Raptor Captor

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AllianceRaptor Captor
Start Sergeant Lukas
End Sergeant Lukas
Level 15-30
Category Dustwallow Marsh
Experience 3700 (or 22s 20c at 70)
Rewards 40s


Use the Sturdy Rope to capture 6 Bloodfen Raptors or Bloodfen Screechers.


The patch of swamp to the northeast is home to a particularly nasty breed of raptors. We've lost more than one unwary soldier to them, but I think we can turn them against our Grimtotem neighbors.

Take this rope and use it to capture bloodfen raptors or bloodfen screechers that you've subdued. I wouldn't try to capture one of the beasts until you've weakened them quite a bit in combat. It's going to be quite a struggle.


You will receive:

  • 40s
  • 3700 XP


Did you capture those raptors?


You look a little scratched up, but nothing major. You're certainly in a lot better shape than the Grimtotems will be when our new raptor friends get done with them.


  1. A [15-30] They Call Him Smiling Jim (optional)
  2. A [15-30] Inspecting the Ruins
  3. Complete all of:
  4. A [15-30] A Grim Connection
  5. A [15-30] Confirming the Suspicion & A [15-30] Arms of the Grimtotems
    • Side chain:
    1. A [15-30] Raptor Captor
    2. A [15-30] Unleash the Raptors & A [15-30] Prisoners of the Grimtotems
  6. A [15-30] Tabetha's Assistance
  7. A [15-30] Raze Direhorn Post!
  8. A [15-30] Justice for the Hyals
  9. A [15-30] Peace at Last

Patch changes

External links

Cataclysm Original