Jessara Cordell

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AllianceJessara Cordell
Image of Jessara Cordell
Title <Enchanting Supplies>
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 1-70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormwind
Location Cordell's Enchanting, Stormwind City[53.0, 74.2]
Status Alive
Relative(s) Lucan Cordell
Pre-Shadowlands model.

Jessara Cordell is a human enchanting vendor found inside the family shop Cordell's Enchanting in the Canal District in Stormwind City.


Item Cost
Enchanting items and formulae
 [Copper Rod] 1s 24c
(4)  [Strange Dust] 7s 20c
 [Lesser Magic Essence] 7s 20c
 [Simple Wood] 38c
 [Star Wood] 45s
 [Formula: Minor Wizard Oil] 4s
 [Formula: Minor Mana Oil] 24s
 [Formula: Lesser Wizard Oil] 32s
 [Pattern: Enchanted Mageweave Pouch] 60s
 [Enchanting Vellum] 10s
 [Immortal Shard] 9g
Item Cost
Enchanting formulae
 [Formula: Magic Lamp] Alliance
 [Formula: Enchanted Lantern] Horde
20 Hypnotic Dust
 [Formula: Enchant Boots - Assassin's Step] 5 Heavenly Shard
 [Formula: Enchant Boots - Lavawalker] 5 Heavenly Shard
 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Critical Strike] 5 Heavenly Shard
 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Speed] 5 Heavenly Shard
 [Formula: Enchant Chest - Greater Stamina] 5 Heavenly Shard
 [Formula: Enchant Chest - Peerless Stats] 5 Heavenly Shard
 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Critical Strike] 5 Heavenly Shard
 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Greater Mastery] 5 Heavenly Shard
 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Mighty Strength] 5 Heavenly Shard
 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Landslide] 5 Maelstrom Crystal
 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Power Torrent] 5 Maelstrom Crystal
 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Windwalk] 5 Maelstrom Crystal
Item Cost
Enchanting items and formulae
 [Copper Rod] 1s 24c
(3-4)  [Strange Dust] 7s 20c
(2)  [Lesser Magic Essence] 7s 20c
 [Simple Wood] 38c
 [Star Wood] 45s
 [Formula: Minor Wizard Oil] 4s
 [Formula: Minor Mana Oil] 24s
 [Formula: Lesser Wizard Oil] 32s
 [Pattern: Enchanted Mageweave Pouch] 60s
(1)  [Formula: Enchant Chest - Minor Mana] 3s


  • Since the fall of Dalaran and the destruction of Quel'Thalas, wares of this sort have been hard to come by. But Lucan Cordell and some of our other Tradesman[sic] have been doing a fine job of filling our orders with quality merchandise.
  • I sell only the finest arcane gear, made by the crafters and mages here in the city of Stormwind.

Buy I want to browse your goods.

Main article: Mastering the Arcane (Alliance)#Notes

Patch changes

External links