Marg Speaks

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HordeMarg Speaks
Start Bubbling Cauldron
End Horde Nazeer Bloodpike
Level 40 (Requires 34)
Category Dustwallow Marsh
Experience 4350 XP (or a 26s 40c compensation at level 70)
Reputation +250 Orgrimmar
Previous H [35] The Troll Witchdoctor
Next H [40] Report to Zor


Bring the Jeweled Pendant to Nazeer in Brackenwall Village.


Cursed muckshell! You can't kill Marg! Ah, but I am dead. So it must have slain me...

But my mission! My mission! You, <name>, must complete it.

While near Theramore, I spied a group of Alliance soldiers camped on the beach. And one soldier wore a pendant... a pendant laden with more gems than any soldier could afford!

That night I snuck into their camp and stole the pendant, but on my return to base a muckshell crab-man killed me!

<Name>, you must find that muckshell and recover the pendant!


You will receive:


<Name>, did you discover Marg's fate?


This pendant was worn by a soldier of Stormwind??

Thank you, <name>. You have revealed the secret of Marg's death. But this pendant is a new mystery to solve, one that may have dire effects on the Alliance, and the Horde.


  • Some mudrock turtles and murk threshers in the area are also placeholders for muckshells.


  1. H [15-30] The Lost Report
  2. H [35] The Severed Head
  3. H [35] The Troll Witchdoctor
  4. H [40] Marg Speaks
  5. H [40] Report to Zor
  6. H [40] Service to the Horde

External links