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HordeSishu Wardancer
Image of Sishu Wardancer
Gender Female
Race Pandaren
Class Warrior
Affiliation(s) The Horde, Huojin Pandaren, Dragonscale Expedition
Former affiliation(s) Adventurer's Guild of Pandaria
Location Orgrimmar, Elsewhere
Status Active
Relative(s) Shinjto Wardancer (Father, deceased)
Mentor(s) Blademaster Ronakada (warrior trainer)
Companion(s) Araesh Bladefall (husband), Kang'shen (Dragon Companion_

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Sishu Wardancer, Sishu is a Pandaren Warrior, unlike her Monk parents, who became a warrior due to her inability to control her want for battle. When she and her father came to work for the Horde in a caravan before she lost her father and fuelled a personal grudge against the Alliance. She would join Araesh Bladefall in his travels and the two would closely bond. Yet despite her trying to respect her heritage and control her emotions she often charges into danger and allows anger and fear over come her.


Chaos on the Turtle

Sishu Wardancer, top warrior of her school, and San Ko, top priest of his school, were chosen along with Ji and Aysa to help the Wondering Isle by Master Shang Xi along with a small cadre of students. Recovering the Spirits of the Wondering isle and communicating with the turtle itself, they discovered the cause of his pain. Ko was her close friend, the two knew one another as children and would often play and compete with one another, the two being friends even as they started to clash over ethics and tactics in combat, as she followed the way of Huojin and he followed Tushui. Once Sishu had encountered the Horde on the Wandering Isle and helped clear the crashsite, dislodging the crash Alliance Gunship, she was offered the chance to leave the Island and see the world her wandering father told her about.

With her father Sishu joined the Horde because she felt more Horde than Alliance herself in personal beliefs and her father had traded with the orcs and tauren of Kalimdor a few years ago when he was a wandering Brewmaster, however does not hold any contempt for Pandaren who join the Alliance, which included her old friend San Ko. After joining the faction, she, her mother and father aided in escorting Horde caravans across the Barrens for two months, taking break in Thunder Bluff and Orgrimmar in between runs. However they were ambush by a patrol of Sentinels led by the Night elf Darkflight who slaughtered many, including Sishu's father, before finally retreating. Sishu wanted to hunt down the elf, however one of her fellow caravan members pulled her out, and sent her and her mother back to Durotar to recover from their injuries.

When heading to the Valley of Trials she had a chance encounter with Araesh, an orc her father had met and was currently in the Trials after being stranded on Pandaria for a few months. Learning of the discovery of Pandaria and the war brewing there, Sishu was surprised to learn how Pandaria had become revealed so soon after her own people started to leave their home en mass. Still she shared the news of her father's death which did sadden Araesh but he mentioned that it was likely part of the increased Alliance pressure after Theramore, many such war bands were striking at them. Initially angry that the orc would seemingly make excuses for the murder of her father, Araesh assured her he did not and explained his stance and changed world view after being in Pandaria. He had been taught basic monk techniques from a monk named Ojom Bearbarrel in Sri-La Village yet he still struggled with anger himself and Sishu offered to tell him stories of her attempts at becoming a monk. In return for this and her company the orc showed some pointers as a Blademaster which Araesh thought she was more partial too.

Araesh was only able to teach so much and so sent her to meet with Blademaster Ronakada in Orgrimmar to continue her training as a warrior and potential Blademaster. While never fully becoming a Blademaster herself she did incorperate many aspects of their way of fighting into her own and combined it with more heavy plate armour. She quickly mastered the Blademaster's techniques and soon set off to battle herself against the many enemies of the Horde, notably the Alliance, revenge driven as she was. After hiring the goblin rogue Slade, Sishu discovered the name of the night elf that killed her father; Darkflight, and she swore to avenge her father, or die trying.


Considering herself an acomplished enough warrior, Sishu signed up to travel off to Pandaria along side the Horde's Dominance Offensive, being picked alongside Araesh by Keven to spear head Horde against the Alliance forces in Pandaria. Landing in Domination Point, she learns of the Horde heroes Keven, Sai'jin and Gruffe with their actions throughout Pandaria, admiring their dedication to the Horde and to the safety and preservation of Pandaria's way of life. Battling in the wilds she honestly believed the Pandaren of this land should join the Horde with the Huojin and even attempted to sway those Pandaren of Honeydew to fully back the Horde as the pandaren of Eastwind Refuge did.

After learning of the  [Divine Bell] incident and the Sha that the Horde attempted to tame Sishu questioned the sanity of her Warchief, but found comfort in the other leaders such as Baine Bloodhoof and Lor'themar Theron. As Dominance Point rages on in warfare, she met with Ojom, a Pandaria native, who was interested in the two factions and why certain pandaren chose certain factions. She also reconfigured his name as being the one to set Araesh on the path of the Monk, which he confirmed and was thrilled to learn his student had taken his lessons to heart. After hearing out Ojom explain the state of Pandaria and what the war was doing to it she began to question her allegiance to the Horde, and Ojom offered her asylum in the Adventurer's Guild of Pandaria until she found her faith again, a offer she took up. She quickly came into conflict with San Ko her old friend from the Wandering Isles, who was firmly Tushui and had fought for Operation: Shieldwall and had grown to despise the Horde more intensely than she despised the Alliance as her hatred stemmed from the actions of indivuals where's San Ko saw the horrors the Horde as a faction inflicted upon others.

Some time after joining the Adventurer's Guild and exploring much of Pandaria, fighting hidden threats and great dangers, Warchief Garrosh Hellscream unleashed the Sha of Pride into the Vale of Eternal Blossom, devastating it. Sishu was summoned to the Guild Hideout to discuss the matters, and she was among the nine picked to follow Ojom to war with the Sha of Pride. Tasked with being a partner with San, the priest, to keep attention of their enemies. Stout follower of Huojin and member of the Horde, she fought with the fervour expected from her faction and bore the brunt of their enemies' attention while she was healed by San Ko.

Purifying the waters of the vale and destroying a Amalgamation of sha power, they were purified themselves by a Titan creation who sadly fell in the war. After killing the fallen members of the Golden Lotus, releasing their spirits who were trapped on Pandaria due to their failure, Sishu was among those who faced down the Sha of Pride, the last of the Sha. Heavily injured and near death, Sishu barely survived the battle with the Sha of Pride, however the beast fell before the might of Pandaria's mightiest heroes. The ten champions were recovered by Golden Lotus agents and taken into healing in the western part of the Vale that remained mostly untouched by the explosion of Sha power.

After the Siege of Orgirmmar finished, the Adventurer's Guild, Darkhammer Veterans and Bloodsworn remnants gathered in the Vale of Eternal Blossom, along with Lorewalker Cho, the Four Celestials and the Last Emperor. Shaohao promised that through the destruction of this war, there was a glimmer of hope in the future, and to never give up fighting for what they believe in. Ojom promised Sai'jin and Rein that as long as he led the Adventurer's Guild he wouldn't come into conflict with either the members of the Bloodsworn that joined Vol'jin nor the Veterans. They promised the same to Ojom, but couldn't to each other, knowing hatred runs deeper than that. She once more returned to the Horde, as through her trials she felt she still had kinship with the friends she made when exploring Kalimdor and the ghost of her father still hung over her. After returning to the Huojin she often had tea with Araesh and the two shared their off time together often.

Warlords of Draenor

Venturing to the savage world of Draenor during the second wave, using the portal straight to Frostfire Ridge, Sishu was enlisted as a grunt to the forces there serving as a Sergeant among the soldiers under the direct command of General Raintotem. Over the early months of the war, Sishu grew closer and closer to the orcish monk who worked tirelessly as the field leader of the garrison, Wardancer sought to help him becoming a constant companion in the savage world before them. After joining the campaign across Draenor's conclusion in the assault on Bladefury's Command Sishu fought at the side of the garrison and finally came to admit she desired Araesh romantically, who shared those feelings and thus they agreed to begin a relationship in the wilds of this savage world.

When the Emerald Flame cult started spreading on Draenor, Sishu was sent with a battalion of Horde soldiers to hunt down these cultists and end the threat. While she managed to wipe out a few recruiting grounds, the Flame continued to grow in strength and power, but she did also manage to disrupt a slaving organisation and put down the slavers, much to the freed slaves' appreciation, a few orcs even came to help around the garrison.

Sishu also went on a few tours in Ashran, willing to take the fight to the Alliance and hunting down some elves for her growing collections, although Araesh voiced concerns about her willingness to give into her wild side Sishu was confident that there was no issue with doing so outside of Pandaria as there was no Sha here. She soon joined the assault on Tanaan jungle in the joint effort between the factions, aiding the Iron Front as a soldier under Durotan's direct command and even fought at the side of San Ko, much to both of their awkwardness. The two made an attempt to make peace as they left on bitter terms on Pandaria, however neither could really find common ground with their old childhood friend and one last fight led to the two splitting up. This was, unknown to either of them, the last time the two childhood friends would talk.

Legion and the Third Invasion

After Gul'dan escaped from Draenor and opened the portal on Azeroth at the Broken Shore, Sishu was among the first Horde to sign up for the up coming battle after Warchief Vol'jin made the call for heroes and was deployed on the Broken Shore alongside her friends. There she faced one of the most fierce battles of her life... and nearly her last. The battle was a disaster and she even bore witness to the death of her long time friend and rival San Ko. Seeing San Ko die before her, torn to shreds by demons, caused mental tramua and a deep sated regret that she left on such bad terms back on Draenor, spitting words at him she'll never be able to take back.

Near death and heavly bleeding, Sishu was barely able to stay alive on the Broken Isles however her determination allowed her to survive and eventually rescue came in the form of the Val'kyr, who took her too the Halls of Valor. She agreed to work with the Valarjar, but expressed some doubt about working with Alliance. Still she was able to put personal grievances aside in the face of the Legion and even fought for a time under the command of Sir Teiws Durrahan who was a sub commander of the Valarjar.

Shadow of Death

When Sai'jin and Gruffe Raintotem approached old friends and allies to join Saurfang's rebellion, Sishu joined without complaint. She joined in the march from Razor Hill to Orgrimmar and bore witness to Saurfang's Mak'Gora against Sylvanas, as well as witnessing her abandon the Horde and even the Forsaken. After this the attention of the factions moved to dealing with the war with the Black Empire and stopping the freed Old God N'Zoth from rampaging across Azeroth. She and Araesh quickly came to Pandaria to help defend the Vale from the monsters, once more fighting mogu, mantid and other dangers of Pandaria just like back during the previous conflict. They even traveled into a dark future of the Vale of Eternal Blossom that had become subsumed by the will of N'Zoth and fought corrupted versions of heroes, champions and even themselves, twisted by this most dire future.

It was during these battles that Sishu came into conflict with Darkflight, the night elf that long ago had killed her father in part of Darkflight's retaliationary strikes for the invasion of Ashenvale. Darkflight had abandoned her people and her Goddess in favour of new dark ones who promised her the power to destroy all enemies of the Kaldorei and the Black Empire. Sishu and Araesh barely survived an encounter with her and sent word to their friends for aid, resulting in a confrontation at the depths of Nazjatar where Darkflight revealed her service to oblivion, having become twisted from war and constant loss. Sishu realized in horror that Darkflight was in many ways a victim, someone who had lost so much she broke under the pressure and that the Horde shared a kodos worth of that shame. As such she advocated sparing Darkflight and taking her and her party down non-lethally, a dangerous task yet the Horde was successful. The raging elf was sent back to Kaldorei lands in the belief that she deserved to face justice from her own people more than justice from the Horde.

She and Araesh stayed behind on Azeroth when many of their friends ventured forth into the Maw and the Shadowlands, running the Bloodsworn in their absence. As such they are not considered Maw Walkers.

Personality and Physical Traits

She looks much like most other red female Pandaren, furry, a 'little' over weight and has red and white fur with her racoon like tail. She cares little for physical appearance believing that honing your fighting abilities is more important than putting paint on your face. She is less afraid to use her more bear-like nature, using claws and fangs when disarmed as well as having a thick hide to protect her from attacks, making her a formidable warrior both when caught wearing combat gear and when not.

Before her fathers' death, she was less reckless and more balanced, however she could never go down the path of Monk like her father and mother were and was more savage while growing up on the Giant Turtle, called Shen-zin Su. She put her savagery to good use fighting the small threats on the turtles on behalf of the Pandaren, such as hozen, virmen and even the odd threat like Naga that encroached on their island home.

After her father's death, she let her rage hold her, becoming something that most Pandaren try to avoid; vengeful. She is dertermid to hunt down the elf Darkflight and kill her for killing her father, not fully understanding the dangers of hunting down a high ranking Alliance. Because of her new personality, she finds no more comfort among her own kin, but rather among orcs, tauren and trolls. When confronted by a broken Darkflight during N'Zoth's rampage across Azeroth she realised both how far vengeance can drive someone and that Darkflight is a creation of the Horde, a victim in many respects. She helped bring down Darkflight and advocated sparing her, sending her back home to face her people's justice as she deserved it more than the Horde's justice. Faced with this she let go of much of her anger.



Shinjto Wardancer- Her beloved father who raised her on the Wandering Isles, Sjinto tried to teach hwe the ways of the monk along with her mother, and she showed some promise when she calmed her more fiery personality for a time. However after his wife died, and Sishu's hotheadness increased, he became unable to quell her temper, and instead allowed her to pick up sword play. They remained close and she helped her father take care of the injured Araesh when they first met years ago. She joined the Horde largely because of her father and when he died she was utterly crushed. His death was the catalyst to completely abandon the ways of the monk for that of the warrior and beginning the long desire of hers to get vengeance against Darkflight, her father's murderer, which ended in the aftermath of the Fourth War when she finally confronted the elf and found someone more vengeance driven than herself.

Araesh Bladefall- First met the young orc when she helped her father save him, initially Araesh was more her father's friend than hers however after his death she and the orc bonded and shared their past. They even gave each other tips on their new professions as Araesh studied to become a monk and Sishu trained as a warrior. During the Draenor campaign the two came to start a relationship that carried through the Legion invasion. This relationship has carried on through Legion and into Battle for Azeroth.

San Ko- Back on the Wandering Isle, she was once friends with San Ko, growing up as neighbors. The man pursued the path of the Priest, a counter to her own path as a warrior. However, in their teenage years, San Ko started studying the path of the Tushui, and grew to dislike the Huojin. Sishu grew the oppisite attitude, preferring Huojin and disliking Tushui. They tried to make their friendship work, however they butted heads too often, and their once friendship turned bitter. They eventually mutually broke off their friendship. This became worse as they found each other on oppisite ends of a faction war that tested the extent of their beliefs even when both of them joined the Adventurer's Guild of Pandaria under Ojom. Although they attempted to resolve their differences on Draenor they failed to do so and had a fierce argument before parting once more. They did not get another chance to reconcile as during the First Battle of the Broken Shore San Ko was ripped to shreds by demons infront of Sishu, forever tramuatising the young warrior.