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AllianceMidwinter von Royale
Image of Midwinter von Royale
Title <Archmage>
Gender Female
Race Human
Class Mage, Enchanter
Affiliation(s) The Alliance, Stormwind, Kirin Tor, Dalaran, Tirisgarde
Former affiliation(s) Theramore
Location Dalaran, Elsewhere
Status Active
Relative(s) Ximothy (Father), Narissa (Mother), Rein Darkhammer (Aunt), Aturis Darkhammer (Uncle)
Mentor(s) Rein Darkhammer (Mage Mentor)
Companion(s) Erutaron (Fiancé)

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Sorceress of Stormwind, Archmage of the Kirin Tor and co-leader of the Empyrean Company, an Alliance guild, Midwinter is a modern hero of the Alliance determined to bring peace and prosperity to it. The daughter of Narissa, a non-magical Swordsman of Dalaran, and Ximothy, former Kirin Tor mage and current Forsaken Warlock and dangerous criminal to the Alliance. She traveled across Azeroth at the side of her fiance Erutaron, a worgen Druid, and with him she founded the guild the Empyrean Company which is an adventurer and mercenary guild devoted to the Alliance and keeping it protected, honoring the legacy of their predecessor guild the Darkhammer Veterans.


Early Life

Born to Timothy en Royale and Narissa, Midwinter spent her childhood in Dalaran, running the streets with her friends and learning the basics of magic from her father and those around her. Her parents were not married, despite loving each other and living together, and she took her father's name as her mother did not posses a family name. She was eleven the Third War broke out and her aunt Rein was motivated to follow Jaina across the sea, asking her family to join her. While Timothy and Narissa refused to leave they grew more paranoid as the Third War raged and much of Lordaeron fell to the Scourge, leading to them entrusting Rein with their daughter and getting a vow from her to protect her. This paranoia seemed to have paid off as Dalaran would fall to the Scourge and her parents both died in its siege while Midwinter survived in Rein's care across the sea.

As she settled down in Theramore she, as a child, did not entirely understand what happened to her parents as news of Dalaran's fate reached them. When she was fifteen the world grew more dangerous as various conflicts arose, with her aunt and uncle founding the Lion's Veterans guild to help deal with these threats. Rein helped teach Midwinter the basic of magic as she proved a natural for the arcane arts and quickly took to the path of the Mage. She had a few other tutors but always considered Rein her first and foremost teacher as a Mage referring to her when asked where she learnt magic from. When she was seventeen her uncle Aturis died in Northrend after sustaining injuries from the Siege of Icecrown. She chose to leave Theramore at her eighteenth birthday, heading to Stormwind to begin her own journey as an adventurer much to the dismay of her aunt who wanted her to stay safely in Theramore, for which Midwinter thought that Rein saw her as the last piece of her dead brother she had left. Traveling a Cataclysm struck world she helped the people of Elwynn, Westfall, Redridge and Duskwood with their various problems, mastering her arts on the road.

When she used the Stormwind Bank she learnt that her father had left a Magic Carpet in his vault there as an eventual gift for her, and receiving this post-mortem death made her determined to find out exactly what happened to her father. The first place she went was naturally Dalaran, where she learnt the truth of her father's fate from mages there; he was risen and had become a Forsaken Warlock. She begun heavily investigating this which was interupted by Rein's appearance, as a colleague of hers that Midwinter talked to informed her that her niece was looking for Ximothy. Midwinter was not pleased to learn Rein was aware of her father's fate and had even interacted with him during the War against the Lich King and decided not to tell her. She asserted that it was not something to just tell someone however Midwinter rejected her reasoning and stated she wants to meet her father. Rein refused to help such a meeting but knew she could not stop Midwinter from finding him, instead imploring her to be careful as he is not the man she remembers he was when she was eleven. Midwinter left Dalaran after hearing some eye witness reports that he was in Duskwood not too long after the Invasion of Gilneas.

While searching Begger's Haunt she found a camp abandoned but did identify it was used by the Forsaken a few weeks ago. She met another person hunting Ximothy, a Worgen Druid named Erutaron, and the two came to talk about their hunt though she did not divelge that she was Ximothy's daughter. With the trail cold the two decided to work together some more, heading to help the people of the Alliance though both still keeping an eye and ear out for the activities of Ximothy. The two fought the Twilight's Hammer and the Horde across multiple fronts across Azeroth, often alongside the Darkhammer Veterans though never joined them.

Service in the Alliance

She was returning to Stormwind from a mission where she learnt that Theramore was destroyed by the Horde. She was distraught that her teenage years home was destroyed she searched for her mother among the survivors knowing she would've come to the city's defence. Thankfully she found Rein alive and well and was flushed with relief, as the two had barely spoken since their spat in Dalaran two years prior. Reconciling with her aunt had put much of her inner angst at ease. She would follow Erutaron to explore Pandaria as she was interested in the magic of this place, heading there before Operation: Shieldwall but after the initial landing parties arrived. She was deeply fascinated by the culture of the Pandaren and the various forms of magic such as the Mistweaving, the Sha and Waterspeaking of the Jinyu. During their travels Midwinter came across agents of the Emerald Flame, a cult devoted to creating a new world order, and after taking them out she and Erutaron discovered a Fel tome of some power. The two intended to vault the tome to ensure no demonspawn or warlock got it, however its power drew the most unlikely attention; Ximothy. He was able throw Erutaron aside in fierce combat and take the tome, leaving after seeing Midwinter.

Frustrated at this loss, Erutaron left Midwinter's side to try and follow Ximothy's trail across Pandaria or at least the trail of the Death Watch, while Midwinter headed south. After Operation: Shieldwall made their landfall in the south she left Erutaron for a time to join their work there as a mercenary. Here she encountered her aunt when she went to Dalaran with Anduin to try to bring them back into the fold, which failed. After the Alliance secured the Divine Bell, Midwinter was informed that the Bell was stolen by the Horde and that it seemed the Sunreavers were involved. Heading back to Dalaran she discovered a city under Purge and while Rein was supporting the Purge Midwinter herself found it a terrifying over reaction to what happened. For her, too many innocents were being imprisoned for actions they were not involved with. She left Operation: Shieldwall after this, meeting back up with Erutaron.

Their reunion was interupted by Ximothy who now wielded more power and green fire, overpowered the two in combat, snatching Erutaron's companion the Faerie darter Aca and devastated the local area with his corrupting Fel. Before he killed Erutaron, Midwinter intervened and begged him to not kill her friend and lover. Ximothy was shocked to learn this and relented, even releasing Aca back to them, and he went to leave them as he could not strike down his daughter's lover. Erutaron was shocked to learn Ximothy was her father, though did not fault her for not telling him as it would've been awkward to say the least. Still he questioned if this would make her unable to kill Ximothy if need be, but Midwinter believed that her father was gone despite what she wants and that if she had the chance she would release his soul.

After serving on the Isle of Thunder alongside the Kirin Tor Offensive and the ensuring Siege of Orgrimmar that ended the Alliance-Horde War, Midwinter hoped for peace. This hope was shattered by the Iron Horde invasion, and she joined the expedition to this alternate Draenor. She worked at Lunafall the garrison on that world as a mage, working under Draay the Hearty. She found a savage beauty in Draenor and despite the strange circumstances bringing them there did find her time there exciting, learning of how another world had developed magic. She often worked with Khadgar and his segment of Kirin Tor that operated on this alternate Draenor as well, helping him create the legendary necklaces he created for worthy Champions. She fought in Tanaan as well against Gul'dan's Horde and hoped that this would be the end. This was the last time she had such as naiev sentiment.

Third Invasion

Serving on the frontlines at the Broken Shore.

The opening battle of the Third Invasion was the devastating Battle for the Broken Shore. She partook in this battle, joining Erutaron in the second wave while her aunt and the Darkhammer Veterans were among King Varian's first wave. She fought alongside Jaina and Greymane through the waves of demons and they found the broken Argent Crusade who lost their leader Tirion. To her horror they found too the decimated Darkhammer Veterans and her dying aunt. Rein had sustained heavy injuries from the demons and ultimately succumbed to them in Midwinter's arms. The battle was ultimately a failure as the Alliance was forced to retreat and they lost King Varian. The Darkhammer Veterans was devastated and the guild effectively fell apart as the surviving members went their own ways. Midwinter herself was dedicated to the war and joined the reformed Tirisgarde to helped the mages of Azeroth fight back.


Professions: She is an Enchantress, learning the skill of Enchanting items and creating new magical objects during her stay in Stormwind City some time after the fall of Theramore, in addition she also learnt herbalism though more often sells the plants she does not need or gives them to Erutaron for his alchemy. She is a former Tailor who has largely left the profession behind for a more practical one, leaving her old kits at her Stormwind home she hasn't visited in years.


Narissa, Midwinter's mother who died during the Siege of Dalaran.

Midwinter comes from a family of powerful magi both renown and infamous. Her aunt was the leader of the Veterans, Rein Darkhammer who perished on the Broken Shore at the beginning of the Last Invasion and she was a powerful Archmage herself, veteran of the Third War as well as wars cross Azeroth, the War over Outland, the Scourge War and the War against Deathwing. She was also raised by her uncle-in-law and Rein's husband, Aturis Darkhammer, a powerful and famous paladin who for a time led the Lion's Veterans until he died through injuries and curses sustained in Icecrown Citadel. Her cousins are close to her, having been raised with them, however she hasn't personally seen them since Rein's funeral during the Third Invasion.

Her biological parents, however, were Timothy en Royale and Narissa. Narissa died during the sacking of Dalaran during the Third War, as did her father, only he returned later as an undead. When Midwinter first learnt of this, she was hopeful of reuniting with her father, however it became apparent the man he was still died at Dalaran, and now a light damned warlock walked in his place, becoming infamous across the Alliance for acts of cruelty and malice. She has accepted he must die, but it still tears her up as he was once a loving father to her. She once possessed a flying carpet that her father created before his death and it was given to her on her twentith birthday, something he set up in advance. She did loose the carpet during the Legion War, however, something that devastated her as it was the last thing she received from her father.

Outside of blood family, she has been in a relationship with Erutaron, a worgen druid, since the Cataclysm. He acts as a stable family member in her life with her mother dead, father a monster, uncle and auntie always too busy before both ultimately dying in service to the Alliance. As her parents, aunt and uncle are dead Erutaron is her primary family now, although she does keep in contact with her cousins via letters and always thinks about meeting up with them again.

Trivial Facts:

  • Her favourite colour is aquamarine, and her lucky number is six.
  • She has a small construct of arcane she calls Big Purple as a companion, often talking to it when alone even though the small creature cannot reply.
  • Coming from a line of skilled magi she was a natural and achieved the title of Archmage at a young age, albiet one earned under extreme conditions as the Legion was invading.