Good Counsel

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NeutralGood Counsel
Start Merithra [52.1, 24.2]
End Merithra [53.1, 28.2]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Guardians of the Dream
Experience 9,500
Rewards 10x [Flightstones]
28g 9s
Previous N [70] In and Out Scout, N [70] Disarm Specialist
Next N [70] Putting Roots Down


Discuss Merithra's plan with the green dragonflight.

  • Regroup with Merithra
  • Speak to green dragons (3)
  • Speak with Ysera


Galok is a coward. He refuses to engage us directly until he is sure of success.

We do not have the resources to attack his base. But if we cannot go to him, maybe we can entangle him in our own territory.

I am confident we can prepare a trap here for Galok and his forces. My plan is not without risks, and controlling the playing field will be our key advantage.

The question remains... how do we lure them here?


You will receive:


I must understand everyone's perspectives, especially for a maneuver this big.


<Merithra solemnly nods at our allies.>

That settles it then. Let us begin preparations.


On accept:

Merithra says: Meet me back in the temple. I have an idea to lure Galok into our hands, but I must consult my flight.

Return to Ysera inside the temple.

Merithra says: We don't have the forces to breach Galok's base of operations.
Merithra says: We also can't hold this defense indefinitely.
Merithra says: He wants the Eye. If we line it with traps first and then lure him here...

Gerithus, Somnikus, and Lord Itharius have also gathered. Speak with them:


We are struggling to keep up the protective barrier. Every moment that passes, the enemy's magic just burns hotter.

Galok knows this. He expects us to fall.

Gossip (Quest) What do you think about Merithra's plan?

Gerithus says: All the suffering that has been endured here... We must act.
Gerithus says: I will busy myself conceiving strategies for Lord Itharius and Somnikus. I believe that is where I am most useful.

Whether we like it or not, there will be battle--and we must face it headstrong.

I've begun rallying the Eye's defenders to anticipate this. Let us execute the plan swiftly and surely.

Gossip (Quest) What do you think about Merithra's plan?

Somnikus says: Merithra is right. Our enemy has shown they can breach our most well-defended strongholds.
Somnikus says: I have rallied the druids here to help us. It is time to be proactive--not reactive.
Lord Itharius

I've sounded the horn for additional allies. I'm not sure how many will come to our aid in time. The Dream is under siege on all fronts.

May their arrival be swift.

Gossip (Quest) What do you think about Merithra's plan?

Lord Itharius says: I have already sounded the horn to bring our flight here.
Lord Itharius says: On your command, Merithra, I will have them descend on the djaradin. We will prevail--together!

Then speak with Ysera:


<Despite the magnitude of Ysera's efforts, Ysera finally looks at you, and her expression is that of peace.>

My daughter wisely seeks the counsel of her flight.

She already knows what needs to be done, but she does not want to ask me, because I am her mother.

She should know that I will always make the sacrifice.

Gossip (Quest) What do you think about Merithra's plan?

Ysera says: You no longer need my counsel, daughter... But you are all correct--it is time to act.
Ysera says: We need a way to lure Galok here, and I can think of only one. It is risky...
Ysera says: I can dispel the shield over the Eye. That will bring our enemies here, and then we can execute your plan.


  1. N [70] Eye of Ysera
  2. N [70] A New Brute
  3. N [70] Fire Watch
  4. N [70] In and Out Scout & N [70] Disarm Specialist
  5. N [70] Good Counsel
  6. N [70] Putting Roots Down
  7. N [70] Merithra's Gambit
  8. N [70] Triple Threat & N [70] Might of the Forest
  9. N [70] Flight and Fight
  10. N [70] The Ember Still Smolders

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