And a Pinch of Magic

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NeutralAnd a Pinch of Magic
Start Professor Ash [48.7, 68.1]
End Professor Ash [48.7, 68.1]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Emerald Dream
Experience 9,500
Rewards 10x [Flightstones]
28g 9s
Previous N [70] The Right Food...
Next N [70] A Little Hope is Never without Worth (in six days)

And a Pinch of Magic is the fourth quest in a series of five that eventually rewards the  [Reins of the Ochre Dreamtalon] mount.


Defeat Roottenders while they are under the effects of the Druidic Totem.


The diligence you've shown here is astounding, <name>. I never suspected that someone who couldn't even find their own bucket, could do something like this.

I think the sapling is almost there, and with my help we can bring it the rest of the way.

Take this totem and place it near some of the weakened, flame-corrupted Roottenders found in the Singing Fen. This should siphon the unstable magical energies out of their bodies and transform it into something we can use.


You will receive:


Is the totem charged?



Hand it here and I'll release the stored energy into the surrounding soil.


Next to Ash is the Thriving Sapling, which has new gossip:

The sapling has been watered, fed, and cared for. But it hasn't yet reached its full potential.

Head northeast to the Singing Fen, place the provided  [Druidic Totem] which puts a ~15-yard radius circle of flowers on the ground, then damage Roottender Treants and Roottender Wildgrowths in the area of effect. Treants are worth 13% and wildgrowths are worth 9%.

On complete, Ash walks over to the sapling and interacts with it. A number of plant growths appear as Ash cheers.

Professor Ash says: Excellent, <name>. Give it some time and if this plant is what I think it is, you'll bring some happiness back to this empty glade.

The bar appears over the Thriving Sapling, which has new gossip yet again:

The sapling's branches reach enthusiastically for the sky.

It seems you've done all you can here. Perhaps you will see the fruits of your labors if you return in the near future.


  1. N [70] Some Water...
  2. N [70] A Dash of Minerals...
  3. N [70] The Right Food...
  4. N [70] And a Pinch of Magic
  5. N [70] A Little Hope is Never without Worth

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