Sentinel Brightgrass

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AllianceSentinel Brightgrass
Image of Sentinel Brightgrass
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 55
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Sentinels
Location The Bravery, Teldrassil or Stormwind Harbor
Status Alive

Sentinel Brightgrass is a night elf stationed onboard The Bravery, the boat that runs between Stormwind Harbor and Rut'theran Village. She is one of the Sentinels from Darnassus placed on the ship to protect the passengers from harm. She, however, will not attack a Horde member unless they themselves attack her.


  • Net


We've sworn to do our very best to protect the passengers of The Bravery. The sea lane between Rut'theran Village and Stormwind Harbor must remain safe.


  • Although not flagged for PvP, she will flag her attackers.

Patch changes

External links

es:Centinela Hierba Fresca