Delivery for Drazzit

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NeutralDelivery for Drazzit
Start Moxie Steelgrille
End Drazzit Dripvalve
Level 15-30
Category Dustwallow Marsh
Experience 410 (or 2s 40c at 70)
Reputation +10 Gadgetzan
Previous N [15-30] Secure the Cargo!


Take the  [Zeppelin Cargo] to Drazzit Dripvalve in Mudsprocket.


Drazzit will expect to hear something from me soon, but I don't think the site is secure enough for me to leave. If you have time, would you be willing to take some of the salvaged cargo down to him at Mudsprocket?

If you haven't been there yet, it's a small settlement to the southwest of here, beyond the Stonemaul Ruins. You can take the road there from Tabetha's Farm, too. When you get to Mudsprocket, the guy you're looking for is Drazzit Dripvalve.




<Drazzit accepts the cargo from you.>

I'm so hungry, I could eat a dragon! Thank goodness Moxie finally managed to get some of that cargo down here. We've been reduced to playing dice against the ogre for whatever he's managed to kill on his hunting trips!



  1. N [15-30] The Zeppelin Crash (breadcrumb from Tabetha's Farm)
  2. N [15-30] Secure the Cargo!
  3. N [15-30] Delivery for Drazzit

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