Disc Delivery

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NeutralDisc Delivery
Start Nozdormu[60.46, 58.74]
End Nozdormu[60.46, 58.74]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Valdrakken Accord
Experience 9,500
Rewards  [Recorded Memories of Tyr's Guard], 10x [Flightstones]
28g 9s
Previous N [70] Infiltrating the Nighthold
Next N [70] A Tyrful Reunion


Insert the Disc of Tyr into the titan console.

  • Disc placed
  • Tyr Restored


You have recovered the disc?

Good. At last, we can awake Tyr.

The disc must be placed in the console so it can attune to the Silver Scale and pass on to Tyr.

I believe you should do the honors, <name>.


You will receive:


Did you place the disc in the titan console?


Tyr is with us once more. I can hardly believe it. Thank you, <name>.


Interact with the console to place the disc to trigger a cutscene to play:

The screen shakes as the console builds up energy. A magical beam from the Silver Scale fires into Tyr's body. Pulses of energy radiate out, washing over everyone gathered with blinding light. The light slowly dissipates, revealing the scene before them.
Chromie says: Wow!
Travard says: Did it work?
Travard says: Is he...
Tyr stiffly moves his arms and looks at his hand before turning his gaze upon those that are gathered.
Keeper Tyr says: Alexstrasza... Nozdormu...
Alexstrasza steps forward.
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder says: Welcome back, old friend.


  1. N [70] Data Recovery
  2. N [70] To Tyrhold! For Tyr!
  3. N [70] Infiltrating the Nighthold
  4. N [70] Disc Delivery
  5. N [70] A Tyrful Reunion
  6. N [70] Time to Process
  7. N [70] Logotyrapy (next week)

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