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Image of Sai'jin
Title <The Raptorspear>
Gender Male
Race Troll
Class Shaman
Affiliation(s) The Horde
Darkspear Trolls
Earthen Ring
Former affiliation(s) Night Fae Covenant
Location Orgrimmar, elsewhere
Status Alive
Relative(s) Parents (deceased), Jun'jo (brother), Rex'jo (Nephew)
Mentor(s) Shikrik, Sian'tsu
Companion(s) Gruffe Raintotem (Blood Brother)

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Sai'jin, born Sai'ju and is also known by the epitaph the Raptorspear, is a powerful shaman of the Darkspear Tribe and hero of the Horde, being renown as one of the leaders of the Bloodsworn guild. Regarded as one of the pillars of the Horde adventurers, he rose from a minor shaman to being a powerful individual within the Horde both within its history and modern landscape.


The First Home

Sai'ji was born to a family of warriors, having a linage of Headhunters and Berserkers before him. He was expected to take up the path of war like his parents before him, a path his brother Jun'jo took to with ease. As a young'un, he tried to train as a berserker like his brother but could never reach his standards, being adequate at best at martial combat and sloppy at worst. A chance encounter with his chieftain, Sen'jin, during one of the old Witch Doctor's visits through the outlying villages led to the young Sai'ju asking if he was destined for anything at all, or if he was doomed to life as a mediocre warrior. Sen'jin was silent, then told him to find the First Home, before leaving without another word leaving the young'un with questions about the old toad of a troll and if he should even follow the suggestion as the First Home was incredibly dangerous.

The First Home was known to Sai'ju, but it was a strange place, one of Loa and life, and was sacred ground for the Darkspear. Entering it, he found himself lost within the jungles quickly, and found his calls to the Loa were not responded to. It wasn't as if the Loa were ignoring him, exactly, but rather were trying to redirect his attention to something else. After nearly dying to a pack of raptors that attacked him, he saw a vision of the future of him with some bull man and what appeared to be a stunted forest troll sharing a drink and although the young troll did not recongise these two his heart was full of love when he saw them as if he was looking at his brother Jun'jo. Wondering what this was, he carried on through the jungle.

Further in, he found rocks moved into a peculiar pattern, making a symbol he's never seen before. As he investigated, he was circled by a pack of wolves, unusual for the Darkspear Islands for such animals to be seen. At first, they did not seem hostile, but twice they seemed to attack him before backing off and seeming peaceful again. Sai'ju touched the stones, and received another vision, this time of himself wearing some red tabard with the stone symbol embroiled on his chest, standing among side a series of races, some looked like the bulls and stunted trolls from before, others were some strange bear men and what he thinks is a goblin. Strangest of all were the elves that stood alongside him, causing him to question the sense of humour of the Loa. The mere idea of standing alongside elves almost seemed blasphemous if it wasn't so amusing to Sai'ju.

Finally, moving through the jungle he found a third clearing and now all sense of the Loa watching him was gone, no longer watching him. Yet, he did not feel abandoned, more like a child who is being forced by his parent to find a new path instead of relying on his parents. Thinking it through, he wondered if it was true too for the paths set before him, that of his parents; the beserker and witch doctor. Deciding to not only put aside his parents' path but that of the Loa too, he sat in the glade and pondered his future. That was when he first heard it; the words of the Elements. The first spirit he heard was that of water, hearing the dew drops in the jungle, the rain and the clouds, before hearing the whispers of the wind that moved about him.

Followed by the Earth below him and then the spirits of fire. The final element he heard was that of Life, that filled the jungle. He was shown once more those who would come across the sea, orcs as he knew them as now thanks to the spirits, and they'd bring shamanism with them. These orcs would take them across the sea to meet the bull men, the tauren, who would further his path on shamanism. Accepting his future as a shaman, Sai'ju finally felt at peace with his future and thanked the spirits profusely, swearing to take the path of shamanism once he met the Horde.

Exodus of the Horde

As he saw the orcs arrived on their isles during what would become known as the Third War, and after a skirmish in the vast caves below their home resulted in the death of their chieftain many trolls were brought aboard the orcs' ships. Sai was among them, journeying with the Horde to Kalimdor a land he had never heard of and found the desolate wasteland.


Zalazane's Fall

When Vol'jin sent out word across the Horde that he intends to launch a campaign to reclaim the homeland of the Darkspear, Sai'jin immediately redirected the might of the Bloodsworn to join him. Keven and Gruffe had no complaint, they were both willing and eager to help their friends in the Darkspear take back their home after the years of service these trolls have given to the Horde. They arrived at Sen'jin Village, reporting to Vol'jin and Vanira. Gruffe and Keven were sent to gather resources and recruits for the eventual reclamation of the Echo Isles, while Vol'jin asked Sai'jin to helped with more 'trollish' matters; finding the mysterious tiger queen of the Echo Isles and communing with the Spirit of the Dead, Bwonsamdi.

Uncovering the supposed tiger queen that prowled the Echo Isles, and preyed on the followers of Zalazane, Sai'jin discovered it was in truth a crone and former priestess, Tabra, who now called herself “Zen'tabra” and considered herself a Druid of all things. She and her followers hunted those that followed the traitor warlock for years as penance, however accepted Sai'jin's call to return to Vol'jin's side at Sen'jin. Returning to the side of his chieftain, Sai'jin partook in the ritual of the dead to summon forth Bwonsamdi, and watched Vol'jin bargain with the Loa of Graves to receive their aid in retaking the Echo Isles from Zalazane. The Loa agreed after challenging Vol'jin about why the Darkspear had stopped offering him tribute after loosing the Echo Isles despite the fact Bwonsamdi kept tending to the dead of the Darkspear.

With Bwonsamdi once more on their side, the Darkspear and their Horde allies and friends marshaled at the shores of Sen'jin Village, backed by the druids and the Loa. With magic allowing them to cross the surface of the ocean that separated Durotar from the Echo Isles, Sai'jin followed his chieftain across the waters into the Echo Isles thanks to the blessing to allow the vindicated Horde to ride on top of the sea, swiftly engaging the enthralled tribesmen of the Darkspear and the undead slaves of Zalazane himself. Cutting through slaves and traitors alike, Sai'jin helped attack Zalazane himself, driving him further across the islands as he attempted to escape his perusers. Their home fell back into their hands one island at a time and Sai'jin was feeling the thrill of reclaiming it at long last.

The final confrontation was witnessed by Sai'jin himself, standing at the side of Vol'jin and Zen'tabra, watching as Zalazane tried to hide in a bubble, only to be claimed by Bwonsamdi himself. With the battle over, the Darkspear had reclaimed their home island, and with the Scourge pacified and the Legion pushed back, the Raptorspear hoped for a peace to finally be given to the Darkspear and the Horde and for them to be given time to mourn all those they had lost. However, in this world war was the natural state of life and Sai'jin would be denied the peace he sought once again by the agony of the shifting elements.

Prelude to the Shattering

Called to Orgrimmar Sai'jin found a gathering of the Earthen Ring, a group of shamans dedicated to the Elements, were warning of the pain the Elements were in and of the growing cultist crisis. Earthmender Norsala and Earthcaller Torunscar inducted Sai'jin into their order as they have sought his membership for some time as he had grown in renown across Azeroth as a powerful shaman in his own right. He worked with the shamans to investigate the Elements and helped secure a tablet from Ulduar, bringing it to the shamans. He came into Grommash Hold at the request of Eitrigg to see the future of the Horde, being a silent witness to the official pass over of power of the Horde to Garrosh Hellscream, something that gravely concerned him. He also aided the city grunts in infiltrating the local Doomsday Cult and discovered they were members of the Twilight's Hammer Cult and served Cho'gall.

Heading to the guild stronghold he shared this news with Kevek and Gruffe. Gruffe was surprised but not completely against it, as he saw war rising on the horizon. Kevek, however, was more eager at the news as he saw Garrosh as a good thing for the Horde, believing the Alliance won't back down after Varian's declaration at the Undercity. He still respected Thrall deeply but he wanted a Horde more willing to engage the Horde in war and not back down like what happened at Theramore. Sai'jin was surprised at this and debated with Nevek about this, breaking out into an argument. Nevek pointed out that the Kul Tirans attacked the Darkspear twice unprovoked, which Sai'jin does not refute but instead counters that a war with the Alliance would devastate the Horde even if they won, that countless lives would be needlessly thrown away.

As the uphevel got worse across the world Sai'jin, Kevek and Gruffe helped defend the Horde from assaulting Elementals, aiding the new Warchief Garrosh Hellscream in defending Orgrimmar from rampaging Fire and Earth Elementals, and aided High Chief Cairne Bloodhoof in protecting Thunder Bluff from the onslaught of Air and Water Elementals.

Securing Home

With the world shattered, new powers shifted across the world. Sai'jin returned to the Echo Isles only a few months after he helped reclaimed it to help train new acolytes in the path of shamanism and communing with the elements as one of the new teachers, working with Nekali. Among those he helped guided included a young and overly eager shaman named Zuni, as well as his own nephew, the acolyte druid Rex'jo who was Zen'tabra's newest student. Seeing new trolls rising as adventurers as their own warmed Sai's heart, though much of that hope was lost when he saw many of the students including a few of his own slaughtered by the encroaching naga. He saw the strength of the naga as paltry in small amounts, but a greater danger in larger numbers, especially when rallied by their Sea Witch masters.

Of course, this was not just any sea witch; it was Zar'jira, the same witch who sunk their home isles and killed Sen'jin. Working with his chieftain Vol'jin, the Raptorspear engaged the naga in combat and kept them from entering Darkspear Hold keeping the primary isle clear of all encroaching naga while the trainees go about saving the other isles and throwing out the naga presence there, with Zuni and Rex'jo being among those entrusted with clearing these islands of threats. Once the trainees cleared the cave under Zar'jira lair, Vol'jin brought Sai'jin with him to confront their old foe personally, leaving Darkspear isle.

Butchering through Zar'jira's guard, Sai'jin stood by his chieftain and the farseeress Vanira as Vol'jin confronted their old foe of the tribe. With the aid of the trainees that showed the most promise, among them was the promising shaman Zuni, they battled the ghost sea witch with all their might, the sea witch seems far more powerful than than the fodder she commanded, even her own consort. While the Darkspear emerged victorious and Vol'jin avenged his father by killing the Sea Witch, Zuni was lost in the process, along with a few other recruits. Sai was torn on this, loosing his first student. Vanira tried to comfort him telling him that apprentices die in war, it happens, but it was the duty of their mentors to continue to train the next generation less their sacrifices would be in vain, however Sai wasn't sure he was old enough to be able to handle his students dying, and thus excluded himself from training.

Initially Sai feared that Vol'jin would reject his exclusion, however Vol'jin instead tested him by forcefully asking what Sai actually wanted. Thrall leaving and Garrosh rising as Warchief had left a bitter taste in Sai's mind about the Horde, and Vol'jin had similar thoughts. He allowed Sai to stand in for a conversation he had with Thrall, who encouraged Vol'jin to remain with the Horde and help guide it through these trying times. Reinvigorated, Sai decided to continue his adventures with his guild, bidding his farewells to the Darkspear and went back to the Bloodsworn Stronghold.

His return was sullied when he saw Keven had the stronghold rebuilt with the black iron artitecture that Garrosh had Orgrimmar rebuilt with. Keven was initially happy to see that Sai'jin returned from 'noob camp' and was rejoining them, but the two came to bickering over the new aestetic and Keven's loyalty to Garrosh. The spat between Garrosh and Vol'jin was no secret for them, and now was affecting their own relationship. It was the arrival of Gruffe who acted as a balance between the two, calming them, that ceased the argument. He reminded them what had happened to the planet since the Shattering.

The world had been torn asunder, wild elements rage across the continents, the Alliance and Horde were at each other's throat. There was plenty for the Bloodsworn to do. The Raptorspear set about to do his part for the Horde.

Aiding the Earthen Ring

As a shaman, Sai'jin felt a close connection to the spirits and could feel their pain. As such, after leaving the Echo Isles he made it a point to venture to areas heavily afflicted by the Cataclysm with the aid of his friends. Keven, however, often was angsty to get to the fight with the Alliance even as he was respectful of the need to aid the lands, he believed that if they ignored the Alliance for too long they would claim the increasingly scarce resources left by the Shattering. Gruffe was too, especially after his home in Taurajo was burned to the ground, however he knew the value of balancing their conflicts.

Sai'jin ignored the greater conflict between the Alliance and Horde. He'd certainly fight on the defensive without caring for the lives of the Alliance, in the long run he will always save Horde lives over Alliance lives, but he won't go out and aid Garrosh's war of conquest, or Loa forbid Sylvanas' campaign against Gilneas even if she was acting under Garrosh's orders. Choosing to investigate hot spots of elemental unrest, he ventured to places heavily affected such as the Southern Barrens, Stranglethorn, Thousand Needles, Darkshore and Westfall, trying to soothe the elements there and provide any aid he could to them and behold the damage that the Elements can cause when harmed and abused.

The times he returned to the stronghold of Bloodsworn, he and Keven would have moments of both kinship and arguments, depending on the mood of one or both of them when they met. Sai admits that he was as often the cause for these arguments as Keven was, yet found it increasingly difficult to find common ground with his friend who became more and more engrossed with Garrosh's war machine, hiring new blood to the Bloodsworn such as Daresk, a Blackrock captain, as well as other like minded orcs and goblins to fill out ranks. What was once a guild of friends was becoming a militarised legion under Hellscream's command. One of the newest members of the Bloodsworn is that Slade whom Keven met with during the Siege of Splinters in Ashenvale, and Sai wasn't certain on this newest recruit. He, admittedly, wasn't fond of goblins in general but still strove to not make assumptions even with personal biases and strove to connect with their new goblin member.

He went without seeing Gruffe and Keven for close to three months due to his service to the Ring and he was sent to Vashj'ir, the recently risen ruins of an ancient Kaldorei city. Fate came by and reunited the Bloodsworn as Keven and Gruffe were pulled for duty on the warfront brewing on the surface above Vashj'ir, and when their ships sunk Sai helped save the crew, Keven among them. With Keven invigorated against the naga, the three Blood Brothers worked together in harmony again after months of quarrelling, an uncomplicated foe eased the tension between them.



Darkspear Trolls-


Earthen Ring-

Trivial Facts:

  • Sai sustained harsh injuries during the First Battle for the Broken Shore, nearly dying from a blast from a Legion ship that also broke his right tusk and rendered him blind in his right eye. He was not able to heal or regenerate from these injuries.
  • A regarded Shaman, he achieved the title of Farseer for his close connection to the Elements, personally saw the downfall of Al'akir, earned the respect of both timelines' Furies of Draenor and is respected within the Ring.
  • Despite Vol'jin taking a stance against the Zandalari during the Zandalari War, Sai'jin felt conflicted due to the then recent actions of Garrosh making him feel like the Darkspear may be driven from the Horde. He fully supported bringing the Zandalari into the Horde and worked tirelessly to help Talanji do just that.
  • Spending time in Ardenweald and among the Night Fae, Sai cannot help but wonder if he would enjoy such an afterlife, spending time tending to glades as a spiritual beast sounds peaceful after a lifetime of war. As a member of the covenant, he took the form of a raptor and finds it calming to sleep in such a form.