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Image of Erutaron
Title <Archdruid of Thorns>
Gender Male
Race Worgen
Class Druid
Affiliation(s) The Alliance
Cenarion Circle
Night Fae Covenant
Location Gilneas, elsewhere
Status Active
Relative(s) Augustus and Adelaide Farimir (adoptive parents), Midwinter von Royale (lover)
Mentor(s) Celestine of the Harvest, Loganaar

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While not the name he was born with, Erutaron doesn't tend to revel his original name as he considers Erutaron to be his name now, though has revealed it to some like his lover that his name is Edwin Farimir. Shortly before the fall of Gilneas, the scholar took up Druidic powers as he had always been interested in that power, yet it wasn't until the worgen curse out break that he actually become proficient at the arts of Druidism. Travelling around the world in various travels, Erutaron opted to not join a pack, let alone a guild and turned down Sherruk's offer to join the Fearhowl Pack, seeing such concept of packs as savage and honestly beneath them as humans. Throughout his travels, he seems to constantly encounter and battle the warlock Ximothy, thus fueling a rivalry between the two damned people.

More recently, for his actions across Azeroth, Pandaria and Draenor, Erutaron has been named Archdruid and came to possess the origin of his curse, the Scythe of Elune. With the Scythe in hand, Erutaron became known to the Druids of the Pack as Nahlen'do, Master of the Fang. He is currently the leader of the Empyrean Company, working with his lover Midwinter to form it after the end of the Fourth War. More recently he proposed to Midwinter, and the two were engaged.


Early Life

The man who would become Erutaron was born in Gilneas to no family name, just going by the name Edwin. Raised on the streets of Gilneas City at an early age Edwin would shine shoes and carry items as a means of getting by, often running in his 'Pack', what a group of orphans called themselves back during those days. It was run by what Edwin considered a tyrannical bully named Ramsey that he would constantly clash with, building his early disdain for what he considered tyrannical. However, their Pack was disbanded when apprehended by law enforcers and sent to separate families, yet Edwin escaped that fate and stayed on the streets for a few more years before being found by a father of a local household. The man treated him kindly and didn't look down on him, his kind exterior warmed Edwin up to him, and the two could talk for a while. Edwin explained he could read but not write because he liked to read newspapers ever since he was small. After hearing of some of the homeless boy's interests the man thanked the boy for the talked and left. He returned a few days later, offering the boy a dinner, and even later the household officially adopted him into their family.

The family that adopted him was the Farimir Family, a household that encourage hobbies in history, alchemy and herbalism, all three things that Edwin was at first resistant to pick up as they seemed incredibly complicated to the former street rat but came to accept and enjoy. He grew to love his adoptive family dearly, seeing them as his saviors from the horrible life of a street urchin. He took the last name Farimir with some pride and sometimes just called himself that. Another trait his adoptive family picked up on was that he was a fast learner, able to learn to properly read and write by the time he left his school, impressive considering he spent his early life on the streets. He always held an interest in those Harvest Witches and Wizards, although at first he shied away from training as one because of the stigma that goes into it. When his adoptive father found out about his interest he encouraged it, much to his surprise and delight.

After graduating from his schooling, Farimir wrote some books and was inspired by historic literature, looking at historic figures like the old Kings of the Arathor Empire and the heroes that made it what it was. One of these ancient heroes was one named Erutaron, a poet and traveller that travelled across Arathor, visiting each city that became the modern kingdoms, being kind and generous. He used Erutaron as his pen name as well, paying homage to the old human hero and even came to use the name in general conversation, soon most people knew him as Erutaron than by his actual name.

At the age of twenty two, he took to training as a Harvest-witch under the tutelage of Celestine of the Harvest, learning the art of Druidism and control over nature based magic. Connecting to the natural world was quite difficult at first but over time he grew more and more adept at controlling and manipulating it. The druid teacher explained that with the Greymane Wall cutting Gilneas off from the rest of the world, druids like themselves might be needed more than ever to ensure they do not starve. Quickly growing pride in his role, he sometimes met and spoke with the noble Kelborn Oxworth, who was training under the Harvest Wizard Marl Wormthorn, although Farimir always held some restrained resentment towards him, as Kelborn was a noble with an estate where's he was a street urchin adopted into a middle income family. He strived to never revel this bias, as he felt it unworthy of himself, since neither he nor Kelborn chose to be born the way they did. He did find it somewhat endearing to learn that Kelborn's parents are also dead. He never actually met Kelborn's siblings, Mirta and Sherruk, before the fall of Gilneas, but heard pleasant things from Kelborn about them, and horrible things about them from other peoples.

While being somewhat mediocre as a Harvest Witch, he put some focus on his writing career, as well as starting to teach history to children, expressing his love of history. He had gone on a few dates, nothing too special, and had some good friends. To put it simply Erutaron was content in life, if sometimes bored of it, however in this world nothing last forever;

Curse of the Worgen

The Gilneas Civil War or Northgate Rebellion, depending on who you asked, was somewhat distant to Erutaron who didn't personally get involved in politics, but did write a few newspaper articles on the matter, never really taking a side on the conflict. Despite that, Erutaron was personally favouring Crowley and his rebels as he valued being friends with their neighbors, however disagreed that it was worth killing for and that Crowley was crossing the line by inciting a violent rebellion. He once had his office burned out from rebels for writing some stories that condemned some of the Rebel's work, yet while some of Greymane's loyalists did not share kind words about his writings on the Royal side he never suffered his office being burned down. By the time the war was over, Erutaron was honestly glad the violence was finished and was happy that his King had chosen to spare Darius Crowley and imprison him instead. A part of him would've preferred it is Darius won and the Greymane Wall was brought down but was still largely pleased the violence was over, citing that the war was pointless and the rebels were wrong for killing good Gilneans.

In the years since the end of the war, Erutaron continued his training as a Harvest Wizard and Apothecary, gaining some good skill. However the talk of the Starlight Slasher, which Erutaron wrote about occasionally especially the inability to even have an actual suspect and the flaws in Gilneas' investigation service. Erutaron himself began suspecting there was something wrong in Gilneas, especially in relation to the Starlight Slasher and rumours of wolf like creatures in the wilds. He started to become concern when the Oxworth family vanished, including his friend Kelborn which distressed him greatly, and the house's entire manor was torn apart. Erutaron began writing on this, but his words largely fell on deaf ears unfortunately, most citizens content that the army can protect them.

During one fateful night, Erutaron left his home to discover the city square was being evacuated, concerning him. Approaching his Prince Liam Greymane respectfully, the Prince ordered the young druid to aid in the evacuation of the city, and after they appeared, fight the feral worgen attacking the city guard. After moving through the city, Erutaron was horrified that the city was falling to the worgen, and he himself suffered an injury at the hands of one, making him rather ill. After freeing Darius Crowley and his rebels, the city was forced to be evacuated however Erutaron chose to stand with the rebels in the Cathedral and fight the worgen. During this fight, Erutaron grew sicker and sicker, eventually succumbing and turning into a worgen, turning on the others and escaping into the night.

Captured by worgen hunters, Erutaron was taken to Duskhaven and administered the temporal cure the Gilnean Apothecaries had created, where he regained partial parts of his mind. His sanity restored, Erutaron was quick to the front lines to battle the invading Forsaken, growing a fast hatred of the vile dead. After evacuating Duskhaven due to the growing cataclysm, Erutaron witnessed Duskhaven sink into the ocean, and worked with his King to save his people from both the dead and the land sinking. Reaching Stormglen while aiding and befriending Prince Liam Greymane Erutaron learnt of a strange elf in the wilds which was Belysra Starbreeze who explained what the worgen were and why they exist. Taking the young Worgen down through the Blackwald to the great tree that interested him for so long, and he encountered Darius Crowley who heartily greeted Erutaron. Undergoing the ritual to cleanse his mind and master his wild side, Erutaron finally felt clarity but for the first time had the chance to truly understand the horror of his accursed state- he will never be human again.

Studying under the night elves there while problems elsewhere are dealt with, Erutaron is informed that there's a pack of feral worgen located at some old manor, the Oxworth Manor. He requested to be the one to try and get the ferals to under go the ritual, though the druids there were reluctant to allow him to go so soon after he fully regained control but relent and allow it. Heading over to Oxworth Manor where the Fearhowl Pack of worgen prowl and hunt. The ferals, however, were not pleased to see him and tried to drive him off. He challenged their alpha, a massive brown furred worgen, and tried to fight him without magic to earn their respect. However, despite all of his efforts he could not match the sheer physical prowess and was cast aside.

Erutaron didn't know what was supposed to happen next, either the Alpha was going to just kill him or try to force him in line in the pack, but he'll never know. His fight was interrupted by arriving Forsaken forces, a guild called Death Watch sent to purge the feral worgen from this manor as to use it as a forward outpost. Led by a powerful warlock by the name of Ximothy en Royale, the feral pack seemingly stood no real chance against the unified Death Watch, with several members being slaughtered with ease. Aid came from a pair of worgen who also had their minds, the priestess Alicen Georgey and the druid Angus Arrington, they were able to lure the Death Watch away while Erutaron once more attempted to gain leadership of the pack.

Knowing he's going to need to use magic to win, he challenged the Alpha once more and utilized his magic to give him the subtle edge in the fight. Finally managing to beat the Alpha by throwing him into a tree. Defeated, he forced the Alpha to take the potion, and then the rest of the pack, rendering them unconscious for the time being. In the distance, Alicen and Angus tried to fight off the Forsaken, rendering many out of comission but they were merely rank and file. The Black Widow and the assassin Kevin proved more than a match for the two of them, with Ximothy casting them aside.

Ximothy and his forces approached Erutaron, who now stood as the only thing in the path of the Forsaken and former ferals. Ximothy identified him as a novice druid at best, but commended his bravery and foolishness in standing in their way however vengeance was upon Gilneas and they'll pay for their refusal to aid them in the face of the Scourge. Erutaron was unperturbed, stating that the dead that march against them now doesn't seem any different from the one that assaulted Greymane Wall years ago. The warlock didn't care for the comparasment, and with relative ease threw aside every spell and effort the druid threw at him. Bowed in defeat, Erutaron snarled viciously that Gilneas would never forgive or forget what the Forsaken have done. Ximothy was calm in his retort, stating vengeance can be a strength, and the Gilneans would have to embrace it if they ever wanted it. Tragically, he would not be able to.

However, the conversation delayed Ximothy and Death Watch enough for the former ferals to awaken, and quickly understanding that their saviour was being threatened, they lunged into Death Watch. Having mistakenly believed the ferals scattered when the battle started, Ximothy had allowed the ferals to slip his mind. Overwhelming them, tearing several to pieces including the Widow, however when Ximothy called the retreat he was able to have several bodies recovered. Joining the other Gilneans to retake Gilneas City led by King Genn, Prince Liam and Lord Darius, Erutaron was inspired by Genn's speech about unity among worgen and humans, joining the charge into the city and slaying many Forsaken. He witnessed his king trying to kill Sylvanas, only for the Prince to die for him. Although Gilneas City was retaken, the Forsaken intended to plague bomb it forcing them to escape, though the Night elven allies offered sanctuary in Darnassus for them, even arriving with a fleet to help the Gilneans escape. Erutaron looked over his homeland with deep sadness but felt if they stayed then they would die at the hands of the Forsaken, however Sherruk was furious and refused to abandon Gilneas, leaving Erutaron at Keel Harbor and carried on the fight.

Cataclysm: On the Path of Druidism:

Arriving at the bay within the roots of Teldrassil, Erutaron travelled through the druidic city and was completely taken in by the city of Darnassus, becoming more in touch with his druidic side over his Gilnean side. Being taken under the wings of several druid trainers Erutaron swiftly grew in power, impressing several trainers with his desire to learn and become better as he was fueled by the loss of his homeland and witnessing the dark powers of the Forsaken. Choosing the path of Balance yet quickly growing uncomfortable with the Owlkin form so one of the Trainers, his favourite Talran of the Wild, he developed the Star form instead. Once his basic training was complete, Talran sent him out into the world instructing him to learn by experience, a chance that came when King Genn Greymane requested that Erutaron go to Darkshore and aid the Night elves in trouble there.

Arriving at the Darkshore, Erutaron joined the efforts to save refugees from Auberdine, and fought the Shatterspear Trolls, learning the conflict with the Horde has engulfed two continents. He continued to aid various people of Darkshore, before hearing of Ximothy in Duskwood, near Stormwind, and instead ventured from Kalimdor by boat across the sea to Stormwind City, and making his way to Darkshire. Once there, he encountered a sorceress named Midwinter en Royale, who was also investigating the warlock, and the two worked together to hunt him. They only discovered an abandoned camp of his, months old, however the two had befriended one another, and decided to travel with each other until something else comes up. The two adventured through a shattered world, battling the Horde, Legion remnants and other threats. Among the threats they fought was the Twilight's Hammer, their depraved experiments and actions across the land, harming both innocents and the natural world, stirred hatred within the worgen. He bore witness to the destruction of a druid school of Stonetalon, further emflaming his hatred of the Horde to new levels, as not even schools were safe from them.

His training as a druid also continued at a good pace. No longer writing newspaper articles or a thesis he was free to focus on training, however he kept to himself and never interacted much with others getting the name 'Druid of Thorns' from other apprentices to the elves. Rex'jo, son of Jun'jo, was the only one who could stir some real responses out of him, Erutaron finding it fascinating to see such a kind troll after only hearing of evil trolls and battling the Shatterspear, learning to temper his expectations of other races. He mostly trained under the druid Loganaar, but was able to receive some lessons from passing druids, such as Hamuul or Broll Bearmantle.

A growing hatred of the Twilight's Hammer swelled within him after witnessing countless atrocities across Azeroth done by the cult in the name of their dark gods. From the broken shore of Darkshore to the sands of Silithus Erutaron battled the Hammer, exploring the ancient battlefield of Ahn'qiraj along the way. With the war entering the second year, Erutaron was called along with all the other druids to aid the fight in Mount Hyjal against the Twilight's Hammer as they summoned forth Fire Elementals. Meeting Malfurion for the first time since Darkshore, Erutaron was honoured to be under his command and was happy to aid him throughout the slopes of Mount Hyjal.

He carved a name for himself during these fierce battles, proving himself time and time again capable and reliable as a druid and hero. He was honoured with the presence of beings such as Ysera the Dreamer, and aided in recovering Aviana from the Dream bringing the demigod back into the waking world. He then joined the effort to revive Cenarius, and was awed to see him return to Azeroth once more, even bowing to him. He helped the Ancients fight in the molten pits and in the Twilight infested reaches of the mountain, earning him the respect of the Archdruids of Hyjal. Working with Horde druids, especially Hamuul Runetotem, mellowed his views on the Horde as a whole but he still hated the Forsaken and the orcs, and still distrust trolls even with the few individuals like Rex'jo being an exception.



A former apothecary and alchemist, Erutaron has trained in the arts of alchemy and herbalism, learning to create interesting and wildly unpredictable concoctions. He learnt this skill under his adoptive father who was an apothecary himself, as well as his mother who would often dabble into the arts as well. His interest in history stems from his adoptive mother, who herself was a historian who would often spend time in the library when not helping around the house. Both parents also taught him smaller skills, like first aid, cooking and fishing, to make sure he has be best possible start in life.


Kingdom of Gilneas- His home country and first love, Erutaron's wish above all else is to see Gilneas restored, purified of all Blight, and a future without the worgen curse. It may be stormy and at times dour he had grown to love that aspect, finding rain soothing and thunder an old friend. He has returned from time to time to the old land, growing a garden in a secluded part of the often war torn peninsular and he brings Midwinter to visit at times although she does not share any of the love for terrible weather Erutaron has. Even as a member of the mostly neutral Cenarion Circle he keeps his Gilnean ties and flaunts it, hoping it makes Horde members of the Circle uncomfortable. Despite this love he doesn't agree with every action and choice, believing the Greymane Wall was a grave mistake and that cutting off Gilneans was a cruel choice. He did not approve of the violence of the Northgate Rebellion but did not think their cause unjust.

Alliance- He was too young to understand what membership in the Alliance actually meant during the Second War, however after growing up in a post-Wall Gilneas he believes it was a mistake to seclude themselves away from the Alliance. Once Gilneas rejoined the Alliance after their fall to the Forsaken, Erutaron became dedicated to its cause and believed strongly that the Alliance was the most morally justified of the major world powers, having few positive thoughts of the Horde but plenty of contempt. He fought in both major conflicts with the modern Horde without reservations, however he did approve of making peace as while he loves the Alliance he doubts they are capable of occupying and governing the Horde's territories, thus a strained long term peace is better that a future of violence.

Cenarion Circle- He joined the Circle after evacuating Gilneas and received a reputation among his fellow students as being difficult to approach and get to know, hence some calling him a "Druid of Thorns" that he later adopted as a title. Despite this thorny beginning he quickly rose as a promising student due to years of Harvest-witch training and proved himself across Azeroth, even travelling to Cenarion holdings on Outland and Northrend to study with them further. For his work with the Circle and remarkable growth as a druid he earned the title of Archdruid during the Third Invasion by the Legion, even calling himself the "Archdruid of Thorns."

Night Fae- When the realms of death were in peril Erutaron was among the Maw Walkers, mortals who escaped the Maw, and he travelled the Shadowlands. He loved Ardenweald at first sight and when time to swear himself to a Covenant came he went to the Night Fae without hesitation. However he found it difficult to deal with the Horde members of the covenant and broke out into a fight when he attacked Sai'jin in a fit. He would calm down with the aid of the Fae and would try to resolve personal issues, even coming to consider Sai'jin a comrade in the Fae though never considered him a friend. He fought to defend the glades of Ardenweald and came to believe, unless something terrible happens, this is likely going to be his final resting place.

Trivial Facts:

  • His favourite colour is green, and his lucky number is eight.
  • His companion is the small Fae Darter named Aca who lives off of low costing mana potions.
  • Though young, he achieved the rank of Archdruid in the Circle, and is respected in the school. His fast pace of power has drawn the ire of his rival Ximothy.