The Missing Diplomat (8)

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AllianceThe Missing Diplomat
Start Dashel Stonefist
End Dashel Stonefist
Level 31 (Requires 28)
Category Stormwind City
Experience 1250 (or 7s 80c at level 70)
Reputation +75 Stormwind
Previous A [31] The Missing Diplomat
Next A [31] The Missing Diplomat

This quest is part of the quest chain The Missing Diplomat.


Defeat Dashel Stonefist in Stormwind.

  • Defeat Dashel Stonefist


Yeah, you're obviously not the smartest <class> to come into Stormwind, but you're about to be one of the dumbest to never leave.

Have you met me friends?


You will receive:


I didn't mean anything by the comment 'bout you being a stupid <class>. We're friends, right? No hard feelings?


So, you came to me for a reason. What is it you need?


If for some reason this quest fails, or fails to complete, simply drop it and take it again.

You do need to defeat him, not kill him. Once he is down to about 20% health he will call his friends off, and allow you to talk to him again.

Old Town Thugs also appeared.

Upon accept
Dashel Stonefist says: Now you're gonna get it good, <name>!
After defeating Stonefist
Dashel Stonefist says: Okay, okay! Enough fighting. No one else needs to get hurt.
Dashel Stonefist says: It's okay, boys. Back off. You've done enough. I'll meet up with you later.
Old Town Thug says: All right, boss. You sure though? Just seems like a waste of good practice.
Old Town Thug cracks his knuckles.
Old Town Thug says: Yeah, okay, boss. No problem.


This is the quest chain The Missing Diplomat.

  1. A [28] The Missing Diplomat
  2. A [28] The Missing Diplomat
  3. A [28] The Missing Diplomat
  4. A [28] The Missing Diplomat
  5. A [30] The Missing Diplomat
  6. A [30] The Missing Diplomat
  7. A [31] The Missing Diplomat
  8. A [31] The Missing Diplomat
  9. A [31] The Missing Diplomat
  10. A [33] The Missing Diplomat
  11. A [33] The Missing Diplomat
  12. A [33] The Missing Diplomat
  13. A [33] The Missing Diplomat
  14. A [35] The Missing Diplomat
  15. A [36] The Missing Diplomat
  16. A [38] The Missing Diplomat
  17. A [38] The Missing Diplomat

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External links