Signilda Hardforge

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AllianceSignilda Hardforge
Image of Signilda Hardforge
Title <Warrior Trainer>
Gender Female
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 1-70
Class Warrior
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormwind
Occupation Warrior trainer
Location Training Hall, Stormwind City
Status Alive

Signilda Hardforge is a dwarf warrior trainer located in the Training Hall in Stormwind City.



Warrior gossip

Greetings, warrior. Have you come to learn about combat specializations?

Gossip Tell me about my specialization options.

There are three specializations available to Warriors: Arms, Fury and Protection.

Arms Warriors are battle-hardened weapon masters who use mobility and overpowering attacks to devastate opponents in battle.

Fury Warriors are furious berserkers who unleash flurries of attacks to carve their enemies to pieces.

Protection Warriors are stalwart protectors who use shields to put themselves between the enemy and their allies.
Non-warrior gossip

Greetings, <class>.

If you're looking for training, you'll need to find a <class> trainer. I only instruct warriors.

Patch changes

See also

External links