Aknor Steelbringer

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Main article: Flamebender Ka'graz
NeutralAknor Steelbringer
Image of Aknor Steelbringer
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 40 Elite
Class Warrior
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Adventurers
Former affiliation(s) Iron Horde
Occupation Smith
Location Burning Font, Blackrock Foundry
Status Alive

Aknor Steelbringer is an orc located at the Burning Font in Blackrock Foundry. He can only be obtained as a follower by killing Flamebender Ka'graz while he is still alive. This will also give you the achievement  [The Steel Has Been Brought].

He can also be seen watching fights between garrison commanders in the Coliseum of Highmaul.


Blackrock Foundry
  • Trade archaeology ogre2handedhammer.png Devastating Slam — Inflicts 3364 Physical damage to all enemies in a frontal cone 15 yards in front of the caster.
  • Inv hammer 17.png Drop the Hammer — Aknor leaps towards a random player and slams his hammer down inflicting 2271 Physical damage to anyone within 10 yards of the impact and knocking them back.
  • Ability warrior cleave.png Cleave — Inflicts damage to an enemy and its nearest allies.
  • Ability heroicleap.png Heroic Leap — Leap through the air and slam down on all enemies within 5 yards of the target area, causing damage and stunning them for 2 sec.
  • Ability warrior savageblow.png Mortal Strike — Inflicts weapon damage and leaves the target wounded, reducing the effectiveness of any healing by 25% for 5 sec.
  • Inv gauntlets 04.png Pummel — Pummel the target, interrupting spellcasting and preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 5 sec.
  • Warrior skullbanner.png Recklessness — Grants your attacks an additional 50% chance to critically strike, and increases damage by 33%. Lasts 10 sec.
  • Spell nature reincarnation.png Taunt — Taunts the target to attack you, and increases threat that you generate against the target for 6 sec.



You defeated her! You have proven yourself to me and saved me from a life of toil at the forge. I pledge my life to you <name>.

Garrison gossip
  • I saw a new shipment of ore. I'll make sure it goes to good use.
  • Thank you once more for my freedom.
  • Commander, I can never repay the debt.
  • I have not yet gotten used to being under the sky all day.
  • What do you ask of me?
  • I'll forge a new weapon in your honor commander.

Gossip I need you to come on patrol with me.

On approach in the garrison
  • I saw a new shipment of ore. I'll make sure it goes to good use.
  • I'll forge a weapon in your honor commander.
  • What do you ask of me?

Notes and trivia


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Based on Ka'graz's dialogue, and background, Aknor could be a member of the Burning Blade or Blackrock clan.

Patch changes

See also

External links

NPC Follower