Pinkee Rizzo

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HordePinkee Rizzo
Image of Pinkee Rizzo
Gender Female
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Class Rogue
Resource Energy
Location Various
Status Alive
Pinkee Rizzo in the Waking Shores.

Pinkee Rizzo is a goblin follower located at Frostwall in Frostfire Ridge.

She can only be recruited using the Headhunter's Harvest from Frostwall Tavern.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Prior to the Battle for the Broken Shore, like many other followers, she appears at the Dranosh'ar Blockade at the sparring ring, where champions duel in preparation for the assault on the Broken Shore.

Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

She can be found at the Hissing Grotto in the Waking Shores. She can be found walking up and down the hill, throwing pool ponies into the ocean.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Frostwall, Frostfire Ridge 10-40 Horde
Dranosh'ar Blockade, Durotar 10-45 Horde
Hissing Grotto, Waking Shores 70 Alliance Horde



As a follower

Pinkee Rizzo is a Combat Rogue with the following abilities:

  • Ability sap.png Sap (Ability) — Used by a rogue to neutralize a dangerous enemy (or just to annoy you). Counters: Deadly Minions Deadly Minions
  • Ability rogue sprint.png Sprint (Ability) — Used by a rogue to escape harm's way. Or, to move quickly between the mailbox and auction house. Counters: Danger Zones Danger Zones
  • Ability kick.png Kick (Ability) — Used by a rogue to interrupt a spell (super frustrating). Counters: Powerful Spell Powerful Spell
  • Achievement bg killingblow berserker.png Marked for Death (Ability) — Used by a rogue to greatly increase burst damage. Counters: Timed Battle Timed Battle
  • Ability rogue fanofknives.png Fan of Knives (Ability) — Used by a rogue to damage many enemies. Counters: Minion Swarms Minion Swarms


Hissing Grotto gossip

Adventuring can wait!

In Orcish

Kil'azi'aga gul ogar

Patch changes

External links

Frostwall Follower Durotar Waking Shores