Captain Angelina Soluna

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AllianceCaptain Angelina Soluna
Image of Captain Angelina Soluna
Title <The Bravery>
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Captain
Location The Bravery, Teldrassil or Stormwind Harbor
Status Alive

Captain Angelina Soluna commands The Bravery, the boat that runs between the ports of Stormwind Harbor and Teldrassil.



Welcome to The Bravery, <sir/madame>. Now, if you'll excuse me...


  • She may be named after the song 'Angelina', by The Bravery, on the album The Sun and the Moon.
  • She looks exactly like Admiral Walsh.

Patch changes

External links

es:Capitana Angelina Soluna