The Family Business

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NeutralThe Family Business
Start Ethidris Creekward[53.7, 74.5]
End Dionaessa
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Emerald Dream
Rewards 10x [Emerald Dewdrop]
10x [Flightstones]
28g 9s
Previous N [70] Druid-Guardian Conference
Next N [70] A Poisonous Promotion


Collect 6 Lasher Hearts in the Twisting Wood near the Root-Bound Sanctuary.


I was charged with imparting knowledge on every dryad seed. Dionaessa will have retained all of my teachings, but she will be unpracticed in implementing them.

Since it seems you are practiced at completing tasks, you will show Dionaessa the ropes.

A group of lashers have[sic] grown strangely restless in the Twisting Wood just outside the garden. Collect some of their hearts so we can discern what has happened.


You will receive:


The druid Creekward told me lashers tend to lie in wait for their prey.

I'm glad these are not. Makes the fight more interesting!


These hearts smell awful! Almost as awful as those podlings with the sharp little teeth...


Ethidris has new gossip:

Aside from helping the garden acclimate to the roots of the World Tree, the dryads here have had few tasks for me thus far.

<Ethidriss sighs and looks across the garden.>

Until today.

  • Gossip What are Dream acorns?

All acorns in the Dream are imbued with great magic. Most are nebulous and can be used in rituals, spells, and much more.

Some are descended from great Ancients and retain the memories of all their ancestors. They become Ancients themselves upon being planted.

And some are dryads, like the ones we care for here.

  • Gossip Do all dryads grow from seeds?

Yes, but not just any seed. They are dryad acorns unique to the Dream. This garden is one of several where they are raised.

It only takes a splash of water for them to sprout, as you have seen.

<Ethidris grimaces at Dionaessa.>

And then they immediately imprint on the first person they see.

The hearts drop from Sickly Lashers and Meddling Podlings.

  • Dionaessa says: Guardian! Critique my stabbing form!
  • Dionaessa says: This is so much FUN!
  • Dionaessa says: Can you show me how to do that?
  • Dionaessa says: Ha! These creatures are delightfully violent!
  • Dionaessa says: Unpruned fiends, beware!


Optional breadcrumb: N [70] The Dryad Garden

  1. N [70] Pineshrew Panic & N [70] Grousing Garden
  2. N [70] Druid-Guardian Conference
  3. N [70] The Family Business & N [70] Growth Experience
  4. N [70] A Poisonous Promotion
  5. N [70] What Do I Call You?

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