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Image of Ezul'aan
Title <Paladin Trainer>
Gender Male
Race Draenei (Humanoid)
Level 1-80
Class Paladin
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormwind, Knights of the Silver Hand
Occupation Paladin trainer
Location Training Hall, Stormwind City
Status Alive

Ezul'aan is a draenei paladin trainer located in the Training Hall in Stormwind City.

Following the Fourth War, and recognized as one of the foremost paladins in the realm, Ezul'aan takes care of sending promising paladins, who impressed him with their rapid progress, on missions.[1][2] More particularly to allow them to obtain unique materials that can only be found in the cursed Shadowfang Keep in Silverpine Forest, so that Therum Deepforge can create weapons at the height of their dedication for them.[3] He also takes care of sending them to fight the enemies of the Alliance in Blackrock Depths, and prevent the deaths of allies at the hands of the Dark Iron clan and the Twilight Hammer.[4]






Greetings, <class>.

If you're looking for training, you'll need to find a <class> trainer. I only instruct paladins.

Patch changes

See also


  1. ^ A Paladin [8-30] Ezul'aan Calls
  2. ^ A Paladin [20-30] Meet with Ezul'aan
  3. ^ A Paladin [8-30D] The Hand of the Light
  4. ^ A Paladin [20-30D] Weapons of Darkness

External links