Celestial Power

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NeutralCelestial Power
Start Tabetha
End Tabetha
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Category Mage
Class Mage Mage
Experience 3150 EXP (or 19s 20c at level 70)
Rewards  [Celestial Orb],  [Celestial Stave]


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv misc orb 03.png [Celestial Orb] Inv staff 14.png [Celestial Stave]

You will receive:

  • 3150 XP (or 19s 20c at level 70)


You should be proud of yourself, <name>. Many mages have fallen to the creatures you faced.

The Celestial Orb is ready. Or if you'd like I can mount it atop a staff. It's up to you. I'd prefer the orb, but who am I to judge?


Patch changes

External links