Putting Roots Down

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NeutralPutting Roots Down
Start Merithra [53.1, 28.2]
End Merithra [53.1, 28.2]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Guardians of the Dream
Experience 9,500
Rewards 10x [Flightstones] and one of:  [Summer Soother's Bands]
or  [Chartreuse Champion's Bracers]
or  [Spirited Stag's Cuffs]
or  [Fearless Faerie's Wristbands]
28g 9s
Previous N [70] Good Counsel
Next N [70] Merithra's Gambit


Plant seeds in 8 Tilled Soil and speak to Kiya Featherpaw. Then, speak with Somnikus.


Our trap is many-layered.

Plant these seeds around town. Our gardeners have already prepared the soil. These plants will be effective tools to poisoning our enemy. Handle them carefully, for some may sprout sooner than later.

Also, Kiya Featherpaw, our umbraclaw keeper, has an idea to mobilize the very strong creatures. Go speak with her.

Finally, meet with Somnikus to give everyone the signal that battle is imminent.


You will receive one of:

You will also receive:


Our trap will work, I know it.

Make haste, <name>. Even with my mother's and my strength...It is like some part of her is holding back her attunement. I dare not dwell on it.


Now... we are ready.


On accept:

Merithra says: We shall do it, then. Everyone, go and finish the preparations.
Merithra says: <Name> will send word when everything is ready. I shall hold the defenses steadfast here with my mother.
The three other dragons run out.

Head out and interact with Tilled Soil in the quest area. Most of the time it will temporarily buff the player with bonus run speed, but occasionally a Noxious Seedling pops out. Fend it off and move on.

Kiya Featherpaw is at the eastern end of the quest area:

Kiya Featherpaw

Hello. You must be Merithra's champion.

Gossip (Quest) Merithra said you have a plan to help defeat the djaradin.

I will direct the umbraclaws to take strategic positions for the battle ahead.

Don't forget. Dinner time is the special phrase to activate the umbraclaw's aggression. They will charge and rip into the nearest foe.

The djaradin think us delicate and magic-forward. I'm eager to prove them wrong.

Go on then, <name>. I will proudly meet you in the battlefield.

Kiya Featherpaw says: This shall cast an illusion that they are just baby cubs.
Kiya casts Transforming on Tamed Umbraclaws.
Kiya Featherpaw says: When the djaradin come, they will appear as easy prey.
Kiya Featherpaw says: Then, to motivate the umbraclaw to fight the djaradin, just say dinner time!

Then find Somnikus at [56.96, 23.26]. He has rallied a force composed of General Shycura, Galenori, Kaldorei Defenders, Kaldorei Huntresses, Elder Scaleguards, Emerald Preservers, Keepers of the Grove, and Green Dragons.

Speak with him:


Thank you for helping us prepare the trap. I have great confidence in Merithra's plan.

I have rallied the Eye's guard and denizens. Upon your word, we will move into position and be ready to fight!

Gossip (Quest) The traps are prepared. We are ready.

Somnikus says: To arms, my brethren. For Amirdrassil!
Somnikus flies off.
General Shycura says: For Amirdrassil!
The collected fighters all run off.
Galenori says: For Amirdrassil!
Keeper of the Grove says: For Amirdrassil!


  1. N [70] Eye of Ysera
  2. N [70] A New Brute
  3. N [70] Fire Watch
  4. N [70] In and Out Scout & N [70] Disarm Specialist
  5. N [70] Good Counsel
  6. N [70] Putting Roots Down
  7. N [70] Merithra's Gambit
  8. N [70] Triple Threat & N [70] Might of the Forest
  9. N [70] Flight and Fight
  10. N [70] The Ember Still Smolders

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