
- Leslie Wainwright <Banker>
- Lormic Farroden <The Battle for Gilneas Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: The Battle for Gilneas)
- Loretta Banks <Flight Specialist>
- Mei Lin <Riding Trainer>
- Nayura <Dockmaster>
- Newton Burnside <Banker>
- Olivia Burnside <Banker>
- Rebecca Laughlin <Tabard Designer>
- Scott Westmill <Banker>
- Shani Ward <Innkeeper>
- Silverwing Emissary - (Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch)
- Spackle Thornberry <Demon Trainer>
- Steven Lohan <Innkeeper>
- Stormpike Emissary - (Call to Arms: Alterac Valley)
- Stormwind City Guard - (Directions)
- Stormwind City Patroller - (Directions)
- Stormwind Harbor Guard - (Directions)
- Strand of the Ancients Emissary - (Call to Arms: Strand of the Ancients)
- Sylista <Stable Master>
- Tawny Seabraid <T&W Trading Post>
- Thaegra Tillstone <Innkeeper>
- Thargold Ironwing - (Harbor tours)
- Thelman Slatefist <Alterac Valley Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Alterac Valley)
- Thomas Westmill <Banker>
- Warren Wainwright <Banker>
- Wilder Seabraid <T&W Trading Post>
- Wildhammer Emissary - (Call to Arms: Twin Peaks)
- Wonderform Operator <Smokywood Pastures> (Feast of Winter Veil)
Other Notable NPCs
- Acolyte Dellis
- Acolyte Porena
- Abbe Tami
- Adam
- Adam Pressler
- Aedis Brom
- Alyn Black
- Anastasia
- Ann
- Anna Taki
- Antoinette Jardin
- Archmage Gaiman
- Archmage Malin
- Archmage Nakada <Master of Spells>
- Argos Nightwhisper
- Art Peshkov
- Baros Alexston <City Architect>
- Bartleby <Drunk>
- Benjamin Elgueta <The Assurance>
- Betty Quin <Apprentice Enchanter>
- Billy
- Bishop DeLavey
- Bishop Farthing
- Blue (dracthyr)
- Bolgor
- Borgus Steelhand <Blacksmithing Trainer> (Not an actual trainer)
- Brandon
- Brohann Caskbelly <Explorers' League>
- Brother Crowley <Scarlet Crusade Emissary>
- Brother Kristoff
- Brother Sarno
- Brunn Goldenmug
- Caledra Dawnbreeze
- Candace Thomas
- Captain Angelina Soluna <The Bravery>
- Captain Constance <The Kraken>
- Captain Paul Carver <The Assurance>
- Caretaker Folsom
- Chris Miller
- Christoph Faral
- Colin O'Rourke
- Collin Mauren
- Colton Smith
- Commander Sharp
- Crier Goodman
- Curly <Stable Hand>
- Dane Lindgren <Apprentice Blacksmith>
- Daniel <Junior Mage>
- Daniel Julian
- Daniel Kinsey
- Daniel Kramer
- Daphne "The Rose" Bloom
- Darnella Winford <Archaeology Student>
- Dashel Stonefist
- Dave the Quick
- David Gregory
- David Langston
- Deva Marie
- Dewil
- Dilya <T&W Trading Post>
- Doc Mixilpixil
- Donna
- Donyal Tovald <Librarian>
- Duthorian Rall
- Dylan Aguilar
- Elerion Bladedancer <Illidari>
- Elisa Perry
- Elizabeth <Junior Mage>
- Elling Trias <Master of Cheese>
- Emissary Taluun
- Erich Lohan
- Erika Saka
- Field Marshal Stonebridge
- First Mate Edgar Flores <The Assurance>
- First Mate Fitzgerald <The Kraken>
- First Mate Wavesinger <The Bravery>
- Fizzles
- Foreman Wick
- Furen Longbeard
- Gakin the Darkbinder
- Gardener Flin
- Gazin Tenorm
- General Hammond Clay <High Commander of Stormwind Defense>
- Genevieve
- Gil
- Gonzalez <Don Omar's Pet>
- Gordon MacKellar <Assistant Confetti Cannon Operator>
- Genn Greymane
- Grand Admiral Jes-Tereth
- Greypaw <Alma's Pet>
- Guard Hammon
- Guard Quine
- Hank the Hammer <The Mithril Order>
- Harbinger Ennarth
- Harry Burlguard
- High Exarch Turalyon <Lord Commander of Alliance Forces>
- High Sorcerer Andromath
- Hiumi Togo
- Janey Anship
- Janric Moller <Archaeology Student>
- Jelinek Sharpshear <Barber>
- Jenn Langston
- Jenna <Junior Mage>
- Jenna Redwell
- Jennica Holzman
- Jenny Winslow
- Jared <The Fixer>
- Jeremy <Junior Mage>
- Jo Weaver
- Jorgen
- Joiya Reed
- Judy Gregory
- Justin
- Justin Boehm <The Assurance>
- Justine Demalier <Stormwind Recruiter>
- Kaellin Tarvane <Tol Barad Battle-Mage>
- Karl Wogksch <Landscaper>
- Karlee Chaddis
- Kayla Mills <Historian>
- Keira Onyxraven <Void Elf Emissary>
- Kelly Aguilar
- Kimberly Grant
- Krenzen
- Kyle Radue
- Lana Dubing <Archaeology Student>
- Lana Ashwin
- Landscaper Ed
- Lawrence Schneider <Apprentice Tailor>
- Lenny "Fingers" McCoy
- Leria Nightwind
- Lilian Mae
- Linda
- Lisa Schaefer
- Lisan Pierce
- Little Adeline
- Little Noah
- Lord Baurles K. Wishock <House of Nobles>
- Lulana
- Maggie Camp
- Mai Kota
- Major Mattingly
- Mangeclaw (Stormwind City)
- Mari Reed
- Mason Goldgild <Royal Stonecutter's Guild>
- Master Wood
- Mazen Mac'Nadir <Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences>
- Meghan Dawson
- Melris Malagan <Captain of the Guard>
- Michael Corpora <The Assurance>
- Miggi
- Mikey Schaefer
- Milton Sheaf <Librarian>
- Moni Widdlesprock
- Mithras Ironhill
- Morgg Stormshot
- Morris Lawry
- Mudrik Leger <Dark Iron Emissary>
- Mummiaabu
- Muzzle <Karrina's Pet>
- Naomi <Junior Mage>
- Nathan Stockton
- Navigator Landerson <The Bravery>
- Navigator Meyer <The Kraken>
- Navigator Rian Trost <The Assurance>
- Nazurathar
- Nicanor Ward
- Nikova Raskol
- Nirathan
- Noarm
- Officer Brady
- Officer Connelly
- Officer Jaxon
- Officer Pomeroy
- Ol' Beasley
- Ol' Emma
- Olivia Jayne
- Otto von Chubbs <Dylan's Companion>
- Perrin Moontear
- Randal Worth <Apprentice Leatherworker>
- Rauvir
- Raylen Milburn
- Rek'tor <Colin O'Rourke's Pet>
- Ren Arsane
- Renzik "The Shiv" <SI:7 Operative>
- Robert Richardson <The Assurance>
- Roman
- Royal Factor Bathrilor <Stormwind Census>
- Roy Pitts
- Rye Tele
- Ryth the Melodious
- Sailor Dawning <The Kraken>
- Sailor Fairfolk <The Bravery>
- Sailor Phillips <The Kraken>
- Sailor Picardo <The Kraken>
- Sailor Stoneheel <The Bravery>
- Sailor Wills <The Bravery>
- Saka Kidd
- Sam Corff <T&W Trading Post>
- Sammy <Junior Mage>
- Scott Keenan
- Sellandus <Apprentice Tailor>
- Sentinel Brightgrass
- Sentinel Winterdew
- Serban Oprescu <The Assurance>
- Sergeant Major Skyshadow
- Shailiea
- Shellene <Orphanage Matron>
- Shoni the Shilent
- Snivel Rustrocket <Venture Co.> (Love is in the Air)
- Sojurn Saka
- Sprite Jumpsprocket <Apprentice Engineer>
- Squire Rowe
- Stephanie Turner
- Steven Allen
- Suzanne
- Suzetta Gallina
- Tanaya Perch
- Tasha Tallen
- Tel'Athir <Apprentice Alchemist>
- Teon Cathun
- Terran "Justice" Gregory
- Thaza
- Thomas <Altar Boy>
- Thurman Schneider
- Topper McNabb
- Trey Wells
- Ty Julian
- Valarian <Stable Keeper>
- Warren Fulton
- Wilder Thistlenettle
- William
- William Henry
- Wright Williams
- Xavier Carpenter
- Yoska Merce
- Yugh Nakai
- Zaralash
- Zhakloskar
- Zardeth of the Black Claw
- Zggi <Zardeth's Minion>
- Adarrah
- Bella
- Berkeley
- Budd
- Captain Samir
- Cenarion Emissary Jademoon
- Crithto
- Emma
- James Meier
- Jordan Meier
- Mack Fearsen
- Rufus
- Shauna Strattonmeier <Librarian>
- Sir Nicholas Gabaree
- Stanley
- Wiley (dog)
- Samuelson Unmasked (Elite)
- The Black Bishop