The Missing Diplomat (7)

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AllianceThe Missing Diplomat
Start Elling Trias
End Dashel Stonefist
Level 31 (Requires 28)
Category Stormwind City
Experience 250 (or 1s 50c at level 70)
Reputation +75 Stormwind
Previous A [30] The Missing Diplomat
Next A [31] The Missing Diplomat

This quest is part of the quest chain The Missing Diplomat.


Speak to Dashel Stonefist in Stormwind.


Yeah, now that I think about it... Dashel... Dashel something... What was his name? FIST! Dashel Stonefist. They call him Fist in some circles—probably on account that he likes to get in brawls.

You can find him in Old Town usually—right smack dab in the center of it. Go talk to him. If you have to, use a sword or something heavy and blunt to persuade him to open up some. And don't hesitate. If he's in this as deep as these papers suggest, then he's not going to give you any information willingly.


You will receive:



You come into me alley and ask questions about me personal business? Business which you obviously have nothing to do with.


This is the quest chain The Missing Diplomat.

  1. A [28] The Missing Diplomat
  2. A [28] The Missing Diplomat
  3. A [28] The Missing Diplomat
  4. A [28] The Missing Diplomat
  5. A [30] The Missing Diplomat
  6. A [30] The Missing Diplomat
  7. A [31] The Missing Diplomat
  8. A [31] The Missing Diplomat
  9. A [31] The Missing Diplomat
  10. A [33] The Missing Diplomat
  11. A [33] The Missing Diplomat
  12. A [33] The Missing Diplomat
  13. A [33] The Missing Diplomat
  14. A [35] The Missing Diplomat
  15. A [36] The Missing Diplomat
  16. A [38] The Missing Diplomat
  17. A [38] The Missing Diplomat

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External links