Renzik "The Shiv"

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For the submarine, see The Shiv.
AllianceRenzik "The Shiv"
Image of Renzik "The Shiv"
Title <SI:7 Operative>
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Class Rogue
Resource Energy
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormwind, SI:7, Uncrowned
Occupation Spy
Location Various
Status Alive

Renzik "The Shiv" is a goblin member of the SI:7 located in the headquarters in Old Town of Stormwind City. Renzik has connection both to the Hidden Circle in Ironforge as well as the rogues in Darnassus. He is Mathias Shaw's second in command.[1]

Because most SI:7 agents are members of recognizably Alliance races, Renzik often serves as the organization's spy in Orgrimmar and other Horde territories.[2] Renzik doesn't like interacting with others, but the pay is good and he can honestly say he is respected. He despises what goblins have become under Jastor Gallywix.[3]


Renzik's Cataclysm model.

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Renzik was looking for Alliance adventurers to send them to Lucius in Lakeshire in Redridge Mountains for training.

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

He occasionally appears in the Town Hall of Lunarfall and asks the commander to kill various targets across Draenor.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

He joined the Uncrowned and is found in the Hall of Shadows.

When Stormwind was under lockdown because of the infiltration from the Veiled Hand, Renzik guarded the entrance into the SI:7 building.[4] When the Uncrowned infiltrated the SI:7 headquarters in order to reveal Detheroc, Renzik was sapped.[5]

He later journeyed to Deliverance Point on the Broken Shore. He can be seen rifling through boxes.

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

After the deaths ordered by Sylvanas Windrunner at the Gathering, Anduin Wrynn ordered that SI:7 watch the Horde at all times. Renzik was the leader of the spies in Orgrimmar, and the only one out in the open. He disguised himself as a merchant near Grommash Hold.[3]

During the Battle for Lordaeron, Renzik was part of the SI:7 forces attacking the Undercity. He and Mirabelle stole intel from the city but were caught by Royal Dreadguards. They managed to escape via a smoke bomb while the Druids of the Claw fought off Horde forces.[6]

By the time of the end of the Fourth War, Renzik reported that parts of the ruins of Lordaeron appear slightly less dangerous as if the blight was slowly fading.[7]


Notable appearances
Location Level range Health range
Stormwind 40 1,695
Lunarfall 100 1,467,810
Dalaran 100 1,682,616


  • Stealth


Renzik's old model

WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.


  • At some point, Renzik infiltrated the Undercity and returned to SI:7 with sketches of the labyrinthine city, including the Royal Quarter.[2]
    • Mathias then mentions that Sylvanas recently ascended to Warchief.[2] Whether Renzik's trip refers to his Battle for Lordaeron appearance or to some prior event is unknown.
  • Renzik is the first Alliance goblin, the second being Beezil Linkspanner.
  • Renzik is old friends with Hulfdan Blackbeard[8] and Gurgthock.[9]
  • In the Battle for Azeroth alpha, Renzik could be found aboard the Wind's Redemption docked at Boralus in Kul Tiras. He was also originally planned to be a champion/follower in the expansion.
  • Renzik refers to Forsaken as "deaders",[3] a possible reference to Hellraiser: Deader where a cult of Undead refer to themselves as such.

Patch changes

See also


External links

es:Renzik "Chafarote"