Get the Scoop

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NeutralGet the Scoop
Start Magus Tirth
End Magus Tirth
Level 30 (Requires 30)
Category Mage
Previous N Mage [38] Hidden Secrets
Next N Mage [40D] Rituals of Power (Dungeon)

Get the Scoop is a mage-only quest in the Mage's Wand quest chain to get one of three wands.


Find the phrase to Tirth's strongbox, then return to Tirth.


I can help you with the book, but first you have to help me!

The tome you seek is in my magically locked strongbox. To open it a special phrase must be uttered, and I can't remember the phrase! Normally my assistant helps me remember these things but he's nowhere to be found.

If you want my book, then find my apprentice! Ask around the race track—if you're lucky then someone has seen him. Either drag him back here, or at least get my magic phrase from him so we can open my box!


What are you waiting for? I need my magic phrase!


Ah, now I remember...

I had forgotten about that little curse I put on Johnson. I can't remember why I did it but I'm sure it served him right, the little ingrate!


To find the apprentice walk directly east across the track. You'll see a chicken, click on the chicken then type /beckon. This will make the chicken change into Tirth's apprentice, speak to him to complete the quest.

If you talk to people around the racetrack, one will tell you to talk to Race Master Kronkrider, on the tower near the finish line. He will mention the /beckon emote.

You are also able to /chicken Johnson, and he will temporarily turn into a human, and wave at you before turning back into a chicken.


  1. N Mage [38] Journey to the Marsh
  2. Two independent parts:
    1. N Mage [40] Items of Power
    1. N Mage [38] Hidden Secrets
    2. N Mage [30] Get the Scoop
    3. N Mage [40D] Rituals of Power
  3. N Mage [40] Mage's Wand

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