A Friendly Chat... (Alliance)

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Love is in the Air
The subject of this article or section is part of Love is in the Air, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.
AllianceA Friendly Chat...
Start Marion Sutton
End Inspector Snip Snagglebolt
Level 1-70
Category Love is in the Air
Rewards 9g 93s
Previous B [1-70] Hot On The Trail
Next Crushing the Crown
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [1-70] A Friendly Chat....


Go to Stormwind Harbor and question Snivel Rustrocket about the supplies. Return with any evidence he gives you.


<Marion listens with horror as you tell her why you're trying to track down Snivel.>

You mean, he might've used some kind of chemical on me? Ew! I can't believe I fell for that fraud!

If he's finished all of his errands, he's on his way down to the docks to catch a ship to the South Seas! Whatever you do, <name>, you can't let him get away with this.

Hurry down to Stormwind Harbor before you miss him!


You will receive: 9g 93s


Did you find the guy, or did he crawl under a rock?


You got his ledger? Really? That's great, <name>. There's probably loads of good information in here.


Snivel is at [27.4, 34.9], on the quay itself and not the wooden docks.

Hey, pal, I don't know who you are or why you've been following me around, but I'm about to board a ship and I want to be left alone, got it?

Gossip I have a rocket here with your mark on it, Snivel.

<He looks at the rocket and flashes a nervous grin.>
Okay, yeah, so maybe I made a couple rockets for some guys. So what? The gold was good and I was paid for my work. It's not like anyone died. That's about as honest as work gets. What's it to you?

Gossip There's a chemical inside the rocket. What is it?

Look, I don't know, okay? I don't know!
I just got paid to make rockets that deliver an airborne chemical payload, and that's what I did. Job's done, pal. They're all made, packaged, and sent off. I got the money and I was TRYING to enjoy myself a little when you started chasing me all over town. I don't have any more of that chemical and I don't know what it was.

Gossip Where were they delivered?

You expect me to remember all that off the top of my head? Look. They didn't pay me enough to put up with this, and the contract only asked for my silence. So I'm just gonna drop my ledger on the floor here, and you're going to take it and leave me alone.
Got it?


  1. B [1-70] Uncommon Scents (optional)
  2. B [1-70] Something Stinks
  3. B [1-70] Pilfering Perfume
  4. A [1-70] Fireworks At The Gilded Rose or H [1-70] Snivel's Sweetheart
  5. B [1-70] Hot On The Trail
  6. B [1-70] A Friendly Chat...
  7. Then, a level-appropriate daily quest:
  8. B [1-70] Something is in the Air (and it Ain't Love)

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