A Cloudlet of Classy Cologne

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Love is in the Air
The subject of this article or section is part of Love is in the Air, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.
NeutralA Cloudlet of Classy Cologne
Start Public Relations Agent
End Public Relations Agent
Level 1-70
Type Daily
Category Love is in the Air
Experience varies (13g 23s at 80)
Rewards 5x  [Love Token]


Spray 10 people with the  [Crown Cologne Sprayer].

  • Samples Given x10


You seem like the enterprising sort, <class>. How about we make a little deal?

Crown wants to offer samples of our latest holiday-themed products to as many potential customers as we can. Help us share the love while earning some fantastic Crown merchandise!

Your time, our money, friend. What do you think?


You will receive: (some money) and 5  [Love Token]


The cologne isn't going to give itself out, you know.

Get spraying!


Nice work, <name>! People will be buying Crown colognes by the crate-load now that they've had a chance to try them.

Here's a little something for helping us out.


As with all event quests, rewards from this vary by level.


Players or NPCs in a fairly target-rich environment.

Patch changes

External links