User:Aedror/Outland in Cataclysm

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This page is for my ideas of how Blizzard should remake Outland (and the other TBC zones) for Cataclysm. I made these ideas because i found it strange that you start as a level 1 during Cataclysm, and then travels to Outland (pre-Cataclysm), then to Northrend (also pre-Cataclysm), and then back to the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor (Cataclysm). You are welcome to comment the ideas on the talk page.

Azuremyst Isle

Major Antagonists

Various elementals on the island, have started warring against each other. Quests involve speaking to the various elements and creating peace between the elements.

Zone Changes

A big rift has opened between Ammen Vale and the rest Azuremyst Isle. On the button of the rift a vortex has appeared. A bridge in draenic desgin has been built, making passage over the the rift possible.

  • Northern Azuremyst Isle

The corruption from Bloodmyst has moved further to the south, the draenei have set up magical wards to help protect the island.

The Cataclysm didn't go easy on the Exodar, draenei and krokul workers can be seen reparing the damage done to the city/vessel.

Blade's Edge Mountains

Major Antagonists

The Twilight's Hammer is recruiting the ogres of the mountains for their own dark purposes.

Led by Obsidia, the last Black Broodmother. After a battle between her and Sabellian, she flees to the Twilight Highlands.

All the Wyrmcult camps has been upgraded with new Cataclysm graphics. They have now allied themselves with the Twilight's Hammer.

Minor Antagonists

Death's Door has been reopened, and quests involve awakening the slumbering spirits of fire that lies beneath the ancient vulcanic crater. Later you'll have to consort with earth spirits and ask them to burry the demon camp under thousands of rocks.

Major Questgivers

Nath and his followers sends players on quests to defeat the Twilight's Hammer within Blade's Edge Mountains. In the last quests you'll have to fight along side both Nath and Sabellian against both the Twilight's Hammer and the black dragonflight

Baron Sablemane, and his children send players on quests to remove the black dragonflight's presence with in Blade's Edge. In the last quests you'll have to fight along side both Nath and Sabellian against both the Twilight's Hammer and the black dragonflight

Minor Questgivers

Mosswood the Ancient has been moved to the location previously known as the Skald, he seeks players that can help him defend the newly grown glade against the forces of nature, and the beasts of the nearby sub-zones.

Zone Changes

The Skald has been fully regrown as i now named Ironroot (or Mosswood) Grove. Mosswood the Ancient has been moved to this subzone, and is now accompanied by lesser ancients and treants.

The area outside Sylvanaar is now populated by treants.

Bloodmyst Isle

Major Antagonists

While adventurers killed most of the naga, and their leader Atoph, one thing was forgotten, the taint released by the naga made sure than anyone who died within its reach, were forever cursed to walk the world as spirits. The now dead Atoph leads the naga in an attempt to claim Bloodmyst Isle.

Minor Antagonists

The former Vindicator, Saruan, has rallied the remaining Sunhawk blood elves and is trying to open a portal the Burning Legion can use to invade the Azuremyst Isles.

Major Questgivers

Prince Toreth gives quests involving the recreation of the Dragon Riders of Loreth'Aran. Quests involve contacting the green dragonflight and fighting on the backs of green dragons.

Zone Changes

  • Southern Bloodmyst Isle

Southern Bloodmyst Isle has been completely corrupted like the rest of Bloodmyst Isle. Some draenei have even started to think that Bloodmyst and possibly all of the Azuremyst Isles are a lost cause.

Eversong Woods

Major Antagonists

The first signes of a rebellion between among the blood elves starts to show.

Zone Changes

The Ruins of Silvermoon are being rebuilt. Within the streets of the ruins, rebels have started to form groups opposing the blood elf government.


Major Antagonists

Halduron Brightwing has invited the high elves of the Silver Covenant to join the Farstriders and the Darkspear tribe in the battle against the forest trolls. This "alliance" is not something that most blood elves, and especially Lor'themar, approves of.

Minor Antagonists

The Zandalar has send out emmissaries to every troll tribe, in hope of uniting the tribes under one banner.

Major Questgivers

The chain circles around the "alliance" between the elves. And quests involve playing on both sides. The chain ends with the defeat of the Zandalar, and the imprisonment of Halduron, although he is freed by the player again.

Minor Questgivers

Vol'jin's forces leads the attacks against the Zandalar Empire.

Zone Changes

Shalandis Isle is now inhabited with high elves of the Silver Covenant.

Hellfire Peninsula

Major Antagonists

The Haal'eshi arakkoa has allied themselves with the Twilight's Hammer, and the cult is now using the Den of Haal'esh as a portal ground between Azeroth and Outland.

Is recruiting the remaining fel orcs of Hellfire Peninsula.

Minor Antagonists

The Legion is trying to ressurect the defeated Annihilan Aggonar.

Major Questgivers

Their quests involve sealing of the Dark Portal, and freeing Azeroth from the spreading taint, that is psreading outside the Blasted Lands.

Minor Questgivers

Kum'isha the Collector has travelled to Outland through draenethyst portals. They have joined forces with the draenei of the Temple of Telhamat.

Zone Changes

Thrallmar is being reinforced, to resemble the orcish outposts of Northrend. Also "freed" chaos orcs are now living there alongside the other orcs.

Honor Hold has been reinforced. No crushed walls or collapsed barracks'.

Isle of Quel'Danas

Major Antagonists

The Naga has send a large force against the Shattered Sun soldiers stationed on the island.

Major Questgivers

Aquel'Luer'Thala, leads the dragonhawk riders in the defence of the island. She enlist adventurer's in saving the giant eagles and dragonhawks that live near the Magister's Terrace.


Major Antagonists

  • Twilight's Hammer clan

The Twilight's Hammer is now recruiting the ogres of Nagrand for their own dark purposes. They have set up their main base near the closed dimensional gateway at Twilight Ridge. Quests involve opening the portal so that the demons and the cult will battle each other, killing two flies in one hit.


Major Antagonists

The Ethereum has reopened the last remaining dimensional gateway. The portal leads to K'aresh, and void and arcane creatures is rushing though it, and into the already crumbling Netherstorm. The Ethereum in Netherstorm has brought Nexus-King Salhadaar's body back to K'aresh.

Minor Antagonists

Millhouse Manastorm is leading the forces of the Twilights Hammer in Netherstorm. When his forces are defeated he will flee, and later show up in Deephome. The Twilight's Hammer has also taken over a part of Tempest Keep.

  • Dragonmaw clan

Quests involve finding out who sold modified zeppelins to the Dragonmaw orcs.

Minor Questgivers

The blood elf organization, Reliquary, has moved in near Tempest Keep. They seek adventurer’s who can travel inside and acquire powerful artifacts left behind by blood elves, demons and the Naaru.

Zone Changes

  • General

Many of the islands are crumbling and floating away from each other.

A big rift has opened in the middle of the town. Bridges are now connecting the two halves.

  • Dimensional Gateway

The Last dimensional gateway has been opened by the Ethereum. Quests involve closing the portal, to stop Netherstorm from further destabilizing itself. But first players must find the gateway.

Parts of Tempest Keep has been taken over by the Twilight's Hammer (Arcatraz), and other parts by the Ethereum (Botanica). The Mechanar has crashed into the goblin town of Cosmowrench.

Shadowmoon Valley

Major Antagonists

  • Dragonmaw clan

The Dragonmaw clan is uniting the fel orcs under the leadership of Overlord Mor'ghor. They are still battling the Netherwing, whom they had previously enslaved. The quests end with the fel orcs' defeat and Mor'ghor fleeing to the Dark Portal, where his warlocks have been making contact with the Azeroth Dragonmaw.

Minor Antagonists

The Twilight's Hammer has enslaved the Dark Conclave arakkoa, and is now trying to resummon an ancient and powerful evil.

Major Questgivers

  • The Netherwing

The Netherwing are battling the Dragonmaw orcs, while trying to free the rest of their brethren.

Terokkar Forest

Major Antagonists

The Auchenai has returned and are now led by Nemuraan. They believe that (un)death is the purest thing the soul can achieve, and therefore they are trying to release the soul from it living mortal shell.

Minor Antagonists

  • Twilight's Hammer

The Twilight's Hammer is recruiting the now leaderless arakkoa for their cult.

  • Dragonmaw clan

The Dragonmaw orcs are recruiting the remaining fle orcs in Terokkar Forest. Through quests players manage to sabotage the Dragonmaw plans.

Major Questgivers

Though quests against the Auchenai, players findout that they are being protected and helped by a spirit known as Boulestraan the Blinding Light.

Minor Questgivers

Quests involve the tale of the Sand Gnomes, and how they were summoned to this world by Anzu.


Major Antagonists

The Twilight’s Hammer has sent an arrakoa to Feralfen Village. The lost ones believed that the arrakoa was one of their animal gods (similar to the loa of Azeroth) and the arrakoa is now leading the tribe into the service of the Twilight’s Hammer.

The Ango’rosh tribe of ogres, cut down the dreanei city of Telredor. The draenei have now taken up residence within the Twin Spire Ruins. The Big Chopper is now a rarespawn at Telredor.

Minor Antagonists

The Portal at Portal Clearing has been reopened, and the Burning Legion has established a camp around it, Forge Camp: Reaver.

Minor Questigvers

Outside Feralfen village a group of lost one druids and the former leader of the Feralfen tribe, Elder Kuruti, are seeking adventurers who are willing to help them and their spirits driving the arrakoa and its followers away.

The Cenarion Expedition now sends player’s to the Dead Mire, which they are trying to regrow.

Zone Changes

Portal Clearing has been reopened, and the Burning Legion has taken control of the surounding area. The area has been renamed Forge Camp: Reaver.