Druid-Guardian Conference

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NeutralDruid-Guardian Conference
Start Ethidris Creekward[53.7, 74.5]
End Ethidris Creekward[53.7, 74.5]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Emerald Dream
Rewards  [Dryad-Keeper Credentials]
10x [Flightstones]
14g 4s 50c
Previous N [70] Grousing Garden & N [70] Pineshrew Panic
Next N [70] The Family Business & N [70] Growth Experience


Speak with Ethidris Creekward about raising a dryad in the Root-Bound Sanctuary.


Typically, the druid assigned to a dryad sanctuary would guide a newborn dryad until they were ready to take on a position of their own.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to separate a dryad from whoever she imprints on.

<Ethidris sighs and rubs his eyes.>

Which she has made very clear. Regardless, tell me about yourself. Perhaps you will be just as apt a caretaker as I would have been.


You will receive:


<Ethidris furrows his brow at Dionaessa.>

Among so many other things happening right now, there's a new dryad to raise.


You regularly engage in combat and you solve problems. Sometimes for yourself, sometimes for others.

That honestly does not sound too far off from my experience with dryads.

I think Dionaessa will be fine.


Speak with Ethidris again:

I only have a few questions, <name>.
How often do you assist others with tasks?
Gossip I often embark on quests on behalf of others.
Gossip If I'm going to do a chore, you can bet it's for me alone.
Gossip If there are any quests remaining on Azeroth, I will find them.
Gossip The tasks don't matter as much as the reward.
Gossip When the task is fun, sometimes.
Gossip <Indicate something else.>
Well, good to know, then. Dryads take on many duties during their lifespan. Preparing Dionaessa for them is rather important.
Now. How would you describe your general disposition?
Gossip Not even a fourth Legion invasion could sour my day.
Gossip If I could become a shadow and cling to the dark spaces of the world, I would.
Gossip I'm sure my reputation precedes me.
Gossip I never back down from a fight. I'll always win.
Gossip I'm not sure. I can be whatever, I guess.
Gossip <Indicate something else.>
That's... fine. Dryads can be exuberant, so you may meet your match here.
Last question. What do you consider your greatest failure?
Gossip I failed to protect someone I care about.
Gossip I let an enemy escape on my watch. Never again.
Gossip I forgot the flour in a cake I made once.
Gossip I failed to bring the proper equipment on a dire mission.
Gossip I never fail.
Gossip <Indicate something else.>
Ethidris Creekward says: I think that's enough. You've led an interesting life, <name>.


Optional breadcrumb: N [70] The Dryad Garden

  1. N [70] Pineshrew Panic & N [70] Grousing Garden
  2. N [70] Druid-Guardian Conference
  3. N [70] The Family Business & N [70] Growth Experience
  4. N [70] A Poisonous Promotion
  5. N [70] What Do I Call You?

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