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Image of Ken-Ken
Gender Male
Race Hozen (Humanoid)
Class Monk
Location Various
Status Alive

Ken-Ken is a hozen monk.


Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

Ken-Ken accompanied Lin Tenderpaw and the monks of the Tian Monastery in searching for the Hidden Master in the Valley of the Four Winds. Xiao describes him as smarter than typical hozen and has shown himself to be quite knowledgeable of folk remedies, even knowing a way to extract sha from those afflicted. He also has a rivalry with Clever Ashyo. Having arrived at Zhu's Watch, he worked with the adventurer to cleanse its citizens from the influence of the Sha of Despair. After he was told that Lin had found the Hidden Master, he joined her to practice. When the mantid attacked Stoneplow, he and his team joined the defense of the village.

Ken-Ken with the rest of his team also visited the Temple of the White Tiger where he can be fought.

Ken-Ken can also be seen on the Timeless Isle overlooking the Celestial Court.

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

Ken-Ken is a possible choice of Garrison followers with the Lunarfall Inn/Frostwall Tavern.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Pang's Stead & Stoneplow Fields, Valley of the Four Winds 15-35 Alliance Horde As part of the Valley of the Four Winds storyline.
Zhu's Watch, Krasarang Wilds[76.2, 7.0] 15-35 Alliance Horde As a quest giver during the Krasarang Wilds storyline.
Temple of the White Tiger, Kun-Lai Summit[71.6, 45.2] 20-35 Alliance Horde As part of the Kun-Lai Summit storyline.
Celestial Court, Timeless Isle[37.0, 63.0] 30-35 Alliance Horde
Frostwall; Lunarfall 10-40 Alliance Horde


Stoneplow Fields
  • Ability warrior battleshout.png Battle Shout — Increases the melee attack power of nearby friendly targets for 2 min.
  • Ability warrior charge.png Charge — Charges an enemy, inflicting normal damage plus a bonus.
Kun-Lai Summit
Main article: Round 2: Clever Ashyo & Ken-Ken#Notes
  • Ability monk energizingwine.png Energizing Brew — Attack speed increased by 50% for 12 sec.
  • Ability monk paralysis.png Paralysis — Incapacitates the target for 6 sec.
  • Ability monk provoke.png Provoke — Taunts the target to attack you, increasing target movement speed by 50%.
  • Ability monk risingsunkick.png Rising Sun Kick — You kick upwards, dealing Physical damage. The effectiveness of healing on the target by is reduced by 25% and all enemies within 8 yards take 20% increased damage for 4 sec.


Objective of


Main article: The Search for the Hidden Master#Notes


Pang's Stead

Hozen can learn martial arts too, you know.

Ken-Ken better than all these other guys put together. ESPECIALLY better than Clever Ashy the Dumb Jinyu, over there.

Zhu's Watch

Ken-Ken met a few pandaren in his time. He tell you something: they NOT sads.

Now, look at this place! Sad, mopey-dopeys, sulking around everywhere.

Where's song and dance? Where's piles of food?

Where's BOOZE, man?!

Gossip Did you know that Lin found the Hidden Master? He's in Paoquan Hollow.

Lin finds the Hidden Master? Then our training can continue!
Only one thing. Ken-Ken must finish helping the sads first. Too many sads here.
Post-N [15-35] What's Eating Zhu's Watch?

You should help Mei.

Ken-Ken trying to think of way to cheer up these super-sads.

Post-N [15-35] Cheer Up, Yi-Mo

All these sad pandas making Ken-Ken a sad hozen.

Kun-Lai Summit

Sorry for slicky smell. Clever Ashyo not clean jinyu.


Patch changes

External links