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This article is a player character biography page

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Title <The Unsundered>
Gender Male
Race Dracthyr (Humanoid)
Class Evoker
Affiliation(s) Alliance (allied), Dragonscale Expedition, Bronze dragonflight, Timewalkers
Former affiliation(s) Ebon Scales, Black dragonflight
Occupation Agent of the Hourglass
Location Various
Status Alive

"I am Unsundered. I mourn for the loss of my Creche, however I cannot support them. The Aspects are willing to accept us, as are the other races of our world. I won't join Sarkareth's petty rebellion, I won't forsake the Ebon Scales' legacy and our fellow Creches."

- Freyrthel the Unsundered, his thoughts on his Creche.

The Dracthyr Evoker known as Freyrthel was once a member of the Ebon Scales, the Siege Creche, and part of the greater Dracthyr army. However after being in stasis for nearly twenty thousand years he was horrified when his Scalecommander Sarkareth reformed the Ebon Scales into the rebellious Sundered Flame, wanting to carve their own place out in Azeroth. He could not join them and instead fled with the Obsidian Warders to the Alliance, and would later come to join the Timewalkers and serve Nozdormu the Timeless One.