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AllianceMayleen Sorrows
No image available
Gender Female
Race Void Elf
Class Warlock, formerly Priest
Affiliation(s) The Alliance, Council of the Black Harvest
Ka Ankh
Former affiliation(s) Horde, Kingdom of Quel'thalas
Location Telogrus Rift, Elsewhere
Status Active
Mentor(s) Ximothy von Royale (Warlock trainer), Aldrae (Priest trainer)

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Once she was Mayleen Highcrest, once she was a high elven healer and once she was a blood elven priestess. Now she is a Ren'dorei Warlock, having walked down a winding path out of the Light and into the Dark. She had walked in the shadow of her mentor Ximothy however has begun to build her own power alone away from the undead Warlock by working for the Alliance, a faction she does not care for personally but who serve her needs well enough.


Life as a High Elf

Coming from the Highcrest Family, a family of healers, she seemed to have her life set early on. She would learn to mend injuries and treat sickness for the elven guards and Farstriders when they had to deal with threats such as the forest trolls or, more rarely, something else. She enjoyed the simplicity of her life at the time and did not possess ambitions to rise above her station as she fell in with the traditionism of Quel'Thalas, though she did want a closer relationship with the human nations to the south of their lands. She worked as a healer for House Sunhawk for a time and met Athais Sunhawk, the heir to the Household, during this time. It was also around this service that she first met a family of mages, the von Royales, from Dalaran when they visited House Sunhawk. The teenage mage, Ximothy, grew infatuated with her which at thetime made Mayleen uncomfortable as she did not want a relationship with a human and tried to gently but firmly let the lad down.

When the Second War begun and her people joined the war, she saw the dragon fires as Quel'Thalas was set ablaze and many were lost. She served as a healer during these times yet found her ability to provide aid frustratingly small, especially when compared to how she saw Priests wield the Light in benefical ways sparking something of a religious awakening in her as she saw first hand how the Light could heal injuries her training could only dream of. She also once again met the young Ximothy when he was recovering from a burn injury and, once again, shot down the boy's attempts at flirting however this time was more firm and the von Royale accepted it and did not pursue it again, allowing the two to instead become friends. A friendship that would endure many strange and twisted times in both of their lives.

After the Second War she approached the elven priests and begun study under them, meeting High Priest Vandellor to hear his sermons and came to believe she found her true calling as a Priestess of the Light. She maintained her old training as a healer so she had the skills if needed but took to learning the healing arts of Holy Light quickly. As the times after the Second War were still tribulant she had work to do as a Priestess, especially when word of a Plague spreading in Lordaeron reach Quel'Thalas. It wasn't long before the Scourge invaded Quel'Thalas and butchered the High elves for their Sunwell that Mayleen's world truly begun its descent. She desperately served as a healer on the frontlines, using the Light to blast the Undead if need be but mostly worked to keep her people's wounded Farstriders and Guardsmen alive however it was to no avail as the High Home fell and Mayleen took refuge in a hidden nook in the woods with an injured Athais Sunhawk who she rescued from the battlefield. When the invasion was over and the Sunwell defiled Kael'thas returned and destroyed the corrupted Sunwell, declaring his people the Sin'dorei, or Blood Elves.

Life as a Blood Elf

As one of the survivors of the attempted genocide of her people she helped reclaim her homeland, however unlike many she did not forsake her faith in the Light. She was instead emboldened by the need for faith in such dark times and scorned the growing Blood Knight Order, especially as her old friend Athais became one of its earlier members breaking the friendship the two had forged over the years. She was not too keen on joining the Horde yet couldn't argue with it from a more pragmatic stand point; Quel'Thalas was just not strong enough to survive on its own anymore. As such when Forsaken forces started to come into the land to aid the blood elves in securing their home she found that she had to ignore her gut feeling of hating the Undead and accept their aid. She worked as a Priestess in Tranquillien for many months, helping relations between the living and the dead as well as proving any aid and care she could, using her Light for the Blood Elves and, if need be, her first aid training for the Forsaken. That said she preferred to direct the Forsaken injured to a Shadow Priest to be healed normally, and it was in such a convesation she met Ximothy von Royale again, much to her surprise, as he had become a Forsaken Warlock since she last saw him in the aftermath of the Second War decades earlier. He aided the Blood elves and even helped mend some of the broken bond between herself and Athais, though he favoured Athais' darker methods more and was a far cry from the young man she knew. Once he felt he finished helping the Blood Elves he left, advising Mayleen that it was a cruel world and that cruelty was a tool she shouldn't be so quick to disregard.

She and Athais would part ways, with her heading to explore more of the world that she never saw before the Third War, something she came to regret after seeing so many places she had only heard about be left in ruin by various wars that scarred the world. She tried to fit in with the Horde of Kalimdor yet found them a difficult people to be with, finding it difficult to over come her disdain for trolls and orcs for previous actions against her people and although she did find the tauren agreeable she was highly offensive in her view of them, seeing them as a 'simple people' and considered the Blood Elves above them. This frustrated her as she saw it as the Sin'dorei submitting to a barbaric race, after all now the orc Warchief was above the Regent Lord in rank and could make orders of Quel'Thalas. When she ventured to Outland she learnt of her Prince's betrayal and new loyalty to the Burning Legion, the very same that had engineered the Scourge to begin with. She was horrified at this and would come to join the Scryers who were also blood elven defectors, working with them in Shadowmoon Valley and Netherstorm against both Lord Illidan's Forces and Kael'thas' who now worked with demons. She would later work with the Shattered Sun Offensive, never truly having an issue with the Draenei as she objected to the torture of the Naaru M'uru and felt the Naaru were deserving of more respect than what her kin were doing. As such she took to the renewal of the Sunwell with glee, happy that her people no longer suffered under the magical withdrawal they endured for years and now had a Holy Font to draw from. Her faith in the Light was at its highest in this moment.

The War against the Lich King was where her faith was tested and, perhaps, can be seen as where her dark spiral begun. Fighting the Scourge in Northrend was a difficult ordeal, dealing with frozen weather and food shortages as well as a new war with the Alliance, something she cared nothing for as she didn't hold a grudge against the Alliance but was just indifferent to them. She wasn't impressed with Garrosh's leadership and that of many of his lieutenants such as Korm Black-Scar and Conqueror Krenna. She fell in with the Argent Crusade and found them more to her liking though she was deeply off put with the Ebon Blade thinking they were really no different than the Forsaken in how brutal they were. She worked with the Sunreavers especially in the Argent Tournament and even competed for Silvermoon in them, meeting with Athais again and was surprised to learn he had joined a Horde guild named the Bloodsworn and seemed to have embraced the Horde's way of life something she could not do. She, ultimately, did not partake in the Siege of Icecrown proper, instead she stayed at the breech as a healer for wounded brought back from the Siege's frontline.

Life after the renewal of the Sunwell and the death of the Lich King was a difficult time as Mayleen found herself questioning her people's place in the Horde after Garrosh became Warchief and drove the Horde into overdrive in their war against the Alliance. She hardly partook in the war with Deathwing instead she found herself drafted to the frontlines of the Alliance-Horde War and saw that brutality first hand, especially what she saw as pointless loss of Blood elven life. When the war came to Pandaria she ventured with Lor'themar's regiment and was nearly killed when Garrosh elected to not warn them of the Mogu. As whispers that the Regent Lord was considering "Old Alliances" Mayleen became intruiged at the prospect of rejoining the Alliance, she had made no friends among the other races of the Horde and would not miss their war mongering ways. Still the Purge of Dalaran cemented their place in the Horde for now, causing Mayleen to look elsewhere. As many of her people fought on the Isle of Thunder, which she did serve in a tour on, she also became intruiged by the Sha and what powers they represented; that of the Old Gods and the Void. She had heard of Magister Umbric and his forbidden studies into the Void and also stories of how destructive the Void was, comparing it to the Light. She herself was even over come with the Sha at one point, that of Doubt until she was saved by Ojom and his Adventurers Guild. She carried that bit of darkness with her however as she remembered what it felt to embrace the Void, if only for a bit.

Life as a Void Elf