Burning Ground

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NeutralBurning Ground
Start Tyrande Whisperwind [40.8, 47.5]
End Tyrande Whisperwind [36.0, 50.9]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Guardians of the Dream
Experience 9,500
Rewards 10x [Flightstones] and one of:  [Chartreuse Champion's Girdle]
or  [Summer Soother's Sash]
or  [Spirited Stag's Waistguard]
or  [Fearless Faerie's Belt]
or  [Summer Soother's Bands]
or  [Chartreuse Champion's Bracers]
or  [Fearless Faerie's Wristbands]
28g 9s
Previous N [70] The Smoldering Copse
Next N [70] Forlorn Hope


Disrupt the smoldering copse.

  • Captured denizens rescued (8)


We allowed ourselves to be distracted. We thought the Druids of the Flame had followed us into the Dream, when clearly they arrived before we did.

With Amirdrassil so close at hand, we cannot allow them to plant their ashen roots here. Release their prisoners. Ransack their supplies. Do whatever you can to ensure that this burning corruption does not spread further.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv plate outdooremeralddream d 01 belt.png [Chartreuse Champion's Girdle] Inv cloth outdooremeralddream d 01 buckle.png [Summer Soother's Sash]
Inv mail outdooremeralddream d 01 belt.png [Spirited Stag's Waistguard] Inv leather outdooremeralddream d 01 belt.png [Fearless Faerie's Belt]
Inv cloth outdooremeralddream d 01 bracer.png [Summer Soother's Bands] Inv plate outdooremeralddream d 01 bracer.png [Chartreuse Champion's Bracers]
Inv leather outdooremeralddream d 01 bracer.png [Fearless Faerie's Wristbands]

You will also receive:


We must act quickly. The further this flame-blighted ground spreads, the more danger our allies will face in the days to come.


Even as warped by flame as they are, these druids have not forgotten the way to the dream. It will be difficult to keep them out entirely.

Still, without a proper base of operations, they will struggle to expand their influence. Your deeds today will help ensure Amirdrassil's safety against this spreading fire.


When accepting both this quest and N [70] Grim Reprisal:

Tyrande Whisperwind says: Immortality... Is that truly what this is about? Is that the lie these zealots have sold them?
Tyrande Whisperwind says: My people have suffered so much. I will not allow these sycophants to sell them a seeming eternity, built upon a burning pyre of innocent lives.
Tyrande Whisperwind says: Disrupt their camp and break their ranks. I will seek out their leader - and show them how foolish it is to tempt the ire of Elune.
Tyrande runs off.

Captured denizens include Captured Runebears, Captured Sisters, and Captured Darters held in Smolderbark Cages.

Catch up with Tyrande southwest of the quest area, with some Rescued Runebears, Rescued Sisters, and Rescued Darters:

Tyrande Whisperwind says: You are safe. Good. The denizens that you rescued are burned and bruised, but they should survive thanks to your efforts.


  1. N [70] The Burning Barrow
  2. N [70] Ashen Soil & N [70] Not Yet Lost
  3. N [70] The Smoldering Copse
  4. N [70] Burning Ground & N [70] Grim Reprisal
  5. N [70] Forlorn Hope
  6. N [70] The Looming Cinder

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