Crithto (dog)

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For the former Community Manager of the same name, see Crithto.
Image of Crithto
Gender Male
Race Pug (Non-combat pet)
Level 1 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Stormwind Keep, Stormwind City

Crithto is an elite pug that can be found continuously running inside the Stormwind Keep gardens, in the human capital of Stormwind City. Sometimes he will leave the keep, reaching the Trade District, Cathedral Square and the Dwarven District, before returning to the Keep.

Be cautious when meeting this cute little pug, always carry with you a treat and never ever insult his Fez!

The respawn timer is around 2-3 minutes, and he has 3-4 different looks (bow/fez/bone/pirate hat)



Crithto with a fez
  • He is named after Crithto, a former Community Manager who used a  [Perky Pug] as his avatar on the official forums.
  • This seemingly harmless pug was infamous for its devastating damage and sheer health, capable of killing most non-tank players in one hit. Since patch 9.0.1, it has been significantly nerfed.

Patch changes

See also

External links