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Talon Guard Kurekk

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NeutralTalon Guard Kurekk
Image of Talon Guard Kurekk
Race Arakkoa (Humanoid)
Level 40
Class Warrior
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Arakkoa Outcasts
Occupation Talon Guard
Location Talon Watch, Spires of Arak[62.2, 42.7]
Status Alive

Talon Guard Kurekk is an arakkoa. He can be recruited into garrison and become bodyguard.

He can also be seen watching fights between garrison commanders in the Coliseum of Highmaul.



  • As he grappled with the curse, Anzu commanded his dread ravens to eradicate the brood of Sethe.
  • In killing Sethe, Anzu was the first to bear his dying curse.
  • In one bloody night, the children of Sethe were eradicated.
  • It seems the wind serpents, like their master, refuse to stay dead.

Our task is grim, but necessary.

Notes and trivia

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